Met you at Starbucks~Prinxiety (No, surprisingly it's not Remile)

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(The song above has nothing to do with the story, its just something that I listen to while writing in case you guys would be interesting in knowing that kind of stuff!)

Virgil was at Starbucks getting his usual coffee, a Mocha Frappuccino, when he saw a stunning man sitting and talking on the phone. (And about the drink, don't come at me but when my mom was alive I couldn't have coffee so I don't know what's good and what's not). Virgil was intrigued, who was this man? Virgil went to Starbucks every morning and had never seen this man before. Virgil walked over to the man who had just put his phone away. "Mind if I sit here?" Virgil asked, gesturing toward the empty chair across from the man. "Oh no, not at all. Go ahead!" The man said before taking a sip of his coffee. Virgil sat down and looked at the name on the cup 'Roman'. Virgil said the name in his head once more, 'Roman'. "So, are you Roman or did they mess up your name?" Virgil asked, pointing at the cup. "They got it correct, I am the great Prince Roman." Roman said, doing his iconic pose (You all know the one). "Are you 'Virgill'?" Roman asked. Virgil shook his head no "They put an extra L, It's just 'Virgil' with one L. Even though I come here every morning they always get it wrong." Virgil said with a faint smile. Roman smiled at Virgil. "You have a nice smile, do you smile often?" Roman asked, admiring Virgil's facial features. Virgil instantly covered his face with his sleeves "S-Sorry...My smile is so ugly..." Virgil said, burying his head in his hands. Roman frowned. "No, it's not..I think you have a beautiful smile..Who told you that..?" Roman said, looking at Virgil's eyes as he slowly lifted his head up. "My mom..My ex-boyfriend..." Virgil continued listing people and Roman just looked at him in shock. 'This boy has had a hard life' Roman thought looking at the tears welling up in Virgil's eyes as he slowly stopped naming people. Virgil wiped his eyes. "Sorry..I'm just wasting your time..You probably have somewhere to be and here I am holding you up.." Virgil said, starting to get up. "I'll just go.." Virgil said, turning toward the door. Roman grabbed Virgil's wrist. "Please..don't go.." Roman said quietly. Virgil turned towards Roman, blushing lightly. "W-Why do you want me to stay..?" Virgil asked. Roman realized he was still gripping Virgil's wrist, he let go and Virgil rubbed his wrist. "Sorry.." Roman said, before turning back towards the table. "You can leave if you want..I've just never met anyone like you.." Roman said, lowering his head slightly. Virgil gave Roman a little slip of paper before heading out of the door, smirking slightly. Roman lifted his head watching him go, then looked at the slip of paper. It read a phone number. Under the number it said 'Call me'. Roman smiled to himself and pulled out his phone.

~The Next Morning~

Virgil woke up to a text from a random number. Virgil smiled and opened the text.

123-456-7890 ~ Hey! It's Roman from Starbucks! This is Virgil right?

Virgil ~ Yeah, I just saved your #

Roman ~ Cool 👍

Virgil ~ So, Wyd?

Roman ~ Nothing, wbu?

Virgil ~ Same, I just woke up. Wanna go to the park or something?

Roman ~ Sure! See you in 10?

Virgil ~ Sure, see ya then

Roman ~ 😝

Virgil smiled and got ready.

~At the park~

Virgil looked around the park and saw Roman sitting on a bench, on his phone. When Virgil got closer, Roman looked up from his phone screen and smiled. "Hey Virgil!" Roman said, smiling. Virgil sat down next to Roman on the bench. "Hey Princey" Virgil said, smirking. Roman looked confused. "Princey?" Roman asked, looking at Virgil. "It's just a nickname..If you don't like it I won't say it." Virgil said, looking embarrassed. "No, No. It's cute." Roman said, smiling at Virgil. Virgil looked at Roman and smiled. "So, What kind of music do you listen to?" Roman asked. And like that Virgil and Roman talked at the park for the rest of the day. Virgil enjoyed Roman's company, Roman was different from other guys and that was what Virgil liked about him. At around 7:30 PM Roman looked up at the sky. "Woah, it's getting late.." Roman said, then looked at Virgil. "Do you wanna ride home?" Roman asked Virgil. Virgil thought for a moment, then nodded. Roman smiled and got up. Roman walked to his car and Virgil followed. Roman got in the car and so did Virgil. "Which way?" Roman asked.

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