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The file room

A few weeks have past and ive had little to no contact with Spencer i mean what happend to hello? or Good morning?

Honestly i dont even care i just need to get over myself. I dont think i have slept for the past two days, its the nightmares. I walk back up to the coffee room to shovel more coffee into my system.

I pour myself a cup all the way to the rim. I just down it with no sugar or anything.

Then before you know it im poring myself another one.

"You need to calm down on the coffee, sugar." Morgan says coming behind me. I look him in the eyes, my tired eyes. Maybe so he will see why im drinking all the coffee.

"The nightmares?" I look from him back to my coffee.

"Yeah that and the fact Spencer wont talk to me." A wide smile spreads across his face.

"So tell me, do you like him?" I get a grin on my face. I put down my mug and put one hand on my hip. "Now that's classified Morgan you know this."

I go to walk away. I Go back to my desk. I wait a few minutes before the coffee starts to kick in. I go to grab my files, but someone grabs my hand and pulls me away from my desk. I look up and its Spencer.

"What ar-"

He puts a finger up to his mouth. "Be quiet." He continues to lead me to the file room.

He shuts the door and he turns around. "Ok do you still find me attractive?" He asks.

I raise an eye brow. "Yes?" He takes in a breath. "Ok i was just making sure before i said anything stupid and messed things up between us i just don-"

I place my hand on his cheek. "Your not going to mess anything up between us, it just goes how it goes."

I remove my hand from his face.

I walk out of the file room with a smug on my face. Morgan spots me from the coffee area.

He walks up to me by behind, "well well what are we up to now?"
I look at him.

"I think I might like Spencer." I say in a whisper. We continue to walk to the round table. "Reid?" We stop. "Yeah. Reid."

He licks his lips. "Well good luck with that one." He says then he walks out.

I finally get to take a seat back at my desk, But oh the moment i do.

"Grey conference room now." I slam my hands down on the desk. I turn around to Gideon. "Of course sir." I say in my normal voice but i walk away to the conference room, its empty all but me.

Elle comes into the room with her coffee, Bright and early as normal.                                                            
We both sit in the silence before i ask her a question.

"Elle do you have the nightmares too?" she looks up from her files.

"yeah sometimes. Im guessing yours are getting worse?" I hesitate to answer that.

"Yeah. I just dont want to bother anyone with my own personal issues when they already have there own."

"Have a comfort person. Have them talk you down, have them be there for you when you wake up from the nightmares. for me its my best friend, but for you thats your own job to decide."

Morgan walks into the room. "what are yall talking about?"

"I- We-" I stutter trying to come up with a lie.
"We were discussing this new case." Elle covers for me.

Soon everyone but Hotch is in the conference room waiting for the new case to be briefed.

Lethal lust • Spencer Reid fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now