Broken mirror on the wall

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Three weeks had past. Which i didnt go to work any of those days, simply because my doctor would not clear me. Even though pysically im fine. I got out of bed dreading this day. I mean morris could be set free, even though i doubt it. I got into the bathtub. Trying to take up as much time as possible. I dont want to be late but i also dont want to go at all. Its kind of like when you know you have home work to do but you would rather do something else.

I tried to look ok. But Spence noticed the second i got out of the bathroom. "Hey whats wrong?" He asks me with a concerned voice he says approching me. "Morris. Its always him. Hes always filling my head. Everything he said, and did to me. Its like i relive that week where he had kidnapped me. Its like i cant even control my own thoughts, and the fact i have to go to trial, agaist him today.. I dont know if i can do it." I say siting down on the bed. He sits becide me and takes my hand. 

I sit there drenched in water in my bathrobe. But for some reason he didnt mind. I dont have anymore tears left to spill. I sit there in my silence. I get a ringing in my ear, and i loose focus. I tend to do that alot, you probably already know that. I cant understand my own pain, its like it has a mind of its own. 

"Alright?" Spence asks me. I think i just missed a whole insperational speach."Oh, uhm yeah." I say standing back up to go pick out my clothes. I take out one of my suits, and a blue shirt. I mean i should just get it over with. I mean after this i can just get a restaining order, so oven if he gets out somehow, he cant get near me in the first place. 

I mean i would have dome that in the first place but i was scared that he wouldent have cared. I mean lets be real. He probably would find some way to try and make my life horrible. I look in the mirror only to find a scared for life exuse of a woman. I want do just jump out of the window sometimes. Hey thats actually a good- Nevermind. 

Spencer comes up from behind me and puts his hand on my shoulders. "You ready?" He whispers putting his head on top of mine, with a smile on his face. I look at myself and my smile slowly fades. Just the sight on myself makes me want to throw up. 

Spencer of course noticed my mood change, he spun me around. "Whats wrong?" He asks stroking my face with his thumb. I just stare into his eyes. Trying to find my words. I try to go and form a sentance and all i can say is. "I love you..."  I didnt even mean to say it, but im not at all mad. 

He looks kind of startled. I think i might have scared him, this is way to early, now im freaking out. "Oh im sorry, its to early for that, i wasent thinking, i just said it and now you probably are freaking out so im just gonna go!" i say in a high pitch voice.

I go to leave but then i find myself being held back by the firm grip oh his hand. I turn around only to be pulled into a soft kiss. I kept my eyes closed afraid to make eye contact. It felt so right, but at the same time i knew it was a little early, but this could be ment to be, I mean i would hope so. I mean hes Perfect. Oh and i forgot to mention he started wearing these cute glasses. Like i am so lucky to have him in my life honestly. 

I mean hes so pure, and hes so kind, and all my life ive been treated with violence and i begun to think that was normal, but Spencer has really turned the table for me. This is like a love story, i just hope we get that happily ever after like we always said we wanted as kids.. 

We got into the car and started heading for the court house, every mile we got close my stomach churned. I felt like i was about to throw up, just the thought of Morris made me sick. I just sit on the edge of the seat trying to clear my thoughts. 

We arrive at the court house and i already see Hotch waiting for me. When Spence parks i take a glance at him before i get out. I fix my outfit and shut the door before approaching Hotch. He turns his attention over to me. "You ready?" He asks in his stern voice. "Y-yeah." I stutter. 

Spencer comes up from behind me and takes my hand. I tighten my grip as we begin to start working. My stomach feels like its dropping. Like you know how it feels when you drop on a roller coaster? Thats exactly the feeling. It only grew stronger as i entered the building....

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