The morning after

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My eyes flutter open, my hair is all messy, and im naked. I turn around to see Spence is already out of bed. I notice a pain in my thighs, well my whole lower body.

I sit up wrapping the covers around myself, I sit there looking around. And thats when i remember exactly what happened. My eyes widen and I quickly jump up and run into the bathroom, I look in the mirror only to see my neck covered in hickies. 

I gasp. 

How am i supposed to go to work?!

"Spencer!" I shouted from the bathroom. 

I sat there looking myself up and down.

He ran into the bathroom almost tripping over our clothes from last night.

"What? Whats wrong- Oh." He says also looking me up and down. He bit his lip.

"My eyes are up here." I say getting his attention. "Right sorry." he replies rubbing his eyes.

"How am i supposed to show up to work?" I ask. He stairs at my neck. "Cover it up with makeup?" He suggests. "Alright but if they find out im telling them you did it." I say walking past him to go get clothes. 

Today will be my first day back at the BAU, and somehow thats already going downhill. 

I get on my outfit, only to find Spencer day dreaming on the couch.

"What are you doing?" I ask peaking out of the bedroom doorway. 

He turns around looking all flustered. I know exactly what he was think about. I tried to hide my smirk. But i failed. 

After a while he got dressed, and we left for work. We stopped at a red light adn i couldent help but notice some scratches on his neck. 

I mean its not like i was going to say anything about it, He caught be staring at him. "What?"  He asked just a little bit concerned. I have this urge to let a laugh out. "Its nothing, Spence, dont worry about it." I say trying to brush it off.

He quickly pulls down the car mirror. His jaw drops, as he runs his hand over his neck. "Sorry.." I say under my breath in a joking tone. He just looks at me with his mouth wide open. 

I place my hand under his chin, closing his mouth, then i grab his jaw and face his head foward. "You need to worry about driving right now, hunny." I say trying to stay serious.

We get to work and he is trying his best to cover the scratches with his shirt but its not working very well. 

We walk into the BAU, I dropped my stuff off at my desk as usaul and i walked over to the coffee station to meet with Spencer, but to my suprise he was already there, next to Morgan. 

I pour myself a cup of coffee and chug it down. "Looks like you had a long night." He says with a smirk. "Indeed i did. You should ask Spence." I say jokingly before leaving to go to my desk. 

We get called into a case, and before you know it "Wheels up in 30." Hotch said. 

I get on the jet, and this time me and Spence sit with the group. 

I look up from my cards. "Whats that on your neck, Gracie?" Morgan asks, now all the attention is on me. 

Im sure my face went red. And i said. "Oh, i burnt my neck with my curling iron.." I look back down to my cards. 

"But your hair is straight?' Spencer nags from the other side of the jet. 

I look behind me to see him sitting there with his cup of coffee and a smirk on his face. 

Every one starts to laugh. "Yeah we had sex? So what? Its not like you all have sex lifes either or anything." I sat before i through my cards down.

I get up and walk to the back to have a seat by myself. Im not heated, just embarassed. 

We land, and i think they may have forgot about it by now, hopefully. 

I get in the SUV with Hotch and JJ this time because that would save me alot of embarrasment. 

We were silent almost the whole time before JJ said. "Did you two really-" "No." I cut her off as we pulled into the missing womans house. To my knowlage, many women have been going missing, and there is two unsubs.

We walk in. "This is Doctor Reid, Doctor Grey, SSA Hotchner, SSA Morgan." Gideon says introducing us. I just stand there trying to smile without looking like a creep.

We get into the house, and you guessed it, Spencer wont leave my side. Im looking at the pictures of the missing wife as he stands behind me looking over my shoulder. 

"Hey you know theres other rooms to check right?" I ask. 

He pushes up his glasses. "Yeah i know that, But i want to do this together, you know, we think the same so-" "Ok fine, just stand becide me, the helocopter thing is giving off strict dad vibes." I say while examining the rest of the pictures.

I can feel his very presence shift over next to me. His hand brushes against mine, i want to look up at him but i wont, simply because of last night. 

Just his touch gave me the feeling when he- Nevermind. I walk up the stairs to find the couples bedroom, Really clean, organized, modern. From what i can tell is that they are happily married, i wish i had that. I look up at Spencer. Just wishing we had that. But also its way to early. Im insane. 

"Why do you keep looking back up to me, when you look at these pictures?" He asks. 

I try to cover for myself. "Oh.. Your glasses are, Uhm.. crooked." I say putting a picture down. 

I have a tiny smirk on my face as he looks into the mirror to see that its perfectly fine. I let out a smile laugh. "What?" He asks all so concerned. I look up to see he is very flustered. "I just love you, alot. Thats all." I say before walking out.

I have no words to describe how he makes me feel. Honestly, just his touch makes me feel like im the only girl in the world. And im pretty sure he dosnet know i feel this way either. 

I walk back down the stair case to give a small profile to gideon. 

I approach him as he is also looking around. "Hey Gideon, i found some things." 

He turns around, "Alright what do you got?" He asks me.

"Well i can see that they are very organized, very happy, so she woudlent have just left, so i can confirm that this is not a runaway. And im almost positive that the abductor is a stalker, this was planned." He nodds his head. "Good, well keep looking, were leaving in 10." 

I turn around and bump into Spencer. "Thats close enough." I say with my face in his chest. 

I quickly move out of his way, walking back around the house to see if i could have missed anything. I mean its kinda hard to focus when you have pretty boy following you around. 

I mean he has this scent. It like cashews and pepermint, its intoxicating really. My bedsheets smell like him, and i cant get away from him, which is a good thing.

I hear foot steps coming from the the stair case. I look around the corner to see there daughter walking down.

She looks about 6, maybe 7. "Mommy!" She yells out looking at me. 

Startled, i turn around, to see im the only one here. 

i look back at the small child, not knowing what to say or do, But being called mommy just felt so natural. I mean i cant just say no and crush her little heart.  And i cant just walk away either.

I squat down and have open arms for this kid as she walks closer to me. "I missed you mommy.." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck. 

Now that just about made me cry. 

My hands run through her hair trying to comfort her as much as i can. 

Hotch walks around the corner. He stands there in awe. But of corse. "Were leaving." He said. 

I let go of the child and walked to the car with a   bad feeling we might not find her mother with two serial killers on the loose....

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