My Little Storm Cloud~Prinxiety

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Roman was in the midst of chaos. Well, not really..He just lost his crown..But, he thought it was chaos. Anyways, He was looking for it and just couldn't find it. He looked around his room, under his bed, in his closet, and finally it struck him. Literally. He turned on his ceiling fan and it fell off of the blade and hit him on the head. It was only plastic, but it still hurt. There was a piece of paper taped to it. It said, 'Glad you found your crown, Princey. Bet it hurt though. ~Virgil'. Virgil. He did this. Roman walked to Virgil's room and was mad. "Virgil, you better have a good explanation for why my crown was on top of my ceiling fan!" Roman said, knocking on Virgil's door. Virgil opened the door, and smiled. "See you found my surprise, Sir-Sing-a-Lot" Virgil said, leaning in the doorway. "Yes, but why was it there?" Roman said, putting the crown onto his head. "Because I thought your reaction would be funny. And, I was clearly right." Virgil said, laughing at Roman's upset expression. "I did NOT find it very funny!" Roman said. Suddenly they both sunk down. They appeared in Thomas' living room. "Aw man, Thomas, you should've seen what just happened with Princey! It was hilarious!" Virgil said, taking his place on the stairs. "Laughs later, Virgil, I need help!" Thomas said.

~After helping Thomas~

"Ok, Thomas. See ya later!" Roman said, then he sunk down. He appeared back in the mind palace. Roman sat on the couch and sighed. "That tiring for you, Princey?" Virgil asked. "Yeah, he needed all the help he could get from me! No thanks to you..!" Roman said, staring at Virgil. "I'm Anxiety, it's what I do!" Virgil said, smirking. "Whatever, I'm tired." Roman said. "I'm watching a movie, and Patton is going to be cooking soon. You sure you wanna sleep?" Virgil said. "Yes." Roman said, closing his eyes. "I'm watching The Nightmare Before Christmas..." Virgil said. "Fine." Roman said, opening his eyes and sitting up.

~Halfway through the movie~

Virgil was still sitting on the couch, watching the movie, when he heard quiet snoring. "Princey...?" Virgil said, looking over at Roman. "And...he's asleep." Virgil said, returning his attention back to the movie. Sure enough, Roman was asleep.

~When the movie was over~

Virgil turned off the TV and looked over. Roman was still asleep. "Princey, wake up." Virgil said, shaking him slightly. "Great, Just my luck. He won't wake up." Virgil said, sighing. Virgil shook him again, a bit more aggressively now. "Is he still alive..?" Virgil wondered aloud. He was still breathing, He had a pulse, Roman was alive. "Ok, he's not dead. But, he won't wake up." Virgil said. Virgil snapped a few times in front of Roman's face. "Hm..maybe this will work.." Virgil said, getting up. Virgil got his headphones and put them on Roman. He played Disney songs. Roman woke up and started signing along. "Knew it would work." Virgil said. When the song was over, Roman took the headphones off. "What was the music about?" Roman asked, setting the headphones down next to him on the couch. "Because, you wouldn't wake up. I figured Disney songs would work. And here we are." Virgil said, picking up his headphones and putting them around his neck. "And..why do you care about what I do?" Roman asked, standing up. "Well, I thought you were dead. But, you weren't." Virgil said. "And why do you care if I were dead?" Roman asked, looking at him. "Because, Patton would be sad." Virgil said, crossing his arms. "You sure that's all, Virgil?" Roman said, his eyes locking with Virgil's. "Yes. I'm sure." Virgil said, looking away, breaking Roman's gaze. "You sure?" Roman asked, smirking. "Drop. It." Virgil said. "Fine. Your no fun!" Roman said, sitting back down. Virgil walked to his room. "Where are you going, Emo?" Roman asked, watching him walk away. "I have to touch up my eye shadow" Virgil said, continuing to walk away. Virgil slammed the door to his room. Roman smirked. "He's so cute when he's flustered." Roman said, blushing. Suddenly, Patton showed up next to him. "So, you think my dark strange son is cute~~?" Patton asked, looking at Roman. "Yeah" Roman said, remembering Virgil's face and continuing to blush. "You should ask him out, Ro" Patton said, sitting down next to Roman. "I'm not sure, Pat..He probably doesn't like me back.." Roman said, looking disappointed. "I don't know, Roman. What you don't know might surprise you~" Patton said, smiling. Roman looked at him. "Are you sure, Pat? What if he hates me afterwards? What if he never wants to talk to me again?" Roman said, hyperventilating. "Calm down, Kiddo. Virgil thinks the same way about things like this..." Patton said, attempting to calm Roman down. Roman couldn't calm down. He could only think about the bad outcomes. Virgil really did have an effect on him. It caused him to think differently about things. "Virgil! Come help me, please! Roman is freaking out!" Patton yelled down the hall. Virgil rushed out of the room. Virgil crouched down in front of Roman. Roman's eyes met his and all Virgil could see was fear. "He's scared about something..." Virgil said. "I know why...Can you help me calm him down?" Patton asked. "Ok, give him a bit of room. I'm going to try to get him to listen to me." Virgil said. "You got it!" Patton said, backing away slightly. "Ok, Ro, You gotta listen to me. Everything's gonna be ok. Nothing is wrong. Everything's alright." Virgil said, attempting to calm Roman down. "Look at me, Roman." Virgil said. Roman was still in a trance. He couldn't focus on anything but the bad outcomes in his head. "Roman..You have to listen to me! Please!" Virgil said, desperately trying to get his attention. "What was freaking him out, Patton?" Virgil asked, looking at Patton. "About asking you out..." Patton said. Virgil blushed and look at Roman. " should know I would say yes..I love you..even though I don't act like it.." Virgil said. Roman was snapped out of his trance. He had heard what Virgil said but didn't believe it. "S-Say that again..." Roman said. "If you asked me out, I would say yes. Because I love you. Even though I don't act like it.." Virgil said, continuing to blush. Roman kissed Virgil. Virgil was blushing even more. "Um..Roman..I think you broke Virgil.." Patton said, pointing to Virgil's face, which was a deep shade of red. "Heh...whoops..." Roman said. They all sunk down. "Hey Thomas..." Roman said. " is Virgil passed out....?" Thomas asked. "Heh...Funny story...I'll tell you later. What do you need help with?" Roman asked. "A boy.." Thomas said.

~After helping Thomas (Again)~

"Ok, have fun, Thomas!" Roman said. "Wait! You never told me what happened to Virgil!" Thomas said. "Oh yeah...I sorta kissed him and he passed out..." Roman said. "You what?" Thomas asked, stunned. "Ok, Bye now!" Roman said, sinking down. Roman appeared back in the mind palace. Virgil had recovered while helping Thomas and Patton was telling him what happened and why he passed out. Virgil was sitting on the couch a light blush covering his cheeks. Roman sat next to him. "Feeling better?" Roman asked, looking at Virgil. "Y-Yeah" Virgil said. Virgil yawned. "You tired?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded. "Come here, I wanna show you something." Roman said. Virgil reluctantly crawled over to Roman. Roman cuddled Virgil and Virgil freaked out at first. Then, Virgil gave in and fell asleep on Roman. Roman looked at Virgil and smiled and said: "My Little Storm Cloud..."

~The End~

Let me know if you guys enjoy them helping Thomas or not. See you soon!

1,295 Words


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