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The black mini cooper pulled up into the car park of Holby City Hospital ED. Twenty year old Mia Turner climbed out and put on her sunglasses.

Mia walked inside and went over to reception. Immediately a doctor was at her side. "What seems to be the problem?"
"I'm not a patient darling. I'm the new nurse starting today," Mia said.
"Oh right. Well, I'm Caleb Knight but you can call me Cal."
Mia rolled her eyes. "I'm Mia and I'll call you Dr Knight. Unless we get down and dirty," she teased. She wasn't intrested but there was no harm in flirting.
Cal smirked. Mia walked over to Connie's office and knocked the door.
"Come in!" Connie called.
Mia opened the door and smiled. Connie smiled back.
"Mia or Olivia? I got two new people starting," Connie said.
"Mia - nurse," Mia said.
"Ah! My nurse!" Connie said.

Mia went on duty after Connie gave her all the stuff she needed. She tied her hair up and grabbed a file. Olivia, the new doctor, went to Connie's office. Cal was checking her out.
"Grow up!" Mia told him. Cal stuck his tongue out at her.

Mia laughed and winked. She checked her phone quickly and went on duty. "Mia, there's an emergancy patient coming in," Charlie said.

Mia followed Charlie to the main entrance. She saw the paramedic. "Right this is Jess Lissop. 32. Broken spine after a severe RTC."
"Resus please. It's critical."
Mia went in. She was nervous.
"Where's the new doctor?" Charlie asked.
"Here now!" Olivia said. She tied up her hair and put on gloves.

Mia smiled at the doctor but she was distant.
"Right I need some help here! We need a CT scan when we get her stabilised!" Olivia called.
Mia nodded and began to prepare the patient for CT. Olivia went over to her. Max had taken the patient to CT "Are you alright?"
Mia nodded. "Y-Yeah."

Mia went outside and tooj a deep breath. Olivia came out. "You're first official day?"
Mia nodded again. "Yeah. Seeing all that blood. It wasn't very nice," she mumbled.
"Some of us are used to it," Olivia said.
Mia smiled. "You're new though."
"Yeah. I'm new to this hospital," Olivia said. Mia smiled back.
"I'm Mia."
"Olivia. Let's go back in Mia."

Mia and Olivia went in. The patient was back in resus.
"Okay! Let me see results!" Olivia said. Charlie handed her the iPad. Olivia sighed as she looked at the results.
"We need to work on her?" Charlie asked. Olivia nodded.
Mia helped Olivia. She was anxious. "Mia, can you get me the needles please?"
Mia handed Olivia the needles. She helped prepare the patient. "Right. This is gonna hurt."

Eventually, the patient had been sent up to Darwin. Mia walked out. She bumped into the paramedic. She learnt his name was Iain.
"Sorry," she said.
"So you should be," Iain said. Mia was shocked.
"Piss off."
"Gladly!" Mia said. She walked off to the staffroom.

Mia watched as Iain flirted with Olivia. She felt angry and she didn't understand why. Mia stormed out but Iain had walked away.
"What the hell are you doing flirting with a pig like him?" Mia spat. Olivia handed her a file.
"I have to go!" Olivia said. She ran out.

Mia frowned and followed Olivia. She went back to Olivia's house. Mia opened the door quietly and seen two kids on the stairs.
"Hey kiddies. Where's your mummy?" Mia asked. They pointed to the bedroom upstairs.

Mia went upstairs and seen her carrying someone out of the bathroom. Olivia jumped.
"Who is it Oli?" the man asked her.
"Just someone from work. It's okay," Olivia mumbled. Mia seen he had no arms and no legs.
Olivia took Mia's hand and took her downstairs. "You shouldn't have come."
"I'm sorry! I feel bad for how I treated you."
Olivia sighed and they sat downstairs. "He was in the army. He was blown up."
Mia felt ever so bad. "I'm sorry."
"He's managing," Olivia mumbled. Olivia began to feed him.
"What's his name?" Mia asked.
"I'm Sam," he said. Mia smiled.
"These your kids?" Mia asked. Sam nodded.
"Do you want some lunch?" Olivia asked.
"S-Sure... can we share though?"
Olivia smiled and nodded.

Mia was talking to Sam. She liked him.
"You're really nice. Were you two married before this happened?" Mia asked.
Sam nodded. "Yeah. When I got blown up... Evie was born. Olivia and I ended up in the same hospital for different reasons that day."

Olivia helped Sam to bed. She went to sit with Mia. She brought in some lunch. "Here we go."
Olivia looked at Mia. "You seem to have a problem with eating. Are you alright?"
"N-No. I'm on recovery from an eating disorder. I'm still not a hundred percent."

After lunch, Mia went back to the ED. She bumped into Charlie. "You're going on a call out with Iain and Jez."
Charlie nodded. He wanted Mia to feel included. "It's going to help you Mia."

Mia went to the paramedic station. "Hey."
"Rules, do as I tell you. Don't do anything dangerous," Iain said.
Mia just nodded. She couldn't understand why Iain was being funny with her.

Mia got ready and got in the ambulance. Iain was driving.
"Boss, you've been flirting with that new girl Olivia. Just ask her out already!" Jez said.
Iain laughed. "Might just string her along."
He was trying to make Mia jealous.
"You might want to check her left hand and fourth finger. She's married to a man who got blown up in Afghanistan. He's got no arms and no legs. She's constantly caring for him and their two kids. He has to lie in bed all day while she's at the ED so I hope you go and damn well apologise when we get back!" Mia spat. Iain and Jez were both shocked. They didn't know.

They arrived at the call. Jez got out and went over to the couple.
"Mia I didn't know," Iain said.
"Whatever," Mia spat. She got out. Iain felt awful for what he did with Olivia. Iain got out too.

Jez went to find the couple's daughter. "Mia, we'll check down this hole," Iain said.
Iain sighed. He knew he shouldn't have made Mia jealous but he wanted to make her want him. He fell for her the minute she walked in through the doors. Her long flowing hair. Her body.

They hadn't found the daughter. Jez had. While they were lowering themselves up from the hole, Mia hadn't spoken to Iain. "You clearly hate me but no more than I hate myself," Mia said.
Mia nodded. "Since you met me in the ED, you've been horrid to me. I don't know what I'm supposed to have done but I'm sorry okay?! I'm sorry I let my ex boyfriend verbally abuse me! I'm sorry I let him help me develop an eating disorder cause he said I was a fat cow. I'm sorry that he got so drunk and horrid one night that he beat my unborn baby from me and almost damn well killed me! I wish he did. Cause then, I'd not be getting hate for some unknown reason!"

Iain realised that he had been horrid to Mia. Just as they were about to be pulled from the hole, the wire snapped. "You're kidding me?!"
Iain smiled. "You're stuck with me."
"Oh goodie. Just what I want. To be stuck in a hole with someone who hates me."
"I don't hate you. I love you. I treated you in a horrid way and I'm sorry. I deserve everything I've got," Iain mumbled.
"What do you mean?" Mia asked.
"I have PTSD and anger issues from the army. I was in Afghanistan," Iain mumbled. Mia moved closer to him. It was dark. The only light they had was from their helmet torches.

Iain felt Mia beside him. He didn't move. He knew she hated him.
"I had a boyfriend once... he used to come home and beat me. One day, I tried to protect my baby. It was his baby too. But I tried to protect her while she was in my stomach. He beat me so hard that he beat my little girl inside me to death. I miscarried because of him. Since then I've hated myself," Mia mumbled. She hadn't told anyone about that.
Iain felt bad for her. "I'm sorry."
"I just don't get why you hated me when I walked in," Mia said.
"You did nothing wrong. It was me. I'm not over my ex. Rita. She did some messed up stuff but a small part of me loves her still."
Mia nodded. "Go back to her then."
"I can't."

Eventually Mia and Iain were pulled up from the hole. "Have you heard?"
Jez smirked. "Alicia and Ethan. They're an item."
Mia rolled her eyes. "Wow. That's big gossip."
Jez ruffled Mia's hair. Mia smiled slightly. Iain walked off.
"Is he okay?" Jez asked.
"I don't know," Mia admitted. She followed Iain.

Iain was breathing heavily while leaning against the ambulance. He was shaking.
"Iain?" Mia asked.
"Sorry," Iain mumbled.
"What's wrong?"
Iain didn't look at her. "Being down that hole in the dark... reminded me of the army. I just need a breather."
Mia smiled. "Hey it's okay. You're out of there now."
Iain nodded. Mia wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. "Everything is going to be fine. I'm here."
Mia grinned. "What you say we go for a drink tonight? I've noticed the pub across from the hospital."
Iain nodded.

They got the Casualty's back to the ED. Mia handed her helmet to Jez. "Quite a first day."
"Where's that fit doctor?" Jez asked.
"She's married Jez! Go kiss Max," Iain said. Jez pouted and walked off.
Mia frowned at Iain. Iain smirked. He told Mia what Alicia did to Jez and Max one night.
"Oh my goodness! That's hilarious!" Mia laughed. Iain smiled.

Iain got changed and met Mia at the staffroom.
"You ready beautiful?" Iain asked. Mia smiled.
"Yeah. You feeling better?" Mia asked Iain. Iain nodded.
"I've calmed down now thanks to you."

Iain and Mia went into the pub. They seen Olivia. She was sitting with her husband who was in the wheelchair. Mia smiled and waved at her. Olivia waved back.
"I want a pint," Mia said.
"A girl asking for a pint? Never seen it before in my life," Iain said. Mia grinned.
"Can't say that again."
Iain ordered two pints. They sat at a table. "You were incredible today," Iain said.
Iain smirked. He placed his hand onto her thigh. "I like a girl who likes danger."
"Ahh right."

Iain went to get more drinks. Jez came over. "You tryna get her drunk so you can get her in bed?"
Jez smirked. "I bet you £50 I can kiss her before you," he said.
Iain laughed. "You're on."
Jez and Iain shook hands.

Mia went over to Olivia and Sam while she was waiting on Iain.
"Hey, where's the kiddies?" Mia asked.
"My parents house," Sam said. Mia smiled.
"I got stuck down a hole today," Mia mumbled. Olivia laughed.
"You should take my job instead."
"Nah! It's boring!" Mia said. Olivia smiled. Iain went over to Mia.
"Hey Olivia," Iain said. Olivia smiled.
"This is my husband Sam," she said. Iain was shocked.
"It's nice to meet you," Iain said.
"Likewise," Sam replied.

Mia and Iain went back to their table. Mia began to down her pint.
"You know what I'd love right now?" Mia said.
"A nice hot bath and a foot rub."
Iain chuckled. "You know what you want."
Mia grinned at him. They said goodbye to Olivia and Sam as they left the pub.
"I need another pint!" Mia said. Iain went over to get Mia one. Jez sat down beside her.
"You're sexy."
Mia rolled her eyes. "You're not my type."
Mia smirked. "Go away."
Jez shook his head. "Let's get outta here. Go somewhere private."
Mia groaned. "You're not my type. I prefer men who give it good."

Iain came over with their pints. "You being annoying again?"
"Yes," Mia mumbled. She stood and went to the toilets.
Iain smirked and followed her. He went into the bathrooms and locked the main door.
"Mia?" Iain called. Mia opened the cubicle door and smirked.
"Hey," she slurred. Both were tipsy. Iain kissed her. Mia kissed back. "I feel like I'm going to be sick."

Iain got Mia over to the toilet just in time. Iain rubbed her back as she threw up.
"I'm done," Mia mumbled. Iain helped her sit up and cleaned her mouth. "You're great at kissing."
"You're not too bad," Iain teased.
Mia smiled. "I need to pee and then finish my pint."
"You've just thrown up."
"I want my beer!"
Iain laughed. He liked this girl.

They went back over to Jez. "You owe me £50," he said.
Iain smirked. "Toilets just now."

Jez swore and handed Iain the money. "Mia, I owed you £25," Iain said.
"Yeah you did."
Iain handed her the money. Mia finished her pint.
"Take me home," Mia said.
"I'll take you to mine."
"Hot bath and foot rub."

Mia grinned and Iain walked her to his house. He laid her on the sofa and ran her a hot bath.
"Iain! I need a foot rub!" Mia shouted from downstairs.
"Come up here!" Iain called.
Mia stood and drunkenly walked up the stairs. "I-Iain! There's too many stairs."
"Where are you.?"
"Erm... Here?"

Iain left the bathroom and saw Mia standing against his bedroom door. "Bathroom is this way."
"Yay! Hot bath!"

Iain helped her into the bathroom. "Eek! Bubbles!"
Iain sat beside the bath while Mia relaxed.
"Get in!" Mia complained. Iain stripped and got in. Mia put her foot on his manhood. Iain grunted. Mia giggled.
"It's big!" Mia exclaimed with excitement.

Iain lifted Mia's feet. She pouted until she felt him giving her a foot massage.
"Oh... that's good," Mia said. Iain smiled. He thought Mia was beautiful.
"You're the first guy in over a year I've shared a bath with," Mia said.
Mia grinned and she turned herself so she was lying between his legs. "Can I have a massage?"
Iain nodded. He began rubbing her shoulders.
Mia moaned as she felt herself relaxing.
"You're good at that," Mia told Iain. Iain kissed her neck. Mia smiled.

Mia could feel Iain getting turned on. She grinned. She wanted to tease him.
"You know, I think that's me done in the bath," Mia said. Iain pouted. Mia giggled. "Iain Junior needs to calm himself first."
"Cheeky mare."
Mia grinned and she grabbed the towels. "Oi!"
"Gotta catch me if you want me."

Iain watched as Mia ran from the bathroom. He got out the bath and went to find her. He couldn't see her anywhere. "Mia, I need me towel. I'm freezing!" Iain called.
Mia threw him one. She was hiding in the wardrobe. Iain opened the door and threw her onto the bed. Mia was giggling and laughing. Iain smiled. He kissed her gently. Mia kissed back.

Mia felt Iain's manhood at her entrance.
"In," Mia mumbled against Iain's lips. Iain pushed it in gently. Mia moaned against his lips. "So good baby."
Iain smirked. He kissed her passionately. "You feel so good."
Iain bit her neck. He left a mark. "Now I gotta cover that up," Mia mumbled.
"Well you aint leaving me tonight."
Iain smirked and finished making love to her.

*the next morning*
Cal, Jez, Olivia and Max all watched as Iain walked into work with Mia. "Damn. He had her already?" Cal said.
"She might have just stayed with him last night," Olivia reasoned.
Mia hugged Olivia. "You doing okay?"
"Yeah chick I'm fine," Olivia said. She was distant though.
"You sure?"

Olivia walked off. Cal, Max and Jez quickly separated and walked to their duty. Iain wrapped his arms around Mia. Mia grinned.
"Go and save lives," Mia said. Iain nodded and kissed her.

Mia went to the staffroom and seen Olivia kissing David.
"What on earth?" Mia asked. David pulled away and walked out. Olivia ignored Mia's question.
"Olivia I'm talking to you!" Mia said.
"I'm not talking to you! I know what you're going to say - "you're cheating"," Olivia said.
"Hell yes I am!"
"You try loving a man who can't do anything for himself! Can't hold you or make love to you without needing help. A man who asks you to help him..."
"Help him what?"
"Doesn't matter. I have patients to help," Olivia mumbled. She walked out. Mia sighed. She got ready. Cal came in.
"Iain's a quick mover," cal said.
"At least he isn't shagging Alicia," Mia spat. Cal lost his smirk. Mia walked out to help a doctor. She was put with Olivia.
Mia tied her hair up. She went over to her. "I'm sorry for annoying you."
"It's fine. We're here to work."
Mia sighed. "Your husband is a nice guy. He's so kind."

Things were tense between Mia and Olivia. Alicia walked in. "You know about Cal and I?"
"Yeah. It's my second day here and what you're doing is just wrong."
"So what?"

The patient had been sent up to Keller. Mia went to the staffroom to get some water. Cal walked in.
"Piss off!" Mia said.
"I just came in to check my phone," Cal said. Mia nodded. She downed the glass of water and watched Cal check his phone.
"Why can't you just let your brother be happy?" Mia asked.
"Cause she deserves better."
"Maybe you're no better than him. Maybe you're just worse," Mia told him. Cal stayed quiet. Mia walked out.

She went over to Olivia. An elderly woman had hurt her hip.
"Can you get her some pain relief?" Olivia mumbled. Mia nodded. She came back with paracetamol for her.
"It's just bruised. Hopefully, if you rest yourself it will be okay," Olivia said. She threw her gloves in the bin and walked out. Mia discharged the woman and gave her the prescription.

Mia ran after Olivia. She was outside smoking.
"I didn't know you smoked," Mia said.
"I don't. When you're losing hope it seems like a good thing to do," Olivia mumbled.
"What's happened?" Mia asked.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Let me help."
"Then take my kids for me tonight. Sam is going to his parents. I'm spending the night with David," Olivia said.
"No Oli. I can't do that."
"Then tell me how I'm supposed to help my husband to die!" Olivia screamed. She stomped out her cigarette and went inside. She began to work on a patient. Mia went to see Iain.
Iain smiled. "Hiya gorgeous."
"You alright?"
Iain nodded and pulled her close to him. "Even better now I've seen you."
Mia smiled and let him kiss her neck. "I swear you're gorgeous," Iain said.

Iain took Mia to get some coffee. They were sitting in the ambulance together. "It's bloody freezing."
Iain held Mia close. Mia smiled.
"Can I ask you something?" Mia asked. Iain nodded and kissed her head. "What do you do if your friend tells you something that... that you know shouldn't happen?"
"That doesn't matter Iain."
Iain sighed and held Mia close. "You need to talk to the friend and show her a sensible way."
"Easier said than done."

Olivia was pulled into the store cupboard by David. Olivia grinned and kissed him. David kissed back.
"You're gorgeous," David said. Olivia smiled.
"I need you," Olivia told him. As she was about to pull down his trousers, Cal opened the door. David ran out.
"Naughty naughty... we have a cheater amongst us," Cal said with a smirk. Olivia stormed out. Cal ran to Alicia. "You'll never guess!"
"What?" she asked.
"Olivia and David. She's shagging him behind her husband's back!" Cal said. Alicia smirked and went to tell everyone.

Mia straddled Iain when they finished their coffee.
"Dont come a-knockin... when the ambulance is a-rockin..." Mia teased. Iain smirked and kissed her. Mia kissed back.
"I'd love to do you in here but it's unhygenic," Iain said.
Mia grinned and kissed him again. "I think one night, I should dress up for you."
"Yes please."

Mia walked inside. She had Iain's paramedic hoodie on. Alicia came over. "Olivia was seen with David... In the cupboard."
"Alicia was seen with Cal.... In a cublicle. Wonder how Ethan will handle that."
Alicia stayed silent. Mia smirked and walked over to reception. Everyone fell silent. Olivia walked in. Everyone glared at her.
"Disgusting," Louise mumbled. Mia scoffed and walked over to Olivia.

Mia took Olivia out for a chip.
"I need to go home and get him to the bathroom," Olivia mumbled.
"I'll come too," Mia offered. Olivia shrugged.

They got to the house.
"The kids are still at his parents," Olivia said. Mia nodded. She went upstairs with Olivia.

Sam was lying in bed awake.
"Hey. Sorry," Olivia mumbled.
"It's okay. Did you think anymore about-"
Sam stopped when he seen Mia.
"Hi Mia," Sam said.
"Hey. Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation," Mia said.
"Doesn't matter," Olivia told her. Olivia grabbed Sam clean pants and clothes. She carried him to the bathroom. Mia went to the bedroom and seen a leaflet on the floor. It had teeth marks in it. She knew Sam had picked it up. Mia looked at it. "Euthanasia clinic..." Mia mumbled. She put it down and went downstairs with Olivia and Sam. Olivia got him some lunch.
"I'm due back at work. I'll see you later," Olivia said to him. She kissed him and left.
"You okay?" Mia asked.
"Best as I can be."
Mia smiled at him. Olivia grinned. "Why do you have Iain's hoodie?"
"Oh. I was cold and he gave it me."
Sam smirked. "Oli tells me you arrived with him this morning."
"I stayed on his sofa. I was too drunk to drive home."

Iain was attending a scene. "Iain, where's your hoodie? You look cold," Jez said.
"My girl has it," Iain said. Jez smirked.
"Ah! Your girl," he said. Iain smiled. He loved Mia.

Mia was helping Sam with his chips.
"You don't have to," Olivia said.
"It's okay," Mia told her. Sam smiled. He took the chips from Mia and ate them.
"Oli says you're a really nice girl. I have to agree with her," Sam said. Mia smiled.
"Aw! Thanks," Mia said. She kissed his cheek.
"Oli, why have you nicotine stains on her fingers?" Sam asked. Olivia paled.
"No reason."
"Have you been smoking!" Sam yelled.
"Yes I have!" Olivia screamed.
"Oli calm down," Mia said.
"You're smoking because of me. This is why I'm asking for this!" Sam yelled. He began to cry. "Please," he begged. Olivia was crying as she sat on the sofa.
Mia felt bad. "She was holding my cigarette and she had a drag."
"That the truth?"
Mia nodded. She looked at Olivia.

Iain took the casualty back to the ED. Cal came over. "Iain."
"Right Cal. This is Louise Jefferson. 82. Had a fall in the highstreet."
"Resus 2."

Mia left and went back to work. She saw Alicia standing with Iain. She walked over. "You need your hoodie Iain. You'll freeze," Alicia said.
"Nah. My girl looks sexy in it," Iain said. Mia smiled and kissed him. Iain kissed her back.

Olivia sat with Sam.
"I can't do it," Olivia said.
"What use am I like this?" Sam sobbed. Olivia held her close.
"The kids need their dad. You've got an army dinner soon. All your old friends want to see you again. I'm not going as a widow," Olivia said. Sam fidgeted until Olivia let go of him.
"Go back to work," Sam mumbled. He wouldn't look at her. Olivia left the house.

Mia and Iain cuddled in the staffroom. Both had finished their shifts.
"I heard about Oli and David," Iain said.
"If I tell you something... can you promise not to tell?" Mia asked. She wanted to tell Iain. She thought Iain could talk sense into Sam as they were both in the army. Before she could say anything. Olivia ran in and closed the staffroom door. She broke down.
"What's happened?"
Olivia broke down. "He wants me to help him die."
Iain was confused. "Who wants your help to die?"
"M-My husband."

Mia handed Olivia some tea. "Drink it. It'll calm you down."
Iain was shocked. Mia sat beside him.
"That's what I wanted to tell you. Oli honey, why don't we all go and see Sam. Maybe Iain could talk to him. He was in the army too," Mia suggested. Olivia nodded.

They went to the house. Olivia's kids were there. Mia smiled at them.
"Sam it's me," Olivia called. Sam just grunted. Olivia took her kids as well as Mia and Iain into the living room.
"I'm Corporal Iain Dean," Iain said. Sam glared at him.
"You were commander of my section. I risked my life for people like you!" Sam spat. He had an accident on the sofa.
"Oh honey come on," Olivia said. She lifted Sam and took him to the bathroom.

Mia and Iain sat with the kids.
"Tell him about your PTSD. It will help him understand that everyone is suffering," Mia said. Iain nodded. The little girl toddled over with her teddy and blanket. She had a dummy in her mouth. She lifted her arms up for Mia. Mia held her tightly. The little boy was crawling around.
"I want one!" Mia said. Iain chuckled.
"Have one then."
"I need a man," Mia said. She tickled the little girls chin. "She's cute."

Mia and Iain were looking after the kids. She cuddled into him. "My baby would be four months old today," Mia mumbled.
"Babe. I'm sorry."
Mia sighed. She looked at him. "Want your hoodie back?"
"Keep it. I like a girl with uniform."
"I've got uniform planned for tonight," Mia whispered into Iain's ear. Iain smirked. He tried not to get turned on as Sam and Olivia came back in. Sam didn't look at anyone. Olivia was cuddled into him.

Iain sat beside Sam.
"Oli, why don't we take the kids to the kitchen?" Mia suggested. Olivia nodded. When Iain and Sam were alone, Iain began to talk.
"I'm thankful for what you did for me. But that doesn't mean I didn't suffer too. I have PTSD and anger issues from it," Iain said.
"At least you can hold your girl's hand and make love to her without her having to help you. We both want another kid. But I can't give her that... when we try... it just... it isn't the same," Sam mumbled.
"Can't you get prosthetic arms and legs?" Iain asked.
"I've been on the waiting list for three years. We don't have the money to go private," Sam mumbled. "It's embarrassing having to get her to... help you on the toilet. It's better for her if I go too."
Iain sighed.

Mia was playing with the little boy. He was squealing and giggled. Olivia smiled.
"You're good with kids," Olivia told her.
Mia smiled. "I was pregnant with a little girl. But... My ex, beat her from me."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know."
Mia sighed. "Not many people do. My ex, he triggered my eating disorder. I'm still recovering from that."
"I'm so sorry."

Iain looked at Sam. "I can help you raise the money."
Iain smiled. "I have someone who can help," he said.
"Oh," Sam mumbled. Iain smiled. Olivia came back in.
"Sam sweetie, let's get you a bath," Olivia said. She lifted him up and fell over. She swore.
"Let me help," Iain offered.
"I can manage," Olivia said. She got up and lifted him up. She carried him upstairs.

Iain went in to Mia.
"You ready?" Iain asked. Mia nodded.
"Iain! Try to get Mia off the cigarettes!" Sam called. Mia sighed.
"She doesn't smoke!" Iain called. Mia shoved Iain out the door.

Olivia put her kids into bed after feeding them. She went into the bathroom and screamed. She pulled Sam out of the bath and gave him mouth to mouth. He coughed up the water.
"A-An ambulance is on its way," Olivia sobbed.
"Why can't you just let me go?" Sam asked.
"I love you!"
"I'm not stupid. I can smell the smoke from you. I can smell another man's after shave. You don't love me."
Jez arrived. Olivia took her kids to Sam's parents before going into the ED.

Mia called Iain up to the bedroom. Iain opened the door and groaned. Mia was standing in a naughty school girl's outfit.
"I couldn't find my police woman's uniform. I guess this will do," Mia said. Iain smirked. He put a hand up her skirt as he kissed her.
"No pants?" Iain asked.
"Would a dirty school girl wear any?" Mia asked. Iain smirked and carried her to the bed.
"You've got detention."
"Ooo bad girls get detention."
"They do indeed."

*two days later*
Mia had stayed at her own flat. She drove into work and saw Iain waiting. "Missed you last night."
"Why? We're not together," Mia teased.
"You wound me.," Iain said as he took Mia's bag. "Why didn't you come last night?"
"I wasn't well," Mia said. Iain nodded.
"Is Olivia in today? Haven't seen her in a while," Iain said.
"No idea. I'll ring her later."

Mia and Iain made out in the staffroom. Everyone went in as Connie called a staff meeting.
"Okay you two!" Connie called. Mia and Iain separated. They grinned at each other. "Olivia's husband attempted suicide two nights ago. The couple have asked for privacy at this time. We're one doctor down for who knows how long. We all need to pull out weight," Connie announced. Mia was shocked.
"Iain, can we go to the ambulance?" Mia mumbled. Iain nodded and took her out.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Iain asked as he walked Mia to the ambulance.
"I'd love to."
Iain smirked and kissed her passionately. "Come on gorgeous. You're mine till I'm on a callout."

They were cuddling in the ambulance. Cal came in. "Connie wants you to work with me and Alicia."
"Don't I get a choice?"
Mia scoffed. She kissed Iain and left. Things were tense between them all. Alicia and Cal kept flirting. Mia hated every minute.
"Notice how David isn't in work either. I knew he would find out," Alicia said.
"Piss off and mind your own damn business," Mia spat. Alicia was shocked.

Olivia laid in bed with Sam. The kids were away again.
"I do love you," Olivia said. Sam nodded. Olivia began to cry. "If I didn't love you I would have let you do what you want!"
Sam knew Olivia was right. He turned his head.
"I'm sorry... I just don't understand why you still love me," Sam said. Olivia kissed him and straddled him. Sam smiled.
"I want to try," Olivia said. Sam nodded.
"That's okay," he replied. Olivia smiled and kissed his neck.
Sam moaned slightly. "See. I can still turn you on."
Olivia grinned.

Iain was waiting for Jez. Finally he turned up. "About time."
"Sorry boss."

Mia and Cal were glaring at each other. "Mia, have you seen Iain?" Cal asked.
"What's it gotta do with you?"
Cal smiled. "Can I talk to you? Alone."
Olivia helped Sam get into her. Olivia groaned.
"Y-You were always so big," Olivia mumbled.
Sam grinned. "You were always so beautiful."
Olivia smiled and kissed him passionately.

Mia let Cal talk to her in a cubicle. Cal pulled the curtain over and kissed her. Mia pushed him away.
"What the hell!" Mia hissed.
"You wanted it."
Mia scoffed. "I want Iain. He's my boyfriend!"
"Yeah right. He's only using you to get over Rita."
"You're wrong!"
"No Mia. You're deluding yourself if you think he will love you."

Mia walked out. She bumped into Iain. "Hiya babe."
Iain pulled her into a cubicle.
Mia needed him. She needed to forget what Cal said to her. She kissed him passionately and pulled him onto the bed. Iain grinned.

Olivia laid breathless beside Sam.
"I love you," Sam said. Olivia smiled.
"Love you too," Olivia mumbled. She truly wasn't sure.

Mia pushed Iain into her.
"Ugh baby," Mia moaned. Iain grinned and held her hips. "You know, I found my police woman outfit."
"Oh did you now?" Iain asked. Mia grinned and nodded.
"I might come over tonight and show you."
"Oh please do."
Mia grinned. She kissed him as they both released.

Iain left the cubicle after Mia. They bumped into Cal. "Alright?"
Iain wrapped an arm around Mia's shoulders. "I'll see you later babe."
"Definitely," Mia said. Iain kissed her passionately and slapped her bum. "Oi cheeky!"
Cal was disgusted. He stormed off.
"Mia!" Olivia called.
Mia turned around and smiled. Olivia wheeled Sam in. Mia hugged them both.
"Sam wanted to visit the place," Olivia said.
"Don't mind me saying but you look like you've had a good shag," Mia whispered. Olivia grinned and kissed Sam's head.
"Ah! The couple finally got a bit," Mia said. Olivia blushed. Sam chuckled.
"I'm here to see about my limbs too," Sam said.
Mia smiled and hugged them both. "I hope it goes well."
Mia grinned. She kissed Iain and walked off to meet her patient.

Cal and Alicia were talking. They saw Mia. "She doesn't think Iain actually wants her?"
Alicia grinned. "Well, we could always set Lily up with Iain."
"I could set you up with your boyfriend... or do you want his brother instead?" Mia spat. Alicia stayed quiet. Mia smirked and dealt with the patient.

Sam and Olivia had to raise fifty thousand pounds to reach the money needed to get the limbs.
"We can't do it," Sam said.
"We can honey. Trust me," Olivia said. She kissed Sam. She took him to the bathrooms and bumped into David and Robyn.
"C-Can you two help us? We need money raised for Sam's limbs," Olivia said. Robyn and David agreed.
They went to find Mia to get her help. They saw her leaving a cubicle. "Can we have your help?"
"Sure. With what?"
"Raising money for Sam's limbs."
Mia smiled. She went over to her bag and handed Olivia a check for ten thousand pounds. "This is saved up from a few years ago. Have it."
"No I can't take this," Olivia said. Mia handed her it. Olivia put it back in Mia's bag.
"We'll raise the money," Sam said. Olivia nodded.
"We will," she promised him. She kissed him.

Mia finished her shift and went to see Iain.
"Hey you!" Mia said. Iain smirked and kissed her.
"You okay beautiful?" Iain asked. Mia opened her bag and took out handcuffs. Iain smirked.
"Just for my man," Mia said. Iain chuckled. The cheque flew out of Mia's bag. Iain picked it up and handed it to Mia.
"The little cheeky minx put it back in my bag," Mia said.
Mia explained to Iain. Iain sighed. "Babe, some people are wary about accepting cheques from people."
"I wanna help them though."
"Do it then baby."
Mia grinned. "I can put the money into her account!"

Mia told Connie she had to attend a GP appointment. She got in her car and drove to the bank. She deposited the cheque into Olivia's bank account and grinned.

Finally, she was helping someone.

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