Logic Has Feelings Too~Logicality

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(The song at the top is just a song I like and have been obsessed with, It has nothing to do with the story.)

Logan was reading in the living room. "Hey Lo!" Patton said, sitting down next to him. "Salutations Patton." Logan said, not looking up from his book. "What are you reading, Logan?" Patton asked, trying to look at the book cover. "Oliver Twist" Logan said, looking over at Patton. Patton turned on the TV and Logan got up. "Where are you going, Logan?" Patton asked, watching Logan walk away. "To my room, It's much quieter in there." Logan replied. "Oh..ok! Just be back for lunch!" Patton said, watching Logan go into his room. Logan closed his door and Patton turned his attention back to the TV. "Hey Pat" Virgil said, walking into the room. "Hey Kiddo!" Patton said, looking at him. Virgil sat down next to Patton and watched TV. Roman walked into the room. "Everybody's favorite prince has arrived." Roman said, walking next to the couch. "Oh, great. Princey is here." Virgil said, snickering. (I love this part from the Sanders Sides series!) "What are you laughing at, Hot Topic?" Roman asked. "Aw, you think I'm hot." Virgil said, still laughing a little. (Sorry, I had to! I just love that part!) "Boys, be nice." Patton said, glaring at them. "Fine." Roman said, sitting between Virgil and Patton on the couch. "So, where's Logan?" Virgil asked. "In his room. He's reading." Patton said, paying attention to the animated characters on the screen. "Of course he is." Roman said, getting his phone out of his back pocket. Roman turned his phone on but had forgotten that his lock screen was a picture of Virgil. "Roman...is that a picture of me...?" Virgil asked, pointing at the screen. Roman put his phone back into his pocket quickly. "No, you must be seeing things.." Roman said, not looking at him and blushing. Patton cleared his throat. "Ok, what does everyone want for lunch?" Patton said, looking at both Roman and Virgil. "I honestly don't care, I'm cool with whatever." Virgil said, pulling his hood over his head. "Spaghetti sounds good to me." Roman said, taking his phone back out but hiding it from Virgil. Patton got up and walked towards Logan's room. Patton knocked on Logan's door. "Lo, may I come in?" Patton asked. "Sure, Patton." Logan said. Patton opened the door and saw Logan sitting at his desk. "How's reading coming along?" Patton asked, closing the door behind him. "Good, did you need anything?" Logan asked, turning towards Patton. "I just wanted to know what you wanted for lunch. Roman wants spaghetti and Virgil doesn't care." Patton said, smiling. "Um..Spaghetti is ok." Logan said, turning back to his desk to continue reading. "Ok, Logan! Lunch will be ready soon!" Patton said, opening the door to leave. When Patton left the room he closed the door. Patton returned to the living room and saw Virgil listening to music and Roman on his phone. Patton smiled to himself and continued walking to the kitchen.

~When Patton finished making lunch~

"Ok guys! Lunch is ready!" Patton called into the living room. Roman was the first one to walk into the kitchen. The smell of spaghetti hit him immediately. "Lunch smells delicious, Padre!" Roman said, sitting down. "Thank you!" Patton said. Virgil was the next one to walk into the kitchen. Virgil sat down next to Roman. "Food smells good, Pat." Virgil said. "Thanks, Virgil!" Patton said. Patton left the room and walked towards Logan's room. Patton knocked on Logan's door. "Logan, Lunch is ready!" Patton said. No response. Patton was confused, Logan usually answered immediately. Patton waited a few more minutes. Still no response. "Logan...?" Patton called, knocking on the door again. Patton didn't want to open the door and invade Logan's privacy so he waited a few more minutes. Again no response. Patton was getting worried. Patton hesitated but opened the door a little bit and saw Logan's head down on his desk. "Lo...Are you ok?" Patton asked, worried. Logan lifted his head up a little bit, looked in Patton's direction, and blinked. Logan put his glasses on and blinked again. "Oh...Hello Patton." Logan said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Patton opened the door a little more. "Hey Logan...were you asleep? Sorry if I woke you up! It's just that you weren't answering and I got worried..." Patton said, hoping Logan wasn't mad about him invading his personal space. "It's alright, Patton. You were just worried and I'm glad you would check on me if something was wrong." Logan said, getting out of his chair. Patton opened the door all the way as Logan walked out of the room. Patton closed the door and walked behind Logan. "Hey, Lo, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Patton asked, still walking behind Logan. "Not at all, go ahead." Logan responded, continuing to walk to the kitchen. "Well..I was just wondering..are you getting enough sleep? You've been sleeping during the day a lot lately.." Patton said, remembering the times throughout the week he caught Logan sleeping in different places during the day. Logan stopped walking but didn't answer. After a few minutes, Logan continued walking but didn't answer Patton's question. Patton had caught a glimpse of Logan's face when he stopped walking. He looked guilty but also disappointed. "Is that a yes...?" Patton asked, walking up next to Logan. Logan just stopped, slowly nodded, and continued walking. Patton was worried for Logan's health, mentally and physically. "Well, are you having trouble sleeping or...?" Patton asked, walking ahead of Logan, stopping him. Logan just silently nodded and tried to walk around Patton. "Why can't you sleep, Logan?" Patton asked, not letting him through. Logan was getting frustrated and didn't answer, he continued trying to walk around Patton. Patton wasn't letting him through, he wanted an answer. "Answer me, Logan, and I'll let you through." Patton said. Logan wasn't listening and continued trying to get through. "Logan, answer and I'll let you through." Patton said again, still blocking him. "Because I can't stop thinking about you!" Logan yelled. Patton stopped dead in his tracks and Logan realized what he had said. Logan silently walked back to his room and Patton followed behind, trying to stop him. Patton finally caught up with Logan but was greeted by a closed door. "Logan, can I please come in?" Patton asked, knocking on the door. Patton heard the door lock and a faint 'no'. "Please, Logan, we have to talk...I'm not upset. I promise!" Patton said, desperately trying to get Logan to open the door. "No, Patton, Just...Go away..!" Logan finally said. Patton sat down in front of the door and tried to talk to Logan. "Logan...Why didn't you tell me...?" Patton said, putting his back to the door. Logan didn't answer. Patton waited patiently. "I don't know..I guess I was afraid.." Logan said, quietly. "You didn't need to be afraid..you know why, Logan?" Patton asked, smiling to himself. "W-Why?" Logan asked. "Because, I like you too." Patton said. Logan unlocked the door and immediately opened it. Logan hugged Patton tightly and was overwhelmed with happiness. Patton smiled to himself and knew that this wouldn't be the last time he was in Logan's arms.

~The End~

Finally finished! Now I can work on the next fanfic! I love you guys so much and if you got here I am glad you enjoy my fanfics enough to continue reading! Goodbye until the next fanfic!

1,259 Words


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