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Iain was in shock. He couldn't believe Rita was back. He looked at Mia. "Keep her with you at all times. Don't let her near," he said.

Mia was confused. She knew Iain didn't like to talk about Rita. But she knew Iain did say that Rita wouldn't ever harm a baby.

Iain walked inside and went to find Rita. She wasn't going to ruin his family for herself. He wouldn't ever forgive her.

Iain stormed into the staffroom and seen Rita sitting there.
"What do you want?" Iain asked.

Rita looked up. She smiled and went over to hug him.
"No! Don't you touch me!" Iain said.
"Iain I apologised," Rita said.
Iain scoffed. "You stay away from me."
"Back off."

Mia walked out to find Iain. She saw him sitting in the back of the ambulance. "Little miss wants daddy."

Iain looked up and grinned. He took his daughter and held her tightly. "Will you watch her? I need to have a check up," Mia said.
"Sure. I'll stay here with my little madam," Iain said. Poppy giggled. Mia kissed Iain and went to get a check up.

Rita walked past the ambulance station and seen Iain.
"Iain," Rita said. Iain held Poppy as close as possible.
"Leave me alone."
Rita smiled. "Is she yours?"
"She's cute. I'm guessing she's the result of a one night stand that you got left with," Rita said.

Iain was shocked. He looked at Rita. "If you must know, I'm with her mum. We're happy together," Iain spat.
"I'm sure," Rita said sarcastically.
Iain scoffed. "Leave me alone."

Olivia heard everything. She stormed over.
"What's wrong with you? You heard him. Leave him alone," Olivia said. She handed Poppy a cupcake. Poppy grinned.
"Ooo," she mumbled shyly.
"Leave them alone," Olivia said. Olivia walked off.

Rita looked at Iain.
"Is that her?" Rita asked.
"No," Iain said.
Rita nodded. She looked at Poppy. "Can I hold her?"
"I don't think so. She doesn't like strangers," Iain said as he put Poppy in her carseat and fed her little bits of the cupcake.
"How old?"
"She's six months."

Mia saw Iain and Rita. She frowned and grabbed Jez. "Is that her?" She asked him.
Jez nodded. "Yeah that's her. Iain's been trying to get her to leave him and Poppy alone. Even Olivia tried."

Mia frowned. She wanted to go over but knew Iain would get frustrated.

Iain looked at Rita.
"Please go. You're upsetting her," Iain said. Iain smiled down at Poppy. She had icing all over her face and giggling. Iain kissed her head.

Rita rolled her eyes. "I don't scare her," she said. She looked at Poppy. Poppy pouted. "See."
"Rita, she doesn't like you."

Mia stood in reception with Cal. Cal smiled. "You doing alright?" He asked.
Cal nodded. "Good. That's good."

Iain walked in with Poppy. She was covered in cake icing. "What happened?" She asked.
"Olivia gave her a cupcake. She liked the icing a bit too much," Iain said with a chuckle. Mia took out a tissue. She wiped off the icing.

Poppy giggled. Mia smiled and kissed her head.
"I seen her," she said.
Iain looked at her. "Rita?"
"Yeah. I seen you with her. Jez told me it was her. I asked him."
Iain sighed. "I'm sorry babe. She won't stop following me."
"Don't worry. Just don't go back to her."
Iain scoffed. "With a babe like you? No chance."

Mia grinned as Olivia came over. "Hi squishy."
"Me or Poppy?" Iain joked.
"Poppy. She's cuter than you," Olivia said.

Mia rolled her eyes and put Poppy in her pushchair.
Poppy giggled. Mia smiled at Olivia.
"Thanks for the cupcake. She loved it too much," Mia said with a laugh.

Olivia kissed Poppy's head and she hugged Mia.
"Have a good night," Olivia said.
"You too. Give Sam and the kids our love," Mia said to her.
Olivia smiled. "Happily."
They hugged again.

Iain and Mia went back to the flat. Iain carried Poppy in and fell down onto the sofa. "Daddy loves you. No men are allowed near you," he said.
Mia laughed. "Babe, me and Oli have decided that Poppy is marrying her little boy."
"I suppose I'll let that happen," Iain said. "Only cause Oli and Sam are great parents."
Mia grinned and laid down with Iain and Poppy. Poppy was falling asleep on his chest.

Mia grinned at Iain again.
"What are you grinning at?" Iain asked.
"Can you imagine the wedding?" Mia asked. Iain groaned.
"I don't wanna think about that."
Mia laughed. "Oh babe. Imagine our baby girl in her white dress."

Mia picked up Poppy and carried her into her bedroom. Iain followed. "Which babygro?" He asked.
"The minnie mouse."

Iain helped Mia get their daughter changed. He smiled and put her in the cot. "We have years to think about it," Iain said. Mia had a smirk. "No. You've already done it haven't you?"
"Done what?"
"You and Oli have already decided this and will try to get them together."
Mia giggled. "Hell yeah."

Iain and Mia sat downstairs. She showed Iain a picture of Olivia and Sam's little boy holding Poppy. Iain smiled slightly. "That's cute."
"Quite cute."
Iain smiled. "Do you want to order in some food?"
Mia nodded. "Yeah."

Iain rang them some takeaway. Mia went to check on Poppy. Poppy was fast asleep. "Mummy loves you."
"So does Daddy," Iain said. Mia grinned.
"We make amazing kids," Mia told him. Iain nodded in agreement.
"We really do. They're beautiful like their mother."

Iain and Mia began to heatedly make out. The doorbell rang.
"Ugh. Stupid takeaway," Mia mumbled. Iain chuckled and went downstairs.

Iain and Mia ate their food and cuddled up. Little did they know their whole life was going to come crashing down before them.

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