Morgan pt.2

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I sit Morgan down in a chair

"And here I present.."

I gesture my hands at him.

"Our favorite felon!" I announce with a big smile on my face. Morgan looks up at me like I'm trying to get him arrested, I mean who's the one in handcuffs?

Spencer comes up from behind me and rests his hands upon my shoulders.

I turn around and look up at him as he to is laughing.

Morgan was the only one who wasn't amused.

One of the court employees came in with a file, i turned around and grabbed it.

"Oh thank you." I quietly say trying not to disturb the team.

Spencer let's go of me as I walked up to the briefing table, setting down the file wide open.

"Alright Derek, looks like your looking at 25 years to life in prison, so I need your honest answer before I can work on this case. Did you kill that boy?"

I ask him.

He looks up to me with the most serious face

"No I did not kill that boy, what do I look like to you?"

I wrote down the defendant claims not guilty.

"Alright I'll see you when I find the guy that did it." I said disregarding his question.

I  clicked the pen and walked over to the team.

"Any leads?" JJ asks.

Hotch flips through the file. "No not as of now, but we need to start somewhere so, the crime scene is where we'll start."

He only looks up for a moment before assigning us teams.

"Grey, Reid take the crime scene, JJ stays with me."

I nod my head, then me and Spencer leave the room heading for the car. I went for the drivers seat but he ran up ahead of me with a little smirk on his face, turns out he already had the keys.

"I swear to you Spencer Reid, one of these days your going to get smacked." I get in the car and slam the door.

"Oh is that an insult now, Mrs. Reid?" He mumbled under his breath, the car started moving and i just now processed what he actually said.

"what did you say?!" I asked of guard.

"Oh nothing you should be concerned about." he said with a smile on his face.

I crossed my arms and turned the other way facing the widow. We didnt talk for the rest of the way there, not because i was mad or anything, i was just thinking.

Gracie Moore Reid

That sounds almost perfect. Nevermind that, it is perfect. But not only that i had the whole CIA deal on my mind, im still wondering what thats all about.

A million thoughts are pulsing through my head all at once, all good thoughts. I mean just think of what our children would look like? They would be adorable, but to mention little tiny genius's.

And maybe one day we would get married? Everyone would be there, but who would walk me down the isle.. maybe my uncle Rossi could.

Yeah he definitely would. Now that I think about it, where the hell has Gideon been? He's been gone for weeks and Hotch has been acting suspicious.

We arrived at the crime scene, the sun was setting and it was crowded with police. I already had my badge out, I know I'm gonna get asked

"What are you kids doing here?"

Yeah I get that about every time.

Me and Spencer got out of the car, locking it behind us.

We attempt to go under the crime scene tape but then we're stopped.

"Woah there kiddos, Authority's only."

We both hold up our badges

"I'm special analysis agent Grey and this is my colleague Agent Reid, we were sent by Arron Hotchner."

I state, Spencer looks at me weirdly, they let us in and we go to examine the scene.

"Colleague?" He asked me, he sounded offended.

"Oh what did you want me to say? Hey guys this is my boyfriend and we're here to look at this dead body!" I said sarcastically as we approached the covered body.

He only lightly scoffed and we both kneeled down to the remains. I noticed the scar tissue from the stab wounds are fairy fresh.

"There's three stab wounds, no indication that they were specifically placed, obviously not Morgan's doing. His specialty is kicking down doors."

I lift up the child's shirt, revealing bruising and past scarring. I ran my fingers over the swelled blue and black imprints on this child's skin, and on the child's arm there was a cigarette burn, it was fresh.

I looked around and found the bud on the edge of the wall, I picked it up and put it in a containment bag. Just what we needed.

I hand the bag over to Spencer as I go grab for my phone to call Garcia.

"Hello sunshine! What can I do for you?" She said in a cheerful tone. I smiled, she always put people in the best mood.

"I have a cigarette bud, how fast can you get DNA?"

"As fast as you can send it love."

"On it."

I hung up the phone. Me and Spencer had it sent directly to her immediately, meanwhile we were on our way back to the court house.

I hate to say it but this case is already looking better for Morgan. And he would hate to have to say I was the one who saved his pitiful ass.

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