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We arrive at the crime scene, i unbuckle my seat belt before the car stops, i climb over spencer and im the first out of the car.

''Dont be her, dont be her''

i kept repeating in my head as my feet shuffle through the dead leafs of december

I go under the crime scene tape only to be stopped.

One of the police officers grabs my arm jerking me back

"What do you think your doing little girl?"

My eyes boil in rage

I shiver, after all it is 20 degrees.

I use my free hand to pull out my id

sticking it right in his face

"Its Doctor Grey to you, i would refrain from calling me little girl."

I pull my arm from his grip and continue to the body.

One glance. Was all it took for me to know, it was her.

Spencer, Hotch and Morgan follow behind me.

"Yep its her, but i cant find anything that could have led to her death, no marks, no adhesions.."

I notice fresh lipstick on her lips.

"This-This lipstick, its just been applied, Hes been reliving the scene?"

"That would explain the last three victims"

I turn around to Spencer.

"Theres already three more?!"

He only nods.

I roll my eyes and head back to the car

"Pretty girl, where you heading?"

Morgan asks

"Back to the drawing board i guess. I mean we have a dead body. That tells me nothing so lets go."

We head back to the police station, left with nothing.

And when we did get back, 5 more victims added to our plate. Hes moving fast, i know we can do this, i mean we do every time, but what if we dont stop whomever is doing this?

Im in a small office shuffling through papers, and files. Non of it makes since, all of the bullets are from different guns, and no finger prints at the scene, no nothing.

Spencer and Hotch went to the other scenes, while i do the quote on quote woman work.

My phone rings which startles me.


"Every one of these victims have had there hair brushed and had makeup applied, its almost as if he actually cared for them in the first place.."

Just hearing spencers voice settled me down

"Well maybe he did, maybe he stalked them and developed emotional feelings for these women,"

One of the police officers comes in the office.

"Hold on a second."

I put the phone down


"Two more bodys found, prostitutes."

"Great add them to the pile."

I say sarcastically

I pick up the phone

"Two more dead prostitutes for you, sending location now."

Lethal lust • Spencer Reid fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now