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I slam the car door and start to pick up my pace to the elevator . We get to the main floor. I rush over to the round table, of course me and Spencer are the first ones there not including Hotch. I slam down some files from the other day and slump down in my seat.

"Do you think he actually did this?"

Spencer asks me as im flipping through the file

"No of course not, the offence is aganst a child.. Thats not even the point, Morgan wouldent murder, let alone hurt anyone no matter what."

Hotch walks in and stands at the door way

"Change of plans were going to discus this on the way there, the jet leaves in twenty minutes."

He leaves the room, I look over to Spencer as im slipping the file in my bag.

"Off we go again." I say sarcastically before exiting the room to collect my things at my desk.

I get to my desk and see that letter from the CIA poking out from my files, i look behind me and to my sides, i then quickly take the letter and slip in into my bag. Even though i distinctly remember already putting it in my bag but you know, whatever.

I get back to my car and wait for Spencer to get out of the building.

I sit there in the passenger seat just looking at my badge, how much ive changed. It almost been a year since ive been here. I see how happy i looked, how less traumatic my life was at the time. I mean i dont regret moving here, its just what if i didnt, what if..

He gets to the car and then we were on our way over to the jet. Today has been just great.. I mean first Morgan went to see his mom, which that was fine but that was one less team member and overall more work on us, second he gets convicted of murder, so now we need to go up there and convince the PD that he would never do such thing, i mean theres no telling if were going to be able to do that.

We get to the jet as soon as possible and sit in our normal seats. Spencer offered to play chess but i declined, theres just too much going on right now. I have that urge to open the letter from the CIA but i cant in front of everyone. I just want to know what they could possibly want from me right now.

Overall this has been a strange week. Theres just something else bad thats going to happen. I can feel it.

We arrive in Chicago, the first thing i was assigned to do was go get Morgan with JJ. So the both of us raced over to the CPD. We got to the front desk.

"What do you two little ladys need?" the man asks looking up from his newspaper

I scoff "I would refrain from calling either of us 'little lady', i need to speak with whoever the hell is holding Derek Morgan. Now." I say as we both hold up our badges.

He looks just the slightest startled but picks up the phone.

"Can i speak with the chief? Two agents would like to speak with him....Okay ill send them down."

He places the phone back down on the reciver. "Down the hall, second door on the left."

We both nod our heads and enter into the building. I enter the room and see Morgan behind the glass.

"You must be the two agents. Pleasure-"

"Hand over Morgan, well take him from here." JJ says.

He looks us up and down. "I dont think-"

"Exactly, you know were higher in rank then you. Thanks big guy." I saw opening the door to the detainment cell.

Morgans face lights up. "About damn time-"

"Dont get all smart-ass with me. Your still under arrest just under my super-vision, let's go."

I gesture my hand signaling for him to get up and follow us back out to the car.

Everyone looks at us as we walk through the building as Morgan stays in shackles.

I pull down my sun glasses as we exit the building.

JJ puts him on the back of the car and we head back to the team at the court house.

"So your just not going to talk to me or?" He asks

I look to the rear view mirror right at him.

"Oh no I would rather not have conversation with a soon to be convicted felon." I joke as we pull in into the court house parking lot.

"Very funny, Grey." He says sarcastically

We both get out of the car and we get him from the back.

I lead him into the court house, then to the room which the team is waiting with legal.

JJ opens the door and I walk him into the room.

Authors Note:
Guys I am so sorry in advance for not updating for 3+ months, I've been trying to catch myself up with other fandoms but I've been getting amazing feedback from this story so I decided that this should be my top priority.

I will be updating regularly and maybe even have a sequel (I think this story may run out on the longer side!)
But the ending I have planned out will be amazing trust me just bear with me!!

I love you all and thank you so much for being here

Lethal lust • Spencer Reid fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now