𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯. 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳

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It was the last week of school. Harlow and Leo had enjoyed themselves at the dance, however Marcus had been distant ever since.

Harlow hadn't heard from him since the dance and that was nearly four days ago.

She had called him but he'd answer her the pre-made answers Apple provided.

Every time she had come close to speaking to him it seemed as thought he nearly ran out of her sight.

She had asked Max about it earlier in school but of course she didn't know much, yeah Marcus was her twin but the two had quite — different personalities.

She even went over but Ellen said he wasn't home. so now Harlow was sitting on her bed with Leo sitting in her desk chair. Rambling about how she doesn't know what she probably did wrong. Or how to fix it.

"Did I say something — this is longest we've gone without talking and I have no idea why he isn't talking to me. I don't know what I could have done."

Leo was confused as well. Not knowing why Marcus wasn't talking to her. He had a few guesses but decided to keep them to himself.

"Harls maybe he's just talking a self care — week? Maybe he's reading a really interesting book." Leo suggested while closing the book he was reading on Harlow's desk.

"Marcus and books don't belong in the same sentence.— I haven't seen the kid pick one up voluntarily since like fifth grade." Harlow sighs while throwing herself back on her bed.

"How about we go downstairs and get ice cream, that always cheers people up." Leo offered while standing up "Maybe, plus my dads just went shopping and they bought cookie dough ice cream so I'll take you up on that." Harlow smiles as she sits up.

Leo laughed before taking the girl's hand and leading her downstairs. "Where do you guys keep your bowls?" He asks as Harlow sits on the island

"The second cabinet to your left." Harlow pointed the cabinet out and Leo nodded before grabbing two bowls off of the middle shelf and placing them down next to Harlow on the counter.

Harlow hopped off the counter and went into the freezer "Which flavor do you want?"

"I'll take vanilla." Leo answered, Harlow took the vanilla and cookie dough ice creams out and placed them on the counter.

"Is that you as a kid?" Leo got up and looked at the wall that had a picture of Harlow on her tricycle.

"Yup, thats baby Harlow circa two thousand nine." Harlow said while scooping out the ice cream.

"You had no front teeth." Leo laughed causing Harlow to roll her eyes playfully.

"They actually fell out that day because I crashed into a tree. But I put them under my pillow and I got a nice ten dollar bill the next morning so in my books it was worth it in my opinion."

"That's — one way to loose your teeth thats for sure." Leo chucked as Harlow handed him his bowl of ice cream.

"Baby Harlow got her bag and that's all that matters, I took a nice trip to McDonalds that day and got a happy meal." Harlow laughed at the memory before eating a spoon full of ice cream.

"I'm sure that happy meal was worth it." Leo said "It sure was. I haven't had a happy meal in like seven years. —  Now that's tragic" Harlow said.

"I mean I never liked happy meals anyways, they tried to play us with those little ass fry cartons." Leo shrugged before taking a scoop of his ice cream.

"Yeah, those shits were the size of my palm and they didn't even fill them up all the way." Harlow agreed, placing her bowl down on the counter so she could put the ice creams back in the freezer.

For the first time in days Harlow had smiled genuinely despite Marcus ignoring her.


Soon Leo had left leaving Harlow alone in her room. she decided that her and Marcus would make up when he was ready. — She couldn't make someone talk to her if they didn't want to. and maybe Leo was right, maybe he was just taking a self care week.

Soon Harlow heard a knock on her door making her instantly look towards it, thinking it was Marcus "Come in!" She called out with a big grin.

"Sweets dinner is almost ready, any guests coming over tonight?" Keith asked, she knew by 'guests' he meant Marcus.

Harlow's face dropped when she realized it was her dad but she still kept a smile nonetheless.

"No, no company coming over tonight." She answered as Keith leaned on the door. "I haven't seen Marcus lately." Keith said.

"Me neither, if you find him let him know I'm alive and well. Not that he would probably care." Harlow mumbled, she didn't know if she was angry at herself or him. But right now it was leaning towards him.

Keith stood in the doorway for a couple more seconds before leaning up, noticing that now wasn't the best time to ask the girl about the topic that seemed touchy.

"Alright, I'll call you down when dinner's ready." With that he left the room.

Harlow then went on instagram and saw that Marcus was online, confirming that he had his phone and was just ignoring her. The girl put her phone down and sighed loudly, boredom slowly taking over.

She looked over at the wall and saw a picture of her on Marcus' back in seventh grade.

Marcus was soaking wet because they had been washing cars for cash and Harlow sprayed him with a hose because he tried to put mud on her clothes.

The two had bickered about it but after a slight threat from Ellen who simply wanted to keep the memory they had taken the picture.

Right after that Marcus had dropped her in the grass before attempting to run off, however Harlow placed her foot in front of him and he fell.

Both of them shot each other a glare before bussing out in a fit of laughter, leaving Ellen — quite concerned.

Harlow chuckled at the memory before hearing her name get called to come downstairs, she got up and went downstairs to eat dinner with her parents.

After  a quick dinner harlow went upstairs and put on comfy pajamas, deciding to let her and marcus' bicker take its course. knowing they would find their way back to each other, it's what they always did.

aii so boom, two chapters
in two days. i had fun writing
this one and something kinda
big is happening next chapter
so to all my marlow shippers,
you might be happy and crushed
at the same time 🚶🏾‍♀️. anyways
have a great day/ noon/ night and
as always remember to vote and
wc: 1.07k

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