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Oh shit. I'm late again.

I rushed out of bed, running crazily into the bathroom. If I go in late again, that would make it the third time this week. As patient as Mr. Wolowitz may seem, there is no doubt in my mind that he will fire me this time.

Uhhh!!! Why do I sleep so much? Why am I so lazy?

"Sweetie be careful. You may hurt your lazy bones," Rachel mocked.

"Not helping Rach. This is serious." I yelled back.

I say this with the utmost love and respect I have for that girl. I may, one day, put a pillow over her head while she's sleeping and choke her to death. Why can't she take anything seriously?

"You know I love you."

"Yeah. yeah. Why are you home? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Class got cancelled. Mr. Dickens lost his mother, so... well... you get the gist."

"No fair. Why did his mother have to die the day he has to teach your class." I pout playfully.

I know I was late for work, but, bickers like this with Rach always gets me pumped for the day. It's one of those there's-no-place-i'd-rather-be kind of situations. Some people listen to rihanna or Beyonce to get their girl on, i do this and i'm pumped with girl power for the day. With the debacle I foresee, I may need a lot of it today for when the begging and the crying starts. Thinking about it alone makes me feel formidable, but I need the job, and I can't afford to lose another one this month.

"Hey... don't be mean. His mom didn't die today, she died yesterday. Get your facts right."

The gloominess in her voice makes her sound even funnier, and I felt bad that we were talking about the dead in that manner.

"By the way, how is we'll-get-married-and-have-cute-babies-together doing?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny."

With the way she sounded, I would bet my favourite jeans that she rolled her eyes, even though I couldn't see her.

"Keep rolling them eyes sweetheart, but that doesnt answer my question. Did the universe stop rooting for your happy ending?" I tease, wrestling with my left foot that seemed to have stuck in my trouser leg.

"I hate it when you act like you're not actually stupid."

I know she's trying to get me to drop it, but if she's not willing to talk about it, then there's something she's trying to hide, and i'm going to find out.

"Keep dodging LeBron, i can do this all day."

"What does LeBron have to do with anything?"

her voice carried an incredulous tone, and I saw her face wrinkle with confusion just as I entered the living room ready to go to work.

"He plays basketball right?" she nodded, looking more confused than before.

"Well, don't they dodge balls and stuff?" I said with all confidence.

Racheal laughed. "Oh my god, Brie. Your knowledge about sports is as bad as your ability to do them. Have you ever seen a game before?"

"Don't change the topic."

"Fine. i'll tell you, as long as you promise never to speak about sports again."

I rolled my eyes at her, my mouth carrying a frown.

Sports was the one thing I was not familiar with in knowledge and in action, but Racheal, she knew everything about it. Her favorite sport was football. If I played football, I'd end up in a cast for at least a month or two.
In high school, she was the volleyball captain, she played hockey and golf, just name it and Rachael was on it. And me... i couldn't run if the boogie man chased me with a chainsaw, and i'm a size six. It sucked, but it was how I was created.

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