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i know that the future looks blurry 

but, not to worry, just do what you can

Annabeth took a deep breath. "It's Jason's quest," she announced, "so it's Jason's choice. Obviously, he's the child of lightning. According to tradition, he may choose any two companions."

Someone from the Hermes cabin yelled, "Well, you, obviously, Annabeth. You've got the most experience."

"No, Travis," Annabeth said. "First off, I'm not helping Hera. Every time I've tried, she's deceived me, or it's come back to bite me later. Forget it. No way. Secondly, I'm leaving first thing in the morning to find Percy."

"It's connected," Piper blurted out, drawing attention to herself. "You know that's true, don't you? This whole business, your boyfriend's disappearance—it's all connected."

"How?" demanded Drew. "If you're so smart, how?"

Hina watched Piper's face contort, until she looked down in defeat, unable to answer.

Annabeth saved her. "You may be right, Piper. If this is connected, I'll find out from the other end—by searching for Percy. As I said, I'm not about to rush off to rescue Hera, even if her disappearance sets the rest of the Olympians fighting again. But there's another reason I can't go. The prophecy says otherwise."

"It says who I pick, three people," Jason agreed. "The sun that shines brightest will fulfill the curse. The sun is the symbol of Apollo. The forge and dove shall break the cage. The forge is the symbol of Vul—Hephaestus."

Under the Cabin Nine banner, Nyssa's shoulders slumped, like she'd just been given a heavy anvil to carry. "If you have to beware the earth," she said, "you should avoid traveling overland. You'll need air transport."

Will nudged Hina in the ribs, gaining her attention. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "It's you, isn't it? The sun that shines brightest, you literally shine."

Hina nodded grimly, wishing that it wasn't the truth. They exchanged another silent conversation.

Will asked without speaking, "Are you sure?

Hina sighed, replying through her eyes, "I have to."

She didn't like the idea of awakening some ancient curse any more than she liked the idea of dying.

When they finished their exchange the siblings turned back to the fire as if nothing had happened. Leo suddenly stood up, gaining Hina's attention as she watched him carefully.

"It's me."

His cabinmates stirred. Several tried to pull him back to his seat, but Leo resisted.

"No, it's me. I know it is. I've got an idea for the transportation problem. Let me try. I can fix this!"

Jason studied Leo for a moment, and Hina worried he would turn Leo down. Then Jason smiled. "We started this together, Leo. Seems only right if you come along. You find us a ride, you're in."

"Yes!" Leo pumped his fist.

"It'll be dangerous," Nyssa warned him. "Hardship, monsters, terrible suffering. Possibly none of you will come back alive."

"Oh." Suddenly Leo's face paled. "I mean ... Oh, cool! Suffering? I love suffering! Let's do this."

Annabeth spoke up, reminding Jason he needed more help, "Then Jason you only need two more quest members. The sun, and-"

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