part two: xv

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it may feel like an ending but the battle's just begun 

Everything seemed to go on as normal at Camp Half-Blood. Campers came and went with ease, enjoying the days filled with training and capture the flag. There seemed to be no sense of urgency within the confines of camp. Except, of course, for Bunker Nine. 

It was chaos within the stone hideout, the Hephaestus cabin working like mad to get the Argo II built in time. All day they worked furiously, locking anyone who couldn't help outside including Hina. Very quickly, the Hephaestus kids had labelled Hina as a distraction. 

Hina spent her days spending time with Piper and Jason training and goofing off like the teens they were. She felt awful leaving Leo behind to build the ship, but he had insisted on it. On top of that, Hina felt a little bit like a third wheel between Piper and Jason who continued to dance around one another. 

It did however, keep Hina entertained. She could sit on the shoreline on the lake, watching Piper and Jason take secret glances at the other when they thought no one was looking. And if she wasn't busy contemplating forcing her friends to get together, she was with Will restocking medical supplies or bandaging the occasional wound. 

So far, Hina hadn't seen anything too bad. Mostly, she was dealing with the fallout of Travis Stoll's latest prank on the Aphrodite or Ares cabins. Minor bruises, black eyes, and the occasional concussion.

Her favourite part of the day though, was right after the bonfire. Hina would eat with her siblings, and help lead the campfire songs. But as soon as she could, Hina could sneak away with a plate full of food to the bunker. 

It was the only time she wouldn't get kicked out by annoyed Hephaestus kids. Leo always stayed later than everyone out, working overtime to keep them on schedule. 

Everyday, Hina would sit down on her stool beside Festus and watch Leo work for a few extra hours. Then, she'd force him to sit down, take a break, and eat. After that, they'd stay sitting together, hands intertwined studying the war ship. 

On special nights, Leo would guide Hina to the top of the limestone rock with a blanket in hand and they'd watch the stars. Hina would curl up against Leo's chest and listen to his heart beat while she pointed out various made up constellations. 

"That one, see, right beside the moon- it's called The Mechanic," Hina said, pointing towards a patch of stars overhead. Leo hummed in amusement, following Hina's gaze.

"Legend says that a courageous hero named Leo Valdez, defeated an angry snow goddess and then built an amazing war ship to lead his friends to victory against the giants. And so, he was immortalized in the sky so that anyone looking up at the night sky would remember him."

Leo grinned, turning on his side to face Hina, who mirrored his actions. "Does the legend say anything about a pretty daughter of Apollo?" he asked, brushing a strand of blonde hair from Hina's face. She nodded, resting her outstretched arm against Leo's cheek.

"It says she was the best warrior ever, and she was gorgeous," Hina joked, tearing her eyes away from the stars.

"Well, she is," Leo replied, causing butterflies to stir in Hina's stomach. 

"The legend also says the mechanic was pretty cute," she added, earning a grin from Leo.


They fell into a content silence, Hina studying Leo's face from where she lay. A grateful smile on her face. It was barely two minutes, when Hina realized Leo had started softly snoring. She suppressed a laugh, pulling the blanket up higher around them. 

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