three months

769 46 27

and you wish that you were stronger, 'cause you know you're gonna fall  

Camp Half-Blood was eerily empty. With most of the demigods gone for the school year, it was quiet everywhere. 

Those who stayed practiced their skills lazily, the meticulous schedules of the summer season forgotten.

A few newcomers would trickle in, but overall nothing ever happened. 

Hina sat on the porch of the Big House, her legs swinging over the ledge. In the distance she watched Connor Stoll and Sherman Yang play a game of basketball.

Since the battle, Connor had been hanging around Hina, his normally erratic behavior calmed since his brother, Travis, had left for college.

Noticing her gaze, he waved, Sherman using the momentary distraction to hit Connor in the stomach with the basketball. 

A small smile graced Hina's face, before she turned away, guilt eating away at her stomach. It didn't feel right to laugh without Leo, it was his favorite sound in the world.

Before she could process her emotions any longer, a satyr rushed through the camp entrance, a young demigod in tow. 

He was yelling Chiron's name frantically, the boy behind him looking confused and scared. 

Hina jumped from her seat, rushing over to the pair. "New camper?" she asked, receiving a nod in return from the satyr. 

The satyr couldn't keep still, his eyes floating around camp wildly. Hina grabbed his arm, gaining his attention. 

"Hey, it's okay. You made it, you did your job, you were great," she promised, her eyes holding his gaze sternly. "Take a breather, go find Will, he'll make sure you're okay."

Then, Hina turned to the demigod, he was lanky, no older than twelve, she guessed. He had messy blond hair, and a pale freckled face.

"Hi, I'm Hina. You're safe here," she spoke softly. "What's your name?"

He sniffled, and wiped his nose on his shirt sleeve before replying. "Matthew."

"Well, Matthew, welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

Matthew looked up, taking in Hina's gentle expression, when he saw her he seemed to calm momentarily. 

Everything changed, however, when he noticed the three claw like gashes scarred into her neck. Matthew backed away from Hina, his hands held out in front of himself, defensively. 

"What is that? Are you a monster?"

Subconsciously, Hina raised a hand to cover her throat, her eyes softening. "No, I promise, I won't hurt you. I'm like you, Matthew. I just didn't make it away from the monsters in time, but you don't have to worry. You'll probably never have to go on a quest, so it's okay."

After the whirlwind orientation Hina and her friends got, she was determined to make sure no one else had to experience the confusion and fear she had.

"I know you probably have a million questions, but I promise I'll explain everything."

Hina stood, motioning Matthew to follow her. She led him to the Big House, and took a seat in one of the rocking chairs on the porch. Hesitantly, Matthew took the opposite seat. 

"This is a safe place for demigods, like you and me. Essentially, the Greek gods are very much real, and sometimes, they fall in love with someone down here on earth. Being a demigod means that one of your parents is actually a god. For example, my dad is Apollo, the god of- well, a lot of things, but the point is, because you are part god, some scary monsters are after you. Our friend brought you here so you can be safe. Camp Half-Blood keeps all the bad stuff outside."

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