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Mia stood in the bedroom. She was getting ready for the ED Christmas Party. She and Iain were taking Poppy as they wanted her with them.

Iain walked in with Poppy who was in a towel after Iain had given her a bath. "She soaked me."
"Good girl my little flower."
Poppy giggled. Iain put her down and she began toddling round while naked. Iain groaned. "This reminds me the first time we had sex. You ran around naked," he said.
Mia laughed and nodded. "Yeah I remember that well," she told him as she curled her hair. She looked at Poppy. "Get down," she said to her daughter who was trying to climbed onto the window sill.

Poppy giggled and ran back to Iain. Iain dried her and put some underwear on.
"What do you want her to wear?" Iain asked.
Mia smiled. "That red sparkly dress and white tights."

Iain went to get Poppy dressed. Mia smiled. She couldn't wait for the dinner.

Once they were ready, Mia took a selfie of them all before they headed out for the dinner. Poppy was babbling the words to jingle bells on the car ride there.

Iain groaned. "She's just like you."
"That's a good thing."

They arrived at the community hall. Iain carried Poppy while Mia walked in her heels. Poppy squealed when she saw all the lights. "Dada!"
"Yeah. The pretty lights."

Iain put her down and she toddled off. Mia went to get a table while Iain got drinks. Mia saw Poppy standing on the dance floor. Poppy fell over and pouted.

Charlie scooped her up. Poppy giggled. He began to dance with her. Poppy squealed in excitement and danced with him. Mia grinned. Iain came over with drinks.
"Look Iain," Mia said.
Iain looked over and smiled. He loved his daughter being happy.

Olivia came in with Sam. She pushed his chair over to the table with Mia and Iain at it.
"Can we sit here?" Olivia asked.
Mia smiled. "Of course. Poppy's growing up already."

They all watched as Charlie danced with Poppy. Poppy toddled to try to dance. Iain laughed. "She got her bad dancing from me."
"That's true but she's only one so she can improve," Mia said as she drank some of her coke.
Iain glared. "Hush."

Charlie came over with Poppy. Poppy was pouting. "What's wrong?"
Charlie smiled. "Alicia stood on her foot."
"Aw no baby."

Iain held Poppy on his lap. She was drinking from her fruit shoot bottle. Iain kissed her head. "Daddy loves you munchkin."
"Ove dada."

Olivia took Poppy and held her. Iain took Mia onto the dancefloor. "Thought you couldn't dance?" Mia teased.
"I've got to try," Iain said. Mia laughed and kissed him as they danced.

Poppy sat down with Olivia and Sam. She giggled.
"Dada silly," Poppy said.
Olivia and Sam laughed. Poppy grinned and played with the end of Sam's tie.

Iain smiled as he danced with Mia.
"You're beautiful," he said. Mia smiled.
"You're just saying that to get your leg over," Mia teased.
Iain laughed and kissed her neck. "Is it working?"

They walked back over to the table. Poppy was pouting. "Babe, do you wanna grab her pushchair? She's looking tired," Mia said as she took her daughter.

Iain went out to get the pushchair. "Iain?"

Iain turned to see Rita. He was shocked. "What the hell do you want?" He spat.
"I got my job back. Charlie invited me tonight."
Iain nodded. He grabbed the pushchair and walked inside. Rita was waiting for him.

Rita walked over as Iain set the pushchair up.
"Maybe we could go for a coffee sometime?" Rita suggested.

"Iain! Mia says hurry up. Poppy is drooling on her shoulder," Olivia said. She stopped and looked between Iain and Rita.
"Oli. This is Rita," he said.
Olivia nodded and helped Iain with the pushchair.
"I'll take this in and then I'm going to dance with Sam. Well, Sam and his chair," Olivia grinned.
Iain smiled. "I'm coming now anyway."
"Iain!" Rita called as Iain walked off with Olivia.
Iain took Poppy and put her in the pushchair. He gave her the dummy. "Oli told me Rita's here."
"The last time I saw her was when Poppy was born."
Mia smiled. "It's okay babe."

Charlie came and sat down. Iain and Mia went to get some food. "We should do Poppy a plate for when she wakes."
"Yeah babe."

Rita walked in. She went over to Iain who was sitting with Poppy. "She's lovely."
Iain sighed. He looked at Rita.
"I'm not interested anymore. I love Mia," Iain said.
Rita nodded. "I know. I just want to make things up to you and be friends."

Mia came over with a plate for Poppy. She smiled at Rita.
"Hello," she said.
Rita smiled. "Mia isn't it?"
Mia nodded.

Olivia took Sam to dance while Mia and Iain sorted out Rita.
"Someone is trying too hard," Sam said to Olivia.
She nodded. "Yeah but Iain won't give in to her."
Sam sighed. "They'll sort it."

Poppy woke up and pouted. Mia took her out and helped her eat. She spat out the sandwhich. "Go!"

Mia put Poppy down and she began toddling off. She went onto the dancefloor. Rita smiled. "You're a lucky man Iain. She's gorgeous."
"Yeah," Iain replied. He placed a hand on Mia's stomach.
Rita smiled and sat down with them. Iain sighed and moved his chair closer to Mia.

Rita talked to them. Iain replied with short responses. Rita kept trying though.

Olivia and Sam came back with Poppy. Poppy giggled and picked up the sandwich. Mia held Poppy on her lap.
"You're a cutie," Rita said.
Poppy giggled and handed her the sandwich. Mia smiled. Little did she know that Rita was planning something. Something that would ruin lives.

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