Virgil's Surprise Birthday Party~Prinxiety

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(Also, I made this before we figured out Deceit's name was Janus.)

Virgil sat in his bed and checked the time. 2 AM. Virgil was having trouble sleeping recently but wasn't sure why. Since Virgil was the embodiment of Anxiety he was always anxious, maybe that's why he couldn't sleep...or was it something else? Virgil wasn't sure, all he knew was that he needed to get some sleep eventually. Virgil laid down and attempted to sleep. A few minutes passed but Virgil still couldn't sleep. Suddenly, as if summoned, Deceit appeared. Virgil was surprised and sat up immediately. "What are you doing here, Deceit?!" Virgil asked, getting out of bed. "Just stopping by..." Deceit said, looking around the room. " ' Nice ' room." Deceit commented, walking around a little. "Whatever. Can you get out?" Virgil asked, crossing his arms. "I could " Deceit said, walking towards Virgil. "Then get out!" Virgil said, pushing him towards the door. "Fine, fine. I ' wont ' be back later." Deceit said, opening the door. "Whatever Snake." Virgil said, closing the door. Virgil went back to his bed, sat down, and checked the time again. 2:23 AM. Remus appeared as Virgil laid down. "You too, Remus? I can't get a break, can I?" Virgil said, getting up once again. "Hey Virgil, Have you seen Dee?" Remus asked, biting into a stick of deodorant. Virgil rubbed his eyes. "Oh, yeah, he just left. Is that all you needed?" Virgil replied. Remus nodded and vanished as quickly as he had appeared. Virgil laid down once again. After what had felt like an eternity, Virgil finally fell asleep.

~In the morning~

Virgil woke up. "I must've crashed eventually.." Virgil said to himself, getting up. Virgil got dressed, walked into the bathroom, put his eye-shadow on, and walked downstairs. When Virgil got downstairs, he didn't see anyone, but he did see a note and a rose on the table. The note read: "Dear Virgil, Logan, Patton and I, have left to prepare for an upcoming event. We'll be home in a few hours. We'll miss you! ~Roman". But, Today was Virgil's Birthday...Were they really off setting up something while Virgil was left alone? Virgil looked at the rose. A rose? Virgil looked around and took the rose. "What's this rose for?" Virgil wondered aloud. Virgil turned the rose around and found a little note attached to it. Virgil read the note aloud: "'A rose for the fairest Emo of them all ~Roman'". Virgil laughed and rolled his eyes. Then Virgil remembered something. "Great! That means I'm stuck here with Deceit and Remus!" Virgil said, groaning. Remus appeared behind Virgil. Virgil turned around and jumped when he saw Remus. "Remus! What are you doing here!? You almost gave me a heart attack!" Virgil said, gripping at his chest. "Have you seen Deceit? He was supposed to watch a movie with me." Remus asked, looking around. Virgil was calming down and was better now. "No, I fortunately haven't" Virgil said, closing his eyes. "I think I know where he is." Remus said and disappeared. Virgil opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Remus was gone. Virgil looked down at the rose. Virgil wondered why Roman would leave him a rose. Virgil shrugged and put the rose in his hoodie pocket. Virgil sat down and turned on the T.V.

~When the show Virgil was watching was over~

"Where are they? It's been..." Virgil trailed off, then checked the clock "3 hours!?" Virgil said, shocked. Virgil shook his head slightly and stood up. "What has taken them so long...? I've been up for 2 hours and the show I watched was an hour!" Virgil asked aloud. Virgil was getting very concerned and worried. What if something had happened to them? What if they disappeared? What if Virgil would never see them again?! Wait...Virgil was just freaking himself out. They were probably taking longer than he thought! Just to make sure, Virgil texted Roman.

Virgil - Hey Ro, whatcha doing?

Princey 💘 - Hey Virge! Just setting up for the upcoming event I said in the letter, why?

Virgil - No reason! Just curious!

Princey 💘- Okay...Just text or call me if ya need anything!

Virgil - K, Princey. Talk to you later!

Princey 💘 - Bye Emo Nightmare~ ❤️

Virgil - Whatever 🙄

Now that Virgil knew that Roman and his friends were safe, he could relax. Virgil sat back down and was about to watch another show when he got a text.

Dad 💙 - Hey Kiddo! Roman said that you texted him, are you okay?

Virgil - I'm fine, Pat. I was just a little concerned.

Dad 💙 - Alright Kiddo! Let me know if you need anything!

Virgil - Ok Dad, bye!

Dad 💙 - Bye Kiddo!

Virgil was bored, he didn't know what to do. Until, Virgil got another text..

Deceit 🐍 - Why hello Virgil ~

Virgil - What do you want, Deceit?

Deceit 🐍 - Oh, nothing

Virgil - You obviously want something, you texted me...

Deceit 🐍 - Fine, have you seen Remus? He was supposed to be here by now..

Virgil - Yes..he was looking for you, why?

Deceit 🐍 - No reason, just looking for him.

Virgil - ok..bye..

Deceit 🐍 - Bye

Virgil turned off his phone. Virgil turned his attention back to the T.V. and decided to watch a horror movie.

~At 4:00 PM~

Virgil was just scrolling through Tumblr when a piece of paper slid under the front door. Virgil got up and picked up the paper. The paper read: "Come to the park, my dear Emo Nightmare ~Roman". Virgil put his phone in his pocket and left the house.

~When Virgil got to the park~

Virgil was standing outside of the park entrance and as he was about to step inside, Roman ran towards him and blindfolded him. "Roman?! What's going on?" Virgil asked, startled. "Just follow me" Roman said, grabbing Virgil's hand and leading him. "Roman, Can you please tell me what's going on?" Virgil asked. "Not yet.." Roman said, continuing to lead Virgil. "Roman!! Tell me!! I don't keep secrets from you!" Virgil said, getting impatient. "Ok, take your blindfold off!" Roman said, stopping. Virgil carefully took the blindfold off and was startled by what was in front of him. There was a birthday party. So, that's what they were doing.. "Surprise Kiddo!" Patton yelled. Virgil was still in shock and all he could do was tear up. Nobody had gone through this much trouble just for Virgil's birthday...Virgil had gotten overwhelmed with joy that he started crying, he hugged the person that was closest to him..That person just happened to be Roman. Roman was startled at first but eventually hugged Virgil back until he had stopped crying. Virgil looked at Roman and blushed when he remembered what had happened. Virgil backed away and puts his hands into his pockets. When Virgil puts his hands into his pockets, he feels something and pulls it out. The rose. This time there was something else on the rose that Virgil hadn't noticed. There was a small piece of paper on one of the petals. The paper read: "Be my boyfriend? ❤️ ~Roman". Virgil was blushing even more after reading the paper. Virgil looked at Roman who was smiling. "Well...?" Roman asked, looking at Virgil. Virgil just looked at Roman and kissed him. Roman blushed and Virgil backed away. "Does that answer your question, Princey?" Virgil asked, crossing his arms. Roman just nodded and Virgil turned to the others. Patton was fan-girling while Logan was just confused. "But, you didn't answer his just kissed him...?" Logan said. "Are you ok, Pat?" Virgil asked, looking at Patton. Patton looked at Virgil very happily. "Are you kidding?! I'm amazing!!!!!" Patton exclaimed. Roman suddenly came up beside Virgil. "I-I'm not dreaming...right?" Roman asked. Virgil kissed Roman on the cheek and smiled. "Nope. You're not." Virgil said, looking at Roman's extremely red face. Virgil smiled and went to enjoy his birthday with his friends and his new boyfriend.

~The End!~

I'm so sorry that this one took so long!! My mom died recently so I've been taking it really hard..

(1,351 words)


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