Chapter 67

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•Bayne's POV•

The meeting was hard to sit through. They all were, but this one was particularly insufferable. Ulrich and Dakota went back and fourth, suggesting who the new guardian should be. The main candidates included Romulus (no surprise there), Sirius, and Deva. She was one of the few female wolves in our pack. I sat there with my arms and legs crossed as they bickered back and fourth like a bitter married couple. I leaned back on the back legs of my chair.

"Romulus would be an excellent guardian." Ulrich said.

"He has enough responsibility as the healer. Sirius is an excellent tracker, I think he would be up for the task." Dakota debated.

"Sirius is too reckless and immature."

"Sirius would grow. I think it could help him mature and flourish."

"We thought that with Bayne too, and look where we are. Any thoughts on this, Bayne?" They asked me.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe ask them? Not everyone is cut out for this, and not everyone wants to do it. So ask them yourselves before you lock them in a shirt position that even their children would be stuck in." I spat pure facts at them.

"Alright, fine. We will ask them."

"Maybe we should host a vote." Dakota suggested.

"A vote?"

"Yes, a ranking vote. Every wolf gets a vote of who they think should be appointed the next guardian. There's three voting spots. Everyone votes for their first choice, second choice, and third."

"What if they vote in someone foolish?" Asked Ulrich.

"Then we ditch the voting and pick someone ourselves." Dakota explained.

"Great. Can I leave now?" I asked.

"Alright, Bayne. You're dismissed. Thank you for your useful input." Ulrich said.

I got up to leave. I looked around for Erin before making my way down to Romulus's healing room. The door was open. Romulus was reading by the window. He looked up from his book to see me.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Have you seen Erin?" I asked, looking around the window outside. I shut the curtains and closed the door.

"He was down here earlier, talking about starting up a mental health program for wolves. I think it's a great idea. But he might be upstairs with Nadine and Raven now... What are you doing?" He said, watching me in confusion.

"We need to talk."

"What's going on?" He stood to his feet, closing his bookmarked page.

I felt around the inside of my jacket to find a small bottle in the inside of my pocket. I yanked out the empty bottle and set it down.

"You didn't..." Romulus fidgeted with the empty bottle.

"I had to. I have to keep him safe."

"What did you do exactly?"

"I pretended to drink the potion at Raven's. I switched it out with one from her cabinet. I poured the real one in Erin's tea."

"You can't keep this from him. He should know."

"He can't know. Bree isn't going to stop until she's using my head as a crystal ball. She's going to hurt everyone I care about, then she's going to come for me."

"We will stop her." Romulus said.

"Don't be naïve. You know how strong she is. I know she's going to come to kill me. I know I'm going to die."

"We've saved you twice, we can do it a third time."

"She's going to strike back harder next time. I can feel it. I didn't come to you for a pep talk. I need to ask you a favor."

"Well, what is it?"

"She's going to come for me. When I die, I need you to protect Erin."

"If you're going to die."

"When. When I'm going to die. Please protect Erin. Do whatever you have to do. I can't die knowing he's in danger. I gave him the protection potion so Bree's magic can't hurt him. But once she comes for me....
Please, Romulus. Please keep the love of my life safe and happy. Even if that means running away together to the other side of the world away from an evil witch. Please." I pleaded to him.

He took in a deep breath and released it.

"Alright, Bayne. When you die, I'll protect Erin, and do everything I can to make him happy. But I can't imagine him being too happy when you're gone. That boy loves you too much."

"He can't know about this. Don't tell him about the potion. It's for his own good."

"I think you should consider telling him, lying isn't good. He thinks you took it, when in actuality it was him. He's not going to react well when he finds that out."

"It's best this way. I'll do anything for him."

I peaked out the window and began to watch the sun go down. I remembered how I had failed Erin before and the cost almost being his life. I couldn't let anything like that happen again.

"I will always save him. Whatever it takes. Even if it means someone else saving him for the rest of his life."

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