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The day of the dead

I feel something hit my head which woke me up. "What the hell-"

JJ stands over me.

"Get up stupid were leaving."

She says in her sarcastic tones. I get up from my seat and follow her out to the cars. We all get stuffed into these little cop cars instead of our normal suvs which its fine its just small for 6 adult agents.

I sit next to Spencer.

I let out a yawn.

"Did you have a nice nap there princess?" Morgan says jokingly from infront of me.

"Yeah actually i did. And why is it so hot here? I mean its September."

I say taking off my jacket.

"Well considering the fact were in Mexico the tempature is normally around"

"70-100 degrees year around." I finish his sentance. We sit there in an awkward silence for the reamining of the car ride.

We arrive at the police station, I get out and i put my sunglasses on. I walk alongside Morgan and Spencer.

"I bet 5 bucks this is an actual
serial killer." I say to Morgan.

"Well i bet you 10 that it isnt and we will be out of here in 2 hours or less."

Before i can say anything my phone rings again. I dig it out of my pocket.

"You running off to Mexico does you no good. I have eyes on you every where darling."

I look up from my phone. Something is off. Someone is most definitely following me. I take my phone up to Hotch.

"I got another message. Look." I hand my phone over to him.

"I think whoever he has stalking me is apart of the FBI. Because how else would they know my location and be able to tell him that in less then 4 hours."

I suggest.

"I dont know. But i think your in danger. You stay with Reid at all times. I dont care if anyone tells you other wise. Thats an order."

We get back in the car after Gideon negotiates. I honestly dont know where we are going i think the crime scene.

"Hey Spence, a couple minutes ago i got another message, i just thought maybe you would want to know."

Morgan takes the phone out of my hand before i can show him.

"Let me see that." He reads over the message. "Now how would they know your location?"

"Well what im thinking is its an FBI agent, maybe even a BAU intern. Because i have files there, and it would only make sense if the stalker has access to me because we work in the same place, so that means-"

"We need to be extra careful who we talk to and who you come in contact with." Spencer says.

We get to the house, There still decorating for the day of the dead.

Morgan turns around to me. "Hey you speak Spanish?"

"Uhm no i can speak Italian fluently though."

"I didnt know you were Italian."

"I mean what did you expect me to be a pasta maker for a living?" I walk past him with Spencer following behind.

We enter the house, i go to the scene to try and put myself in the victims shoes.

Thats my way of trying to understand how and why the murder was done. I turn around and i see a bookshelf of pictures.

The woman was a family person, she looks like she got along with all of them in the pictures. I dont think anyone would want to kill her unless she knew to much.

Gideon comes in the room. "Find anything?" I turn around to the book shelf.

"No but look at these pictures, she was quite a family person. I dont think anyone would hate her, And i dont think it was her son either, but i do think it might have been a family friend or something of that sort if she felt enough trust to let the unsub in."

I look through her dresser, i find a picture of her son. "Now why is her sons picture hid away but the rest are out to see?" I say holding the picture up. "The father had a problem with him."

Gideon walks out of the room. I put the picture back in the dresser and follow him. I walk outside to see Spencer there waiting for me. "Any leads yet?" I whisper too him.

"Negative." He responds.

Gideon, Hotch and the police officer leave.

"Looks like were staying here then." I walk back into the house.

I sit on the couch.

We sit in silence till i bring up a question that's been lingering in my head today. "So am i staying at your house or are you coming to mine?"

I ask Spencer. "Well i guess whatever your more comfortable with."

"Alright guess ill be over at your house when we get back-" my phone rings before i can finish. "Yeah its Grey....Alright were on our way." I put my phone back in my back pocket. "Hotch said meet up at the station."

I throw the keys over too him.

Police station

I get out of the car and run over to the rest of the team. "Alright whats up."

"The son is homosexual and thats why we think the picture was hidden, and he wont talk so we cant prove his innocence."

I look up at Spencer. "Maybe get his sister to talk, Rosa is her name right?"

The sheriff nods.

The rest of the team goes to talk to her while me and Spencer wait.

"I feel so powerless right now." I say under my breath, i said that for me to hear i didnt know Spence heard me. Spencer walks over to me.

"Why is that?" He pulls a chair and sits down next to me.

"Well im being stalked and i dont know who it is, My crazy ex is some how texting me and giving death threats, and then i have to face Jackson, if i am scared of anything its that man, theres no telling what he could do or how-"

He puts his hand on top of mine. "I wont let him hurt you, I promise."

I look into his eyes, i want to say a bunch of things but something is holding me back. I think its the fact if i bring him into my life, i put him in danger. Jackson would kill him to get to me. I loose trace of my thoughts when Morgan barges into the room.

"Woah woah lovebirds holding hands? Isnt that too much for doctor Spencer reid?"

Morgan says, I take a empty cup and pretend to splash coffee on him. "Girl-" He says with a laugh. "Anyways we have a lead, so lets get too it."

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