looking like a fool is too easy

630 36 16

whichever path i choose i lose, you know

Hina darted inland, barely avoiding becoming demigod splatter. 

Miranda shouted at the Colossus from behind, gaining its attention, "Hey ugly!"

The rest of the team continued launching various projectiles at the statue as Miranda summoned vines to slow down his walk.

"You were saying?" Austin asked as the Apollo children regrouped with their mortal father.

"I know what you're thinking. I don't have godly powers. It's doubtful I'll be able to cook up the Black Death or the Spanish Flu. But still, if I can make the shot from close range, straight into its head, I might be able to do some damage." He twirled the arrow in his hands, watching it intently.

The tension felt like heavy fog weighing down on the demigods. Kayla's quiver was empty, leaving Apollo their last chance.

"And...if you fail?"

Apollo hesitated, his expression grim. "I won't have the strength to try twice. You'll have to make another pass. Find an arrow, try to summon some sickness, make the shot while Austin holds the chariot steady."

In a flash across the sky, the chariot descended towards them, Sherman Yang no longer steering it. Will brought the pegasi in for a landing, then dragged out a half-conscious Nico di Angelo.

"Where are the others?" Kayla asked. "Sherman and the Hermes girls?"

Will rolled his eyes. "Nico convinced them to disembark."

As if on cue, Hina heard Sherman screeching revenge on Nico from the other side of the hills.

"You guys go," Will insisted. "The chariot is only designed for four, and after that shadow-travel, Nico is going to pass out any second."

"No, I'm not," Nico complained, then passed out.

Will caught him in a fireman's carry and took him away. "Good luck! I'm going to get the Lord of Darkness here some Gatorade!"

The four filed onto the chariot, Austin taking the reins and steering the pegasi into the sky as soon as everyone was aboard.

A knot formed in Hina's gut as she felt the cool air whip against her cheeks.

Austin swerved, narrowly avoiding the Colossus' makeshift weapon. Hina ducked, a wave of light protecting the demigods from any debris.

With each passing second, the magical barrier of the camp grew weaker, the shimmering wall separating the Colossus from Camp Half-Blood fading.

The entire time they dodged attacks, Apollo stood yelling at the arrow in his hands.

"Apollo!" Kayla said. "I'm not sure why you're talking to that arrow, but—"

In a flash of silver light, the camp's magical barriers collapsed. The Colossus lurched forward and brought his foot down on the dining pavilion, smashing it o rubble.

"But that just happened," Kayla said with a sigh.

The Colossus raised his fist in triumph, marching inland and ignoring the campers attacking his feet.

Hina watched nervously as Harley and Connor used blowtorches at the statue's feet. The two scrambled about as the flames licked the Colossus to no avail. 

Apollo turned to the girls. "You can't hear it talking?"

Kayla looked at Apollo increndously while Hina shook her head.

"Never mind." He looked at the arrow. "What would you suggest, O Wise Missile of Dodona? My quiver is empty."

The Colossus veered left to the cabins, his sight set on the shimmering gold of Cabin Seven.

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