a vegan's worst nightmare

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why make trouble, why make scenes?

Of all the monsters Hina could have fought, myrmekes were not one of her top choices.

The giant ants had pincers that could easily bite through Celestial bronze and spat acid at anything that moved. Worse, they always travelled in groups.

The five soldier ants advanced, their ten-foot-long antennae waving and bobbing in a mesmerizing way, as if trying to distract from the razor sharp mandibles.

Every part of them were terrifying: their dark eyes hidden behind layers of armor, the six legs that could have been used in construction, and their oversized abdomen which rumbled in hunger.

The ants stepped forward, their antennae twitching. 

"No sudden movements," Apollo whispered, even though Meg looked frozen in fear.

"Oh, Pete?" He called. "How do you deal with myrmekes invading your territory?"

"By hiding," he said, and disappeared into the geyser.

"Not helpful," Hina grumbled.

"Can we dive in?" Meg asked.

"Only if you fancy boiling to death in a pit of scalding water."

"Sounds better than death by ants," Hina decided as the bugs inched even closer. 

As a kid, Hina used to happily chase any ants invading her mother's kitchen with a broom, but she was starting to regret it as she stared into the eyes of the closest monster.

"I have an idea." Apollo unslung his ukulele.

"I thought you swore not to play," Meg said.

"I did. But if I throw this shiny object to one side, the ants might—"

He didn't get to finish his thought. In the light, the ukulele shone brighter than before and the ants charged forward. 

Hina backed up instinctively, immediately being met with a wall of burning hot steam on her back from the geyser. She could feel fresh blisters bubbling across her shoulders as she fumbled for her weapon.

"Hey, bugs!" Meg's scimitars flashed in her hands, making her the new shiniest thing in the clearing.

Two ants turned to Meg, the three remaining keeping focused on Apollo and Hina. 

With screams of the battle echoing through her mind, Hina finally unsheathed her sword, drawing the ants' attention to her, or rather her delicious looking harpe sword. 

Two of the ants ventured towards Hina, as her knees locked as memories continued to flood her mind. 

With clouded vision, Hina swung her sword- slicing through each haunting memory. With each swing, Hina's mind cleared and the ants backed up as she got closer.

She used all her strength to slam her blade into the nearest ant's leg, severing it from the body. No matter how hard she swung, the armored torso remained untouched. 

She was outnumbered, overpowered, and down any acid spitting ability. Hina rolled out of the way as a line of acid was sent her way, singing the bottom of her sneakers. 

The smell of burning rubber filled her nostrils as Hina scrambled behind a tree for shelter. 

Suddenly, a ukulele chord blared through the clearing. Hina paused to glance to Apollo who had begun a shaky rendition of Sweet Caroline. 

With Hina distracted, an ant lurched forward, trapping Hina beneath its towering leg. The other ant had turned to listen to Apollo's singing. 

While she struggled for air, Hina could see two ants charge at Apollo. She let out a scream, as Apollo thankfully jumped away at the last second, sending the ants into the boiling water of the geyser. 

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