Cookies ~ Logicality (Fluff of all the ships are at the end)

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It was a normal Friday night as Patton put chocolate chips in the cookie batter and mixed it. "Lo, Do you want to help me make cookies?" Patton asked, looking over at Logan. Logan sighed as he looked at Patton. "Thomas needs to come up with a new video idea. Work is more important than cookies." Logan said, writing on a piece of paper. "Oh..Ok Logan." Patton said sadly before continuing to work on the cookies. Patton looked over at Virgil. "Kiddo, do you want to help me?" Patton asked, smiling. "Sure, Dad." Virgil said, getting up from the table.

~When the cookies were done~

Patton handed Virgil and Roman a cookie. "Want a cookie, Lo?" Patton asked, offering a cookie to Logan. "I'm far too busy, Patton. I don't have time." Logan said, slightly pushing the cookie away. Patton's smile faded as he put the plate of cookies to the side and went to his room. Virgil glared at Logan. "Great. Patton is upset now! See what you've done, Logan?!" Virgil said, getting up to go comfort Patton. Patton sat on his bed as he held the cat hoodie Logan had got him while crying. Virgil knocked on Patton's door. Patton sniffed before quietly saying "W-Who is it..?". "Dad..It's Virgil.." Virgil said leaning against the door lightly. Patton got up and silently opened the door, as Virgil looked at him. Patton suddenly just collapsed and fell into Virgil's arms while crying. "D-Does he hate me, V-Virge..?" Patton asked, crying into Virgil's shoulder. "No, Dad..You know Logan..he's a workaholic. He'll come around." Virgil said, gently hugging Patton. "Do you r-really think s-so..?" Patton asked, looking into Virgil's eyes. Virgil took a tissue out of his pocket and handed it to Patton. "I know so" Virgil said, smiling at Patton. Patton smiled back and wiped his tears away. Patton looked at Virgil and smiled as he whispered something in Virgil's ear. "I like where your head is at, Pat." Virgil said, grinning at Patton.

~When they got back to the kitchen~

Logan looked up from the table with bloodshot eyes..had he been crying..? No, Logan? Crying? No way! Patton walked up to Logan and kissed him on the cheek. "Next time. Accept the cookies." Patton said, smiling, then looking over at Virgil. Virgil gave Patton a thumbs up as he looked back at Logan, Logan's face was a shade of bright red. "Haha, The Microsoft Nerd is blushing!" Roman laughed, walking up next to Virgil. Virgil pulled at Roman's shash until he got to Virgil's height and then Virgil kissed Roman. "Don't ruin the moment, Princey." Virgil said, looking back at Logan and Patton. Roman's face then turned red as well.

~Later (Some fluff for you guys <3)~

Logan and Patton were sitting on the couch, wearing their onesies, and cuddling. Roman and Virgil were cuddling as well and Virgil was running his fingers through Roman's hair. Patton had invited Janus and Remus as well. Although, Virgil was upset but he allowed it because it had meant a lot to Patton. Remus wanted to cuddle but Janus refused. "Jan~~" Remus whined, Attempting to wrap himself around Janus' waist but Janus pushed him away. "Remus, I said no." Janus said bluntly. "What do I have to do to have you cuddle me, Jan?" Remus asked, looking at him. Janus thought for a moment. "Feed a rabbit to my pet snake" Janus said, giving Remus a sinister smile. Remus gave Janus a smirk and pulled out his mace. "Dead or alive~?" Remus asked. Janus kissed Remus on the cheek and whispered "Do it outside, Patton might cry if you do it in here" Janus said, before giving Remus a gentle nudge toward the door. "Ok, Jan~" Remus said, before walking out the door. Patton looked at Janus, horrified "H-He's not going to k-kill a he Janus..?" Patton asked, tearing up. Logan shot a death glare at Janus. "No Patton, Of course not.." Janus lied as Logan held Patton. "So Virgil--" Janus was cut off by Virgil hissing. Janus sighed and looked back at the door. "You know, Virgil..I care for you.." Roman stared at Janus "In a brotherly way" Janus finished. Janus took off his glove and looked up at Virgil. Janus sighed. "Honestly" Janus said, not breaking eye contact with Virgil. Virgil just gave Janus a small nod and went back to running his fingers through Roman's hair. Janus put his glove back on as Remus quietly crept through the front door with a little box and a few splats of blood on his face. Janus got up and walked over to Remus. Janus pulled out a tissue and wiped the blood off of Remus' face. Janus sighed and put the tissue back into his pocket. "You need to be ' more ' messy, Re." Janus said, smiling before he leaned in and kissed Remus on the cheek. Janus whispered to Remus "Go get rid of the rabbit and the box, then when you get back we can cuddle." Remus smiled and ran upstairs with the box. Janus returned to his spot on the floor, patiently waiting for Remus to return. A little less than a few minutes later, Remus returned with nothing in his hands but Janus' hat. Janus was confused at first, but then soon realized that Remus took his hat without him noticing. Remus sat in front of Janus and wrapped his hands around Janus' waist. "I love you, Janus" Remus whispered in Janus' ear. Janus gently pulled away and took off his glove. "I love you too, Remus." Janus whispered back before Remus kissed Janus.

~The End~

This took way longer than it should've, I hope you guys like it anyways. I'll see you all in the next fanfic!


(965 Words)

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