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"Really? You just up and left home without as much as a mini bag to contain your essentials? That's the smart move you made, miss smarty pants I am still a virgin?" Rachael mocked.

I frowned at my best friend, who in turn raised a brow to me.

"Too soon?"

"Definitely." I smiled.

I like how she never focused on the fact that my mother caught me having foreplay with my boyfriend. She knew I was sensitive about topics like that, so, she avoided them even though she was dying to ask. I felt blessed to have someone who understood me, understood my complicated life and never once judged or made assumptions that could hurt me.

"Well, I beg to differ. After I silently let you cry for almost three hours, benevolently lending you my favourite pillow—which, by the way, is now overdue for burning because of all the mucus and saliva that came out from you—plus the indisputable fact that I am your best-est friend in the whole universe, I believe, have earned me the right to this much mockery." She winked.

I tried to stifle a laugh but couldn't. My predicament was bad but it was hard not to laugh whenever I was around Rachael. One of the reasons why we'd stayed best friend's all these years despite our uncountable number of fights was because Rachael didn't know how to hold a grudge, another reason was that my bestie had a huge sense of humour and she was skilled in making jokes and making light, serious matters.

But this wasn't a serious matter for me, this was the point in my life that could make or break me.

"I'm just saying, you could have used that A game brain of yours today."

"Thanks for being the best friend I've always wanted." I say sarcastically, frowning my face and squeezing my mouth for effect.

"Anytime girl."

She snapped her fingers in the air, a coy smile on her lips. I laughed. We were both divas but Rachael was by far the greater diva. Right through high school she'd always been like that, and my divaness was as a result of our close friendship from back in the day.

'Thank you.' I said with my eyes. A little overdone with how watery my eyes got, but I was really grateful for a friend like her and my heart felt too heavy to express it any less way.

"Hey..." she said softly, moving in closer to me, she gave me a big hug, and I felt even more grateful towards her.

"It's gonna be okay. I promise."

I nodded, because I knew if I said anything, I'd start another round of crying.

"But if you need it, I could always leave it for now, and maybe... say, burn my favorite pillow later?"

I couldn't help but laugh as I pushed her away, hitting lightly at her back. She got up running as fast as she could around the house and I tried catching her, but she was too fast.

"As your friend, I feel it is my duty to inform you that you are not cut out for sports. I mean look at you, you run like a granny and you're just thirty... wait... or was it forty?" she feigned confusion.

"Come here. Ohhh, you are so dead. Wait till I get my hands on you."

I ran towards the other end of the kitchen slab but she runs the opposite way. So I tried climbing the concrete slab, which was useless because, the moment she saw me up there she ran out of the kitchen to the living room falling a lot of utensils on the way. I saw her hiding behind her white upholstery chair, so, I stopped running and stood in the middle of the living room. One, because I wanted to scare her after giving her the impression that I couldn't see her, and two, because I needed to catch my breath.

Rachael was right, sports wasn't my thing.

I called out her name a few times, but she doesn't answer. As I stood, I could not help but admire what she'd done with the place. I still remembered how hard I laughed when she told me she wanted to live the minimalist lifestyle.

Rachael was many things but simple and content wasn't one of them. She bought every new or in-season designer bag, and if she couldn't afford it, she saved up for as long as needed. Her wardrobe was a boutique itself, and she was a bit of a hoarder. She liked extravagant and too much, her motto: bigger is better.

Rachael was a 5'4 size 12 with hair as thick as a forest, curly, and dark as coal. An African American born and bred in the United States, Pennsylvania. Her caramel skin shone, and she was the definition of a very rich spoilt kid, but, she was also the nicest person anyone could ever meet, with a heart of gold. She was fashionable and she was excessive, but I loved her even with all the flaws she came with. She never stuck to a particular thing, so she made 'change is the only constant thing in life' her second best motto. When she told me about her plans to be a minimalist, in retrospect, the reaction I gave should have been expected.

But now, standing in the middle of her living room, I was stunned and in awe at how she managed to pull this off. She had a way with fashion and style—that, I knew—but this aesthetics was shock worthy.

The white chairs that had a touch of blue and gold in the scatter cushions looked delightful and had a way of raising one's spirit, the wooden table in the middle of the sitting room gave it an elegant yet subtle look, the white vase containing a green coloured plant on the centre of the table gave the room a touch of nature, the all-white painted walls and matching white curtains, again a breath of fresh air, and the black plate-like hanging on the wall in form of a decoration that had below it the cutest mini hearth, came together giving the house one of the best minimalist homes I've seen so far.

If only her clothing could adapt this lifestyle too.

Speaking of clothing, her round ass in her favorite beige shorts was protruding outside her hideout, making it difficult for me to continue pretending I couldn't see her, and worse, that I could stop myself from laughing out loud.

"What's so funny Brie."

"That's some bright future behind, hot stuff," I said in my unrealistically manly voice.

She joins me laughing.

"Hey... don't be mean." She feigned anger and though I know she's faking it, I play along. Her body movements and the words that come out of her mouth next, gets us laughing and rolling on the ground.

"I'm sexy and you know it...'' she sang.

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