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Black Out, Or get out

After we get off the jet i feel the cold breeze sending shivers up my spine.

I quickly wrap myself up with my own arms. I continue to walk to the car so we can hurry up and get back to the Bau.

Spencer comes up from behind me. "Cold?" i let out a little laugh.

"Yeah. you could say that."

i few moments pass before i feel a jacket be thrown over my shoulders. I look up at him.

"you don't have to do that." He looks down at me. "Oh but i have too. just like i have to do this." And he opens the car door for me. Once he gets in i say,

"You seriously dont have to do things for me just because i am a woman or a new agent or whatever you reasoning is."

I say putting my arms through the sleeves of his FBI jacket.

"Its because you are my friend and thats the right thing to do."

Soon i fell asleep in the middle between Spencer and Derek. The car hit a bump causing my head to fall over on Spencers shoulder.

He looks over at Derek, He rolls his eyes.

"put your arm around her man."

He whispers.


Morgan places his hand around an pretend person and then shoots a thumb up.

I feel a arm wrap around my waist, i dont dare flench.

Before i know it the car comes to a stop and i instantly get up, spencer removes his hand from my waist quickly and smoothly as if i didnt notice.

i get out of the car and start to walk into the building, i come to my desk to see a mug, badge, and my own jacket with "Grey" written on the back. I look back from my desk too the group there all standing there with a smile on there face. Gideon walks up too me.

"You earned your spot at this Bau today kid. good work today." A wide smile spread across my face. "Thank you so much." I smiled looking down at my feet.

Everyone congratulated me and i popped a bottle of champagne, or someone did i cant really remember. At some part of the party JJ came up to me to give me a hug,

"Girl is that Spencers jacket?" she asks turning me around too look.

"You have your own now dont you think-"

"His smell is so addicting i dont want to take it off." "Oh so you have the hots for Reid now?" "Please. I do not. It's only been a day. I'll be right back, hold this." I said handing her my glass. I walked down the hall to Garcia's office.

"Girl!" Garcia turns around from her 7000 computer screens.

"Yes sugar im listening." I walk up to her desk. "Ok when you said Spencer was a pretty boy, i thought you ment he was cute. Just cute. No girl he is HOT, Like hes really attractive, you should have warned me. And look i got his jacket too, he smells like cashews and campfires, hes so addicting, and not to mention a gentleman!"

Garcia turned me around too see if it was really his jacket. "Hunny, i told you."

"Oh and theres some champagne down there if you want some. Oh and i got my badge and my own jacket and one of those mugs with my name on it."

Garcia gets up from her desk. "I knew you could get that badge."

I turn around to see spencer looking at the floor with a flustered look. I freeze like a deer the moment it gets hit.

"I think im going to leave now." i say running past Spencer.

I sprint back down to everyone else, embarrassed as hell. I grab another glass from the bottle to try and get that off my mind. I sit down at my desk for a minute, I slowly take off his jacket and replace it with my own, i take his jacket over too his desk and put it on the back of the chair.

I have a couple more glasses, enough for me too tell hotch to fuck himself. Good thing is he didn't take me seriously which i am eternally grateful for.

I get my keys to leave, But before i can walk out the door Gideon snatches those keys from my hands. "Let me go homeee."

I demand. "You, will not be driving." He turns around to everyone else.

"Can anyone take her home?" he asks. Everyone kind of ignores the question because they don't plan on leaving the Bau tonight.

Spencer emerges from the group with his keys in his hand. He walks up to me and heads out the door thinking ill follow him.

I just stand there zoned out. He turns back around rolling his eyes, he grabs my arm and quite literally dragged me to his car.

Before i knew it i blacked out in his car. And i woke up in his bed...

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