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Mia still blamed herself for her dad dying. She thought he had died because of her. No matter how Iain tried to convince her otherwise.

That morning, Mia woke and felt her hormones racing. She looked at Iain who was sleeping naked. She smiled slightly and began nibbling his ear. "Baby, wake up."
"Ugh. What?"
Mia smiled. "Wake up. I think I need you."
Iain rolled over. "Mimi, it's 5am. What needs fixing?"
"My hormones. They're all over the place."
Iain groaned. Mia felt him getting turned on. She grinned.
"Maybe I'll just have to do it myself," Mia teased.
"Like hell you are," Iain said and gently pushed into her. Mia grinned.

Iain and Mia kissed as they made love. Mia loved feeling so intimately close to Iain.
"This is so good," Mia mumbled. She nibbled Iain's ear.
"You're amazing you."
Mia grinned. "I really do try to be."
"Well you're not needing to try."

Eventually, they climaxed together. Mia cuddled into Iain. "Did you ever meet my dad?"
"Yeah. Me, him and Dix were all close. Jeff had to reel me in a few times."
Mia giggled. "From what I remember, he had to reel me in too. Then I...I left with Shaun. I regret that so much," Mia said. She began crying. "I shouldn't have ever ran away with Shaun."
Iain held her. She cried into him.
"He had to reel me in cause I was too cocky. And my PTSD and anger issues were obvious to him. He advised me to get help," Iain said.
"Did he make fun of your hair?"
Iain chuckled. "Yeah. I got stick for my hair."

Olivia got ready. Sam and her were going to take Mia to Jeff's memorial with Iain. Sam kissed her neck as she got ready.
"Baby no," Olivia said. Sam chuckled and pressed himself against her. Olivia bit her lip.

Mia went for a shower. She felt her small baby bump and smiled. She couldn't wait to meet her baby. It was going to be something that she could help grow.

Iain got out Mia's favourite dress. He hadn't told her where they were going. "Babe, you almost out?"
"Washing my body."
"Can I help?"

Eventually, Mia left the shower. She went into the bedroom and sighed. Iain walked in. "I'm taking you out."
Iain smiled. "It's a surprise for my babe," he said.
Mia put on the dress and did her hair. She began to do her makeup.
"You look gorgeous," Iain said. Mia smiled and kissed him.
"Are Olivia and Sam joining us?" Mia asked.
"Later on," he replied.

Mia and Iain got to the restaurant for lunch.
"This was your dad's favourite restaurant for lunch. I thought we could have lunch here," Iain said. Mia smiled and kissed him.
"Thank you."
Iain smiled. He handed Mia a small giftbag. "I know we don't know the sex yet but this is for our baby."
Mia took out the small outfit. It was a white babygro that said 'Mummy's number one'. "Iain, it's so cute!"

After they ate lunch, Iain took Mia for a walk along the river. "Where we going?" Mia asked.
"I told you it's a surprise."
Iain seen Olivia and Sam waiting by Jeff's memorial.
"Hey," Mia said. She then realised where she was.

Mia sat down on the bench and read all the kind messages. She smiled. Iain handed her a bunch of flowers along with a message page and a pen. Mia wrote a message for Jeff.
"I finally came back daddy. I'm never leaving now. I'm with Iain and Dixie is now my mum. I love you and miss you so much. But I'm going to make you proud - Mia xx"

Mia put the note down and cried. "I'm bring bub here. I won't ever get to see him."
"Shh. I know we're waiting till baby is here to find out what it is but I promise we'll bring him, her here."

Mia was twenty three weeks pregnant. Mia still blamed herself for the death of her dad. No matter how often Iain told her it wasn't.
the ED. Mia's water broke.
"Ow," Mia sobbed. Olivia called Jez over.
"Girls get in the ambulance," Jez said.

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