Hickeys Under The Hoodie ~ Analogical (and a bit of Royality) Part 2

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(This is part 2 of 'Hickey's Under The Hoodie'! If you haven't read part 1 already, I suggest you do so or else this might not make sense. Anyway, enjoy!)

"It's a long story.." Virgil said, sitting down on his bed. "I'm not listening.." Janus said and sat down next to him. Since Remus already knew what had happened, he just sat down next to Janus.

~After Explaining Everything~

Janus had taken his gloves off so he could be honest with Virgil. "Did you tell him that he made the hickey?" Janus asked. "I didn't get the chance to..plus, we were both so upset so he probably wouldn't have listened anyway.." Virgil said, tearing up. "Do I get to kill him?" Remus asked. "No! Don't kill him..I still love him.." Virgil said. "Well, maybe just tell him that he left the hickey?" Janus suggested. "Is he blind? Does he need new glasses? Or..new eyes-? Maybe both" Remus asked. Janus covered Remus' mouth. "Not helping, Rem" he said, turning his attention back to Virgil. "Even if I try to tell him, how do we know that he'll listen?" Virgil asked. "Well, we'll just have to make him listen." Janus gets up and puts his gloves back on.

~Back with the Light Sides~

"I just don't get it..would he really cheat on me?" Logan asked Patton and Roman. "No, Logan, of course not! There has to be a good explanation..." Patton said. "Well, do you think that..maybe you left the hickey and just didn't realize it?" Roman suggested. "...Did I leave that hickey...?" Logan starts thinking. "I mean, it's a possibility, Logan. You guys are always very..touchy.." Patton says. "That's true.." Logan says, still thinking. Suddenly, Logan has a flashback of the day before Virgil's trip and he remembers that he did leave the hickey. "I did leave the hickey...I'm so stupid! I have to apologize..!" He says, panicking a bit. "But, how are you gonna apologize, he went back with Janus and Remus" Roman says. "Well, Ro, Remus is your brother..maybe you can convince him to bring Virgil back long enough for Logan to apologize?" Patton asks. "Hmm...well, I could try..." Roman says. Just then, as if he was summoned, Remus appears. "Ro, you gotta help Virge and Logan get back together." Remus says. He then notices Logan. "Oh, hi Logan-" Remus says. "It's funny you say that, Rem, I was actually gonna ask you for help with that" Roman looks at Remus. "Me? Hang on. You wanted help from me?" Remus asked, not believing what he was hearing. "Yes, enjoy that I wanted your help" Roman said, crossing his arms. "Oh, you bet I will. Anyway, are we doing this or-?" Remus, still not believing what Roman said, puts his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I guess we should help the Emo and the Microsoft Nerd here." Roman gestures towards Logan. Logan sighs. "Are nicknames really necessary right now, Roman?" Logan asks. "Do you want our help or not?" Roman uncrosses his arms while asking. "..fine." Logan sighs but agrees. "Just ease up a bit on the nicknames, please." Logan asks while adjusting his glasses. "Whatever, Nerdy Wolverine." Roman said. "Now, how are we going to get Virgil back here long enough for you two to get back together?" He asked. "I can summon him here" Remus suggested. "Oh, right, I forgot that we were able to do that-" Roman said. Logan facepalms. Remus summons Virgil into the room. It was obvious that Virgil had been crying. But, as soon as he saw Logan, he threw himself into his arms. Logan, shocked by the sudden movement, stays still for a moment before hugging Virgil back. Virgil was sobbing into Logan's shoulder "Logan, I'm so sorry, I should've told you that you were the one who left the hickey." he said in between sobs. "It's alright, Virgil, I shouldn't have assumed that you cheated on me. You'd have no reason to cheat on me and I jumped to conclusions." Logan said, unsure of how to comfort Virgil. "I love you, Logan." Virgil said, slowly starting to calm down. "I love you too, Virgil." Logan said, happy to have his boyfriend back in his arms.

~The End!~

(I finally finished it! So sorry for the delay, I was so swamped with school work before summer break and now I'm finally inspired to write Sanders Sides fanfics and I have the time to do so! Oh, and please check out my new story "Love Through Music"! Chapter 1 is out now and it's my own original story! Anyway, thank you all so much for being patient and stay tuned for more fanfics!)

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