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Drag Queens

We get into the cars and drive to the main street. We wait around for a taxi to come around which they believe to be the suspects boyfriend.

Honestly i dont know but were gonna catch the unsub soon , hopefully.

Finally the taxi pulls up and a 18-20 year old male comes out.

The police officer that is with us negotiates with him in Spanish. We start to walk away with him when he says.

"You dont understand, i wouldent do anything to hurt his mother, she was very very kind to me. She was trying to accept me. But his father made his mother feel bad for that, People like him make it impossible for people like me and her son to be together."

"Why were you outside of the mothers house?" Morgan asks him.

"I was with him. I wanted to make sure he was safe and his uncle didnt hurt him."

There was a silence before anyone said anything. "What did you see?" Gideon asks.

"I saw kids playing and people putting up decorations, oh and this woman." He describes. "What woman?" I ask. "I think she was just a social worker going house to house, she looked 40-50 years old."

I look at Morgan and Gideon. "Ok well thank you." I say. He walks away down the street.

Police station

I walk back inside to find JJ and tell her what happened. I find her in the office where we last were.

"Its not the sons boyfriend." I say walking in. I take i seat in the chair. Morgan walks in from behind me. "Why do you think that?" JJ asked me.

"The way he talked about Miguel. He didnt start pointing fingers at his boyfriend. I think a guilty man would."

Morgan says before i can. "See if he has an alibi. Run his prints against any found at the scene." Gideon requests Morgan.

One of the officers come in.

"Theres a call for all of you." He puts the phone on speaker. "Ok so i rushed your cups full of mucus through all of the regular channels at lightning speed, And it says there was one female drinker and one male."

Garcia explaines . "Thanks doll." Morgan says before hanging up.

"I think the killer is that quote on quote social worker." I say.

"She might be right, maybe why the victim felt safe enough to let her in is because she was a woman." Spencer backs me up.

"That also explains why we cant find the unsub because we have been looking for a man this whole time."

The team all hangs out in the office trying to find some connection or a clue to all of these killings when the officer comes back in.

"We found another body. Isabel Santiago, 67. No sign of forced entry."

The crime scene

We enter the house and find the body in the kitchen. "I dont think he is going to stop anytime soon."

I say looking around, "He?" Morgan asks. "Yeah he. Ive been thinking, how could it be a female if the drink analisis said one male and one female had a drink from it, what if he is just a male in womens clothing to trick elderly women and then he  kills them, i mean it would only make sense-"

"Shes right." Gideon said cutting me off. He gets on the phone and gives a profile.

"Ok so there was two killings in three days so the next killing should be anywhere between the next three days so we have to catch him quicker then i would have thought, he will just keep going till we find him."

I say under my breath trying to evaluate the situation. I walk outside, Gideon calls my phone. "This is grey." "Yeah i know, theres a situation at the police station so get Reid and get over here."

"Alright, see you there." I close up my phone and put it in my pocket. "I walk back into the house.

"Spencer theres something going on at the police station, Gideon requested me but that means you have to go too i guess."

He gets up from the couch. "Well this is what happens when your ex is stalking you."

He says as if i need a reminder.

Police station (Again)

We get back to the police station and there are maybe 15-20 men dressed in womens clothing. Hotch and Morgan are standing there with the two police officers.

"What did these people do?" I ask. "There men dressed as women, Doctor Grey, as you suggested."

One of the police officers says with a smug look. My jaw drops.

"Morgan! Really?"

He looks confused. "What you the one who suggested."

"Yes i may have said that's who commited the crime, but i did not command you to collect every drag queen in mexico and drop them off at the police station!"

I push Morgan and Hotch out of the way making a path way for myself.

I walk into the police station.

"can i have your attention please?" I say standing on a chair, They all look in my direction.

"Alright, this was a misunderstanding, you are free to return home."

I step down from the chair. I look up at Spencer.

"I hate Morgan sometimes."

I turn around to see the rest of the team including Morgan enter the building. "Speak of the devil."

I say walking my way over to the team. "Whats happening?" I ask. "Press confrence / breifing." JJ whispers to me.

I take a seat in the back of the room, i didnt listen at all. I just zoned out for a while, Then my phone buzzed, My ex sent a picture of me sitting exactly where i am now, this was just a few seconds ago.

I start to look around trying to figure out who, i finally get scared enough to show Hotch. I walk my way up to him and Morgan. I just hand him my phone and sit down infront of him.

He looks behind him trying to look to find anyone
suspicious .

"Im moving you under my super vision this is now something very serious. Wait till after the meeting, we will talk about this in a private matter with Morgan, Gideon, And Reid. Just stay by me."

I mean i shouldent be scared. its just a stalker its not like it actually jackson. Hes in prison. Right?

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