chaos is a child named meg

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i know, i know, i know, i know. i just can't let go

Walking the short distance to the Big House was anything but easy. Although he had insisted he felt better, Apollo fell twice before allowing Will and Hina to support his weight.

Hina blew a stray hair from her face as she struggled under the former god's weight. She kicked open the cabin door, revealing Meg waiting patiently by herself.

She wore a green dress, that was muddied all along the hem, with bright yellow leggings underneath that were ripped beyond repair. 

She took a single look at the weak Apollo in front of her and scrunched her nose. "You look yuck."

Hina gave Meg an approving nod, agreeing with the girl. A tinge of green still lined Apollo's face, making him look jaundiced.

"And you, Meg are as charming as ever," the god shot back.

She adjusted her glasses until they were forty degrees off centered. "Thought you were going to die."

"Sorry to disappoint you."

"Nah," Meg shrugged. "You still owe me a year of service. We're bound, whether you like it or not!"

Whether the little kid would admit it or not, Hina could see the relief wash over Meg as she spoke to Apollo, who promised he would be okay. 

"I suppose I should thank you...." Apollo told Meg. He frowned as if the words were forgein to him, which Hina assumed they probably were. "How did you get us out of the woods?"

Meg's face turned dark. "Dunno, Luck." She pointed a chubby finger at Will. "From what he's been telling me, it's a good thing we got out before nightfall."


Will opened his mouth to answer, but Hina spoke first, "It's complicated... Let's leave the explaining to Chiron."

Thankfully, Apollo was up for walking on his own. Hina fell back to walk beside Meg as she took in the scenery around them. 

Camp was barren, with only a dozen demigods milling around, trying to catch a glimpse of Apollo. 

Hina could feel their curious eyes burning holes in the back of her head. Two girls stood outside the Hermes' Cabin watching the group, not bothering to hide their stares. Not too far away, Sherman was sulking, presumably complaining to whoever would listen.

Once Hina was far enough away, she gave Meg a smile. "Nice job on Sherman," she whispered, brushing a stray hair from her face.

"Thanks. Why is your hair so weird?" she replied, pointing to Hina's fading blonde hair, the ends still uneven and choppy.

"His fault," Hina answered, nodding in Apollo's direction. "Godly stuff, you know?" 

Meg nodded in vague understanding

They continued in silence, until they had made it to the Big House. Nico sat waiting on the porch, his stygian sword by his side. He wore the same bomber jacket as always, with his dark jeans and band t-shirt. He didn't bother waiting as the four approached.

"I remember you!" Apollo claim, pointing a finger at Nico. "Nicholas, son of Hades is it?"

"Nico di Angelo." 

Nico fixed the god with his empty gaze, studying him intently. Even after six months, Hina felt uneasy, her fingers falling to the hem of her jacket.

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