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Iain handed Mia the black bags. They were decorating the flat ready for Christmas. Poppy was still asleep so they were waiting for her to wake up first.

Mia grinned and grabbed Iain's butt. "I can't wait to see her face when she wakes," she said.
Iain smirked. "Yeah. My living room is going to become Santa's grotto," he mumbled.
"I suggest you appreciate the fact she's old enough to do this," Mia said as she kissed him.
Iain chuckled and nodded. He began to build the tree for Poppy to decorate.

Mia watched him and smirked.
"I do love your butt," Mia said.
Iain turned around and smirked. "Cheeky."

Mia and Iain made out once the tree was up. Iain straddled Mia on the sofa and grinned.
"Right. I think we've time for a quickie," Iain teased.
Mia grinned. "You think so?"
Iain nodded. "Course babe. There's always time for sex," he said.
"Very true."

Iain smirked and started to kiss her neck. Mia moaned out loud. "Shut it. You'll wake her."
"She sleeps through everything."

Before Iain could push in, a small whine was heard. Iain frowned. "She's up too early."
"Go get her babe," Mia said.
Iain put himself away and pulled up his pyjama bottoms. He wasn't wearing a shirt.

Soon Iain came back with Poppy. Poppy giggled when she saw the tree up.
"Mummy!" Poppy said. She pointed at the tree.
Mia grinned. "Yeah baby. Will we decorate it?"
"Es!" Poppy squealed with excitement.

Iain poured out all the tinsel and bobbles. Poppy grabbed some white tinsel. Iain smiled and wrapped it around Poppy's head. "You're an angel."

Mia and Poppy began to decorate the tree. Iain put up the lights. "Dada!"
Poppy giggled and toddled around. "Auny Owi?"
Mia smiled. "Shall we get Oli over?"
"Es! All Oli," Poppy said. Mia smiled and rang Olivia to get her family over.

Eventually they got over as Poppy was putting bobbles on the tree.
"Look Who's here," Mia said. Poppy grinned when she saw all of Olivia's family.

Olivia pushed Sam in. Poppy giggled.
"Hey yo!" She said. Iain helped Sam on to the sofa.
"Thanks Iain," Olivia said. "What are you doing munchkin?"
"Obbles!" Poppy said.
Olivia smiled at her. "Wow. Has daddy been moaning?" She asked.
Poppy giggled and nodded. Iain frowned. "Oi you cheeky munchkin."

Mia made some coffee. She handed Poppy her sippy cup. "Muma!"
Poppy toddled over to a plug and went to turn it on. "Ah! No Poppy!"
Poppy pouted. Iain ran over and turned on the plug. Poppy giggled as the tree lit up.
"Ook!" Poppy said.

Mia smiled. Olivia took a picture of Iain, Mia and Poppy at the tree.
"That's gorgeous," Olivia said. Mia smiled at the photo.
"It's cute!"

Olivia sat with Sam while her kids helped Poppy decorate the living room. Mia smiled.
"She's going to turn this into Santa's Grotto," Mia told them.
Iain had Poppy sitting on his lap while he untangled some lights. "Dis pitty."
"Yeah. Like you."

Mia sat down and watched as Poppy sucked on her dummy while helping Iain. "Everything okay?" She asked.
Poppy giggled and nodded. She walked over to Olivia and handed her a decoration. "Pitty."
"Yeah. Very pretty."
Poppy giggled. "Nana!"
Olivia ruffled Poppy's hair. She giggled. She toddled over to Iain with the decoration again.

Sam chuckled.
"She's a cutie," he said.
Mia grinned. "When she wants to be."

Iain put up some more lights in the house. Poppy followed him around and so did Olivia's kids. Mia smiled at them.
"Any more kids for you?" She asked.
Olivia shrugged. "We'd like one."

Poppy fell down. She started to cry so Iain picked her up. "You turnip."

Iain handed Poppy to Mia and finished decorating with Olivia's kids. Poppy began falling asleep. "Been a busy day for her?" Olivia asked.
"Yeah. She usually doesn't have such a busy day."

Iain sat down and groaned. "I'm tired."
"You can't be tired," Olivia said.
"I'll have you know I've been up half the night with my lady."

Mia laid Poppy on top of Iain. The two of them fell asleep together. Mia grinned and took a photo.
"He's not living that down," she said. Olivia laughed.

The kids helped Mia to wrap presents for Poppy and Iain.
"Santa bring the others?" Olivia's little boy asked.
Mia smiled and nodded. "He will. I've got to help Santa out."
Luke giggled. He handed Mia the Peppa pig teddy. Olivia came in with some coffee. "Thanks. The baby is addicted to this stuff."

Iain was the first to wake. He looked at Mia. "Alright babe?"
"You shouldn't wake yet! I have to send the rest to Santa!"
Hannah and Luke giggled.
Mia put the presents in a bag and hid them. Hannah and Luke giggled at Iain.
"Silly Iain," Sam teased.
"Illy Iain!" Luke said.

Iain chuckled and laid Poppy on the sofa. He put a blanket over her to keep her warm. She smiled in her sleep.

Sam and Iain went to the kitchen. Olivia and Mia cuddled up.
"What have you got Iain?" Olivia asked.
Mia grinned and showed Olivia what she bought Iain. "Dixie's helped me out and we've got him a range rover. He's always going on he wants one."

Iain and Sam were sitting in the kitchen. "Have you two set a date for the wedding?" Sam asked.
"We've not had time to be honest. What with Poppy being so ill."
Sam nodded. "How's she been since the crash?"
"Getting there. It's lucky she survived."
Sam sighed. He couldn't imagine losing one of his kids. He'd be devastated.
"I'm glad she's okay," Sam said. Iain nodded.

Mia and Olivia wrapped up Iain's Range Rover keys in a box.
"There we go," Mia said. Olivia stuck a bow on it and grinned.

When Poppy woke Mia took the kids outside to play. Olivia wheeled Sam outside.
Poppy stayed close to her mummy. She was still a little tired. Mia kissed her head. She knew Poppy was a miracle baby. But could she keep her safe?

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