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The stalker

Gideon, Hotch , and Morgan sat in a room.

I handed over my phone to Hotch.

He opened the messages. "Grey has been reciving threats and, well as you can see pictures, so we know she is being stalked and she probably has been stalked since we threw Morris in prison."

I zone out once again through the widow, where i see a woman taking pictures of me. "Right there!"

I say pointing at the window, They all see the woman, I jump up from my seat and run out of the building, chasing her.

She jumps over a fence, pushing down some wood to block my way.

The fence falls over with one push, i jump over the debris.

I pick up my pace and catch up to her tackling her down to the ground. I hold her down getting out my cuffs.

"Thought you could outrun me, huh?"

The rest of the team finally arrives.

"Well little miss thing is quick." Morgan insists. "Who? Me or her?"

I say pulling her off the ground. I push her over too Hotch. I grab the camera and look through the film, all me. Including the picture he sent to me.

We escort her back to the police station for holding.

Two hours later

I walk into the cell where she sits. Morgan and Hotch guard the door.

"Whats your name?" I ask politly.

"Why would you wanna know, Bitch?" I pull out my phone.

"Yeah Garcia can you pull up everything you can find about Anna Hendrickson? Oh and Email it to Hotch,Morgan, And Spencer."

"You got it sugar."

"Thanks." I put my phone back in my pocket. "Well, Im sure i will know in a matter of minutes but can you tell me how long you have been working under Morris?"

She scoffs. "I dont know who that is. I was hired by Matt Jackson."

I pull up a picture of Morris. "Him?" She nodds her head.

"Well he clearly lied to you because his name is Jackson Morris. Do you even know why he wants you to stalk me?"

"Yeah ist because you famous or something and he needs the pictures for the news and things." She says like shes so smart. I let out a laugh.

"No, No thats not why he needs pictures of me, you see he is in prison for attempted murder, he tried to kill me and he will try and do it again, and you have been helping him for the past two years. Nice going Anna."

I walk out of the room and Spence, Hotch and Morgan follow behind.

I sit down in the confrence room looking through the profile.

"Well this is going no where. Our only lead is Morris and talking to him will just have to wait till we get back, And im having Little miss Anna sent back to the Bau to be held till we get back."

I say looking up from my phone.

"Alright just stick by one of us at all times." Hotch commands walking out the door. I look back at my phone before Gideon walks in.

"Grey, Reid, We need you out here about 6 woman came foward, they were raped by this man and we need someone to interveiw them." I get up from my chair, Me and Spencer interview every last woman till each case is through with.

I sit with the women reassuring them while the rest of the team is evaluating the situation.

Morgan grabs me from the arm pulling me out of the seat, "Hey i know how to walk on my own Morgan. Thanks." I pull my arm form his grip. "Where are we going?" I ask, The whole team walks away from the building to the cars.

"We think we found where he works." I get into the car. "Oh thats good." Hotch pulls out of the police department like a maniac, "Ok hotch dont be afraid to slow down."

i say holding on to my seat.

We enter the building, im not listening like always, Im just looking around trying to look for the unsub. And before you know it im being dragged like a ragdoll into a file room. "Look through these files quickly we need to find this unsub." Gideon annouces, i take a box full of files and read through each and every one. Nothing. I look up and Elle and Hotch are leaving the room.

"Where are they going?" I ask still looking over my files. "To find the unsub while we look through files." Spence says. "Oh thats fun."

Elle comes back into the room. "We got him." She says. I drop my file and follow her out of the building to the cars. Yet another trip.

We get to this little apartment, We all put on our vests. I stand over by Hotch. "Go." He says, Morgan does his thing and kicks down the door as always, we head in the house with no hesitation. I clear every room. He aint here either. I walk to a room where Hotch and Elle are. "Yall got anything- The fuck is that!"

I say looking at a skeleton in a chair. "Its his first victim." Elle says. "So he collects skeletons now?" I ask. They just ignore the question. I just walk out of the house.

Police station

I sit on the desk looking at the board of the rape victims and the murders, when i notice, the names are all the same. I get up from the desk and look. "Hey guys, i think i figured it out." I get everyones attention.

"He is killing the mothers of the rape victims in the same order of the rapes-" "Look that one right here." Spencer points out "Thats the last one, Quick get her adress!"

we get into the cars and race over to the adress. We quickly get into the house, Me and Elle find a trail of blood, "Cmon lets go." I say to her, She follows me out of the house, I flash my light along the grass till i come across the body. "Elle over here!" "Guys!" I yell loudy, The person turns over, its the man we have been looking for but hes all bloodyed up.

I hear a crack in the forest, i point my flash light over to see all six of the young women holding bats. "We had too."

One of them said. They dropped all of there bats to the ground. We take the girls to the police station. This case is now over. Finally.

The jet

I sat in my regular seat as normal. Spencer sits becide me, idont anything because im evaluating in my head everything that could go wrong. Which theres alot of them, you might think some are impossible, but anything can happen, or like my mother says. Theres a first time for everything.

authors note

ok so clearly this one is rushed and all and i didnt really feellike writing it because there is a BIG thing coming up next, so that chapter will be amazing enough to cover for this one so put your seat belts on everyone!! And thank you for 100+ reads thats truly amazing and i am so greatful!!!

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