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While Mia, Olivia and Dixie were at the spa, Mia suddenly screamed. "What?"
"I-I think I'm in labour..."

Dixie looked at Mia. "You're kidding?" She asked as she stood up.

Mia shook her head. "No. I'm not kidding. I'm in labour and it bloody kills," she said.

Dixie nodded. She looked at Olivia. "Text Iain and tell him."

Olivia grabbed her phone and text Iain.

Mia's gone into labour. Send an ambulance- Olivia.

Iain was standing with Poppy. He got the text. "Duffy! Can you mind her? Mia's gone into labour," he said.

Duffy nodded and took Poppy from Iain. "Let's go and see Grandpa Charlie," she said.

Iain took off with Jez. They ran to the ambulance. "You're a second time daddy."

"Yeah. I'm freaked out."

Jez laughed. "Well I'm sure Poppy's going to be an amazing big sister."

Mia was in agony. She groaned as a contraction hit her. She looked at Dixie. "Tell Iain to not touch me again!" She yelled.

Dixie smirked. "Mia, you're the one who let him in."

"Hush it."

Iain arrived at the spa. He ran into see Mia lying on the floor. "Babe!"

"Go away," she mumbled. She looked at him. "You're not allowed to touch me again!" She yelled.

Iain laughed and nodded. "I give it seven weeks," he said.

"Sod off."

Iain got Mia into the back of the ambulance. Mia frowned. "Where's Poppy?" She asked.

"She's with Charlie and Duffy babe. Don't worry," Iain told her as he took off her pants.

Mia scoffed. "Well I do bloody worry! I can't believe you've done this to me again," she sobbed.

Iain laughed. "It takes two babe."

"Do not babe me Iain Dean. You're in my bad books," she yelled.

Jez and Dixie were in hysterics. Mia looked at them. "Why is it always you two who are here when I give birth? It's not cool," she mumbled.

Dixie smiled. "Well, I'm your sort of mum so it's only natural I'm here."

Mia began crying. "Dixie," she sobbed.

Soon enough, Mia had given birth to a baby girl. Iain smiled. "Babe, she's gorgeous"

Mia grinned. "Who does she look like?" She asked as she sat up.


Everyone had wanted to meet the newest arrival. Mia was in pain but she wanted to see her eldest daughter. Duffy was standing outside. Poppy asleep in the pushchair.

Iain saw Rita lurking about. He looked at Dixie. "Make sure Mia gets to the ward okay Dix."

"Alright pal."

Iain walked over to Rita. He grabbed her arm and took her to one side. "You Need to leave Rita. Today is my day. I don't want you hanging around."

"I wanna meet her Iain. I want to meet the baby girl we could have had," she said.

Iain shook his head. "No. Just leave me and my girls alone."

A Few Hours Later,

Mia was asleep in the hospital bed. The door opened and they walked in. They walked over to the cot and picked up the baby.

They soon walked off. Taking Iain and Mia's baby girl with them...

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