Cold Blooded Love ~ Demus

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(I'm going back to the OG ships, you guys- I just love them too much. Also, the art above is NOT mine! Imma try a bit of a new style while writing this one and let me know if you guys like it!)

Summary: Janus has always been closed-off when it comes to his feelings. Hiding them with lies and keeping up walls. When faced with an unknown emotion, he'll learn who is the cause behind it.

Janus was laying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. He had started feeling something recently, which was out of the ordinary for him, something almost like happiness but..more. He wasn't quite sure what it was or what caused him to feel that way, but, he did know that he didn't like it. Not one bit. He was hoping that maybe if he had just laid there long enough, it'd go away. It didn't. He soon found out that it wouldn't just go away. Just his luck, he's stuck with an emotion that he doesn't even know. There's a possibility that the other sides would know, but there's no way he could ask them! He's the bad guy, he's Deceit! Why would they help him? Well, they knew his name now, but, some of them still didn't like him. Mostly Virgil. Even if they did all like him, he still wouldn't ask for help. He's supposed to be intimidating, not somebody who needs help dealing with their emotions! That'd show that he isn't completely independent, and that's the last thing Janus wants to admit. Especially to Virgil, he'd never hear the end of it! "Wow Janus, you have a heart under all that, who knew?" and "Aw, Janus has feelings!". All the mocking would drive him insane! He couldn't do it, he just couldn't. So, he'll just do what he's been doing, even if it hasn't worked, just laying there and staring at the ceiling. Since he couldn't ask the others, he'd just have to figure it out by himself, like everything else. Sure, it wasn't the most effective way of solving his problems, but he had no other choice. Little did Janus know, Remus had been standing in the doorway of his room for a little while now. "Hey Dee, you good?" he asked. Janus sat up and looked at Remus "You do know that you can use my name, right? Also, how long have you been standing there?" Janus asked, feeling the unknown emotion get a bit more intense. "I know, and it doesn't really matter how long I've been standing here" Remus responded, twirling his morningstar in his hand. "It matters to me, tell me how long you've been standing there, Remus" Janus said, crossing his arms. "Ooh~ So defensive~ Fine, I haven't been here for that long, just long enough to see you staring at your ceiling." Remus said, leaning against the doorframe. Janus knew he should've locked his door. "Well, don't you have something better to do? Maybe you could go annoy your brother or something." Janus replied, laying back down. "Already did, Virge paid me 5 dollars to go away" Remus said, walking over to Janus, showing him the money.

~Five Minutes Ago~

Remus had been hiding behind the couch, waiting for the perfect moment to scare his brother. Virgil sat down on the very end of the couch while Roman was sitting in the middle, blissfully unaware of his twin. Remus didn't know that Virgil had noticed him. Now, finding this the perfect opportunity to scare Roman, Remus jumped out from the behind the couch and sat in between Roman and Virgil. "Hey Losers" Remus said. Roman had jumped, clearly startled. Meanwhile, since Virgil had seen Remus, he was prepared for the side to make himself known. "Remus, I'll pay you 5 dollars to go away" Virgil said, making it very clear he had little to no interest in dealing with the dark side. Remus, wanting the money, accepted and left as quickly as he had arrived.

~Present Time~

"Only 5 dollars?" Janus asked, surprised that Remus would accept such a small sum of money. "Eh, I needed a little extra cash" Remus replied, shoving the money back into his pocket. "Anyway, it's clear that something is on your mind" Remus sits down next to Janus "Spill it, Dee" he said, curious what Janus may be thinking about. "And, why should I tell you?" Janus asked, turning to look away from Remus "You came into my room without asking and you are invading my personal space" Janus said. "I am not!" Remus protested. Janus turned back to glance at Remus, their faces only inches apart. "Trust me, you are." Janus pushed Remus away. "Well, what's the point of personal space anyway?" Remus asked "I don't get it". "Of course you don't" Janus responded, sitting up. "But, seriously Jan, what's up with you? You aren't normally like this" Remus asked. "You aren't going to leave until I tell you, are you?" Janus asked, sighing. "Nope!" Remus responded, smiling. "I'm sick." Janus was lying, he couldn't tell Remus the truth, he had no choice but to lie. "You don't seem sick...can we even get sick?" Remus asked. "Leave." Janus said, rolling over to face away from Remus. "Fineee, have fun being boring~" Remus said, leaving the room. Finally, Janus was getting the peace he wanted. Yet..he couldn't help but feel...sad that Remus left the room. Almost as if he wanted him to stay. He dismissed the feeling, playing it off as just him needing to socialize more. After a few more minutes of staring up at his ceiling, he sat up, something He felt as if he were being watched. His eyes wandered around the room, stopping at the corner, seeing two eyes in the darkness. It was Remus again, or so he thought. "Didn't I tell you to leave, Remus?" Janus asked. No response. The eyes stared at him, blankly. "Remus, you need to leave, you've been in here long enough." Janus insisted. No response again. Suddenly, Remus peeked his head into the room. "Are you talking to me? I heard you say my name." Remus asked. Janus quickly glanced at Remus then back at the corner. The eyes were gone. "'s nothing, I just thought..never mind. Go away." Janus said. Maybe he was just imagining things. "Whatever, Dee." Remus left the room once again. Janus figured that he had finally lost it. Suddenly, he had felt as if he was being stared at once again. He turned back towards the corner and saw the pair of eyes again. This time, the person hiding in the shadows had stepped forward, it was Virgil. "Virgil? I totally expected you to be there." Janus said, when he had seen the purple-haired man step forward. "Oh, please, spare me. I need to talk to you." Virgil said, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he spoke. "Oh? What could you possibly want from me?" Janus asked "And why were you hiding in the shadows? I know you are anxiety but you were never one to hide in my room, especially from Remus." he added. "I was waiting for him to leave, I knew that if he was here, he'd spread what I told you and it'd get back to Roman." Virgil said. "Ah, so this is about Roman." Janus noted. "But, my point still stands, why do you want to talk to me? You've quite literally gone out of your way to ignore me on multiple separate occasions." he added, glancing away from Virgil. "Listen, I'm not exactly thrilled about this either, but you're sort of the only person I can talk to about this." Virgil responded. Janus turned his attention back to Virgil. "How so?" he asked. "I can't tell Patton, while he's supportive, he tends to have a bit of a big mouth. As for Logan, he can't give me advice because he doesn't know the first thing about love and emotions." Virgil explained. "Aren't him and Patton dating?" Janus asked. "Yeah, but he still has no idea what he's doing." Virgil responded. "Anyway," he continued. "I can't tell Roman, obviously and like I said, I can't tell Remus because he'll tell Roman." he said. "So, that leaves you with me." Janus said. "Exactly." Virgil said. Janus sighed "Go on then, I don't have all day." he said as he looked down at his hands, adjusting his gloves and seemingly completely uninterested in what Virgil may have to say. "Well, I want to ask Roman out..." Virgil began. "Mhm." Janus responded plainly. "Are you even listening to me?" Virgil asked, glaring at Janus. "Wow, Virgil, bold of you to assume I'm not listening...but I wasn't." Janus responded. Virgil sighed heavily. "Of course you weren't" He said. "I shouldn't have came to you." He turned to leave the room. "I knew you wouldn't care so why did I even waste my time?" He was about to leave before Janus stopped him. "Virgil...wait..." Janus began. "Just...sit down, I'll listen...maybe..." He was attempting to be nice to Virgil. That was a start. "What is the point? You don't care and you won't listen. I don't see the point in even talking to you because I'll just be talking to myself." the anxious side spoke, glaring daggers at Janus. "I'm...sorry." Janus hesitantly spoke. He had never apologized to Virgil while actually meaning it. Virgil was silent for a moment, seemingly processing what Janus had said before slowly sitting back down on the edge of Janus' bed. The silence was almost unbearable before Virgil broke it. "I really like Roman and I don't know what to do about it..." Virgil seemed genuinely troubled and Janus could tell. "The only advice I have," Janus began "Tell him, I overhear him talking to Remus every now and again about you. It's hard to not hear him." He glanced at Virgil. "Y-You do?" Virgil barely managed to get the words out. Janus could see that he was blushing, even under his pale foundation. He rolled his eyes slightly. "Yes, now go tell him. I know you want to." Janus gave Virgil a knowing look. Virgil left the room in a rush. Janus laid down again, sighing. He never understood romance. Janus, after staring at the ceiling for a bit longer, soon began to drift off to sleep. He rarely ever dreamed, but he soon found himself in a seemingly normal dream. It was just him sitting in his room. Until, Remus walked in. Of course, he couldn't even escape Remus in his dreams. Remus sat on the bed and just looked at him. Weird, he looked less deranged than usual. Remus than began to lean in. Classic Remus, always invading Janus' personal space. Janus quickly found himself leaning in as well. What is this? He tried to pull away but he couldn't. As soon as their lips touched, Janus woke up and sat upright. He placed a gloved hand to his forehead. What was that? He had never had a dream about anything like that before, especially about Remus! He placed a hand over his chest, feeling his heart beating at a quick pace. He felt the unfamiliar feeling grow stronger the longer he thought about the dream. Suddenly, as if on cue, Remus stepped inside of the room. Seeing Janus so distressed, he rushed over to his side. "Jan? What's wrong?" Remus sounded genuinely concerned about Janus. Janus glanced at him, he had now seen Remus in a different light and he wasn't sure how to feel around him now. "I'm...I'm fine." Janus was lying through his teeth. He definitely could not tell Remus the truth now. "You're clearly not fine," Remus stated. He knew Janus and this was not how Janus normally acts. Janus looked at Remus. Seeing Remus so concerned for him, it almost pained him. It sent daggers through his heart to see the man next to his bed look so worried. Why did it pain him? He shouldn't be worried for Remus. They are both grown men, they can handle themselves. So, why is Janus worried for him? Why is Remus worried for Janus? It makes no sense. This dream he had about Remus made no sense. He's never been attracted to Remus...right? He's never...wait. The unknown feeling growing more intense when Remus is nearby, this dream...the pieces were beginning to fall into place. Janus was in love with Remus. He couldn't believe it. He found out what this unknown emotion was...but he wasn't sure how to feel about it now. He slowly calmed down and Remus looked relieved. Janus looked at Remus, he didn't know how to act. He didn't know what to do or what to say. He felt...nervous? Was that the right word? Yes, nervous. He was now nervous around Remus. Who would've guessed? Deceit, himself was nervous around Remus of all people. It was almost laughable, in a way. But, besides that, he kinda just looked at Remus. He doesn't look as repulsive as usual. He looks almost...nice. Maybe this is the start of a cold-blooded love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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