In Love With A Prince~Prinxiety

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Virgil woke up to his alarm clock beeping. "Stupid alarm..." Virgil groaned while turning it off. The time on the clock read 8:30 AM. "I guess I should get up" Virgil remarked, getting out of bed. Virgil walked to his closet and opened the door. Virgil picked out a hoodie, put it on, and walked downstairs. "Good Morning, Kiddo!" Patton said when Virgil got downstairs. "Morning, Pat." Virgil replied, groggily while walking to the kitchen. "Salutations, Virgil" Logan said as Virgil sat down. "Morning to you to, Logan" Virgil said while pouring cereal into a bowl. "The Emo has risen" Roman said, staring Virgil down. "You're one to talk, Princey." Virgil said, glaring at him. "Boys, be nice. Please." Patton said, looking at Roman and Virgil from the other side of the table. "Ok, Patton.." Virgil sighed. "Alright, Padre." Roman said. "Thank you." Patton said, before eating.

~After Breakfast~

"So, I was actually going to the movies later. Anybody wanna come?" Patton asks, as everyone is watching TV. "I'll join you, Patton. Hopefully the movie is educational." Logan says. While Logan looks away, Patton whispers to Roman and Virgil: "It isn't..". Roman and Virgil laugh while Logan glare at them. "What is so funny?" Logan asks Patton. "Oh nothing.." Patton replies. Logan clears his throat. "uh oh.." Patton says. Patton covers his ears. Surprisingly, Logan didn't yell. "Your lying to me, Patton. Why would you feel the need to lie?" Logan said. Patton uncovers his ears. "Oh, um, It was just a little joke, Lo" Patton says. "If you say so, Patton." Logan says, looking away. Roman and Virgil stop laughing. While they were laughing, Roman had moved closer to Virgil. Roman realized that he got closer and moved away.

~When Logan and Patton left~

Virgil was laying on the couch and watching TV. Roman walked into the room. "What are you doing, Emo?" Roman asked, leaning against the couch and looking at Virgil. "Watching TV, Princey" Virgil said, not looking away from the screen. "What show?" Roman asked. "I'm watching a movie, actually, and I'm watching Scream." Virgil replied, sitting up. "Can I watch it with you?" Roman asked. "But, I thought you didn't like scary movies..? And your afraid of the dark." Virgil said, looking at Roman. "Well, Your here and the lights are on." Roman said, looking around. "What does me being here have to do with anything?" Virgil asked, switching his attention back to the movie. "N-Nothing! Just let me watch the movie!" Roman said, sitting next to Virgil. "Fine, but if you get scared don't come crying to me." Virgil said. "You wish I would" Roman said.

~After the movie~

Roman sat next to Virgil, afraid for his life. "W-Why was that movie s-so scary?!" Roman said, shaking. "It wasn't that bad" Virgil said, changing the channel. Virgil's phone starting ringing. Roman jumped. "Calm down, Roman. It's just my phone." Virgil said, picking up his phone. "Hey Patton!" Virgil said, answering the call. "Hey Kiddo, we're gonna be a little late. Logan and I were driving home and we got a flat tire." Patton said. "Oh, ok. Well, don't worry, Pat. Roman and I will be fine!" Virgil said, looking over at Roman. "Ok, Bye Kiddo! We should be home soon!" Patton said. "Bye Patton, see you soon." Virgil said, hanging up. "What was that about?" Roman asked, fixing his hair. "Pat and Logan have a flat tire. Patton said they should be home soon though" Virgil said, looking at him. A few minutes later, Roman had fallen asleep "R-Roman! Get off o-of me!!" Virgil yelled. Yet, Roman was still sound asleep. Virgil wondered why he wouldn't get up. Virgil attempted to push Roman off of him yet failed. "Ugh! Roman! That's the last time I let you sit next to me at night!" Virgil said, getting flustered. After trying a couple of times, Virgil stopped trying knowing he wouldn't get anywhere. Virgil eventually fell asleep as well.

~When Patton and Logan got home~

When Patton opened the door, he sees Virgil and Roman asleep together on the couch. "So cute!!!" Patton said, looking at them. Logan closed the door. "Well, I'm going to go get ready for bed. It's late" Logan said, walking upstairs. "Ok Lo, Goodnight!" Patton called up the stairs. Patton looked at Virgil and Roman sleeping one last time before going upstairs.

~In The Morning~

Virgil woke up but his alarm wasn't going off, in fact he wasn't even in his room! Suddenly, all the events of that night came flooding back to him. Virgil looked down, and just like last night he was still laying on Virgil. "Roman, get up." Virgil said, rubbing his eyes. Roman stayed sleeping. "Roman..?" Virgil said, lightly shaking him. "ROMAN!" Virgil yelled. Roman woke up. "HUH? What?" Roman said, startled. Roman then realized what had happened and quickly got up. "Virgil, I'm so so SO sorry!! I wan't thinking! I was tired! And--" Roman stammered. He was cut off by Virgil covering his mouth. "It's ok, Roman. Don't apologize. It wasn't the worst thing in the world." Virgil said, looking at him. Virgil un-covered his mouth. Roman was speechless. Normally Virgil would've yelled at him for doing something like that. But..something was different with Virgil. "Roman?" Virgil asked. Roman was snapped out of his thought. "What? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking" Roman said, still confused about why Virgil wasn't yelling. "I just wanted to know if you were ok" Virgil said, smiling. Ok, now Roman was VERY confused. Virgil doesn't normally smile for no reason! "Ok, what are you and what have you done with Virgil?!" Roman asked, getting up. "I'm still me, Roman." Virgil said. "No, No way! You haven't insulted me once and you haven't yelled at me for falling asleep on you!" Roman said, backing away. "Roman, believe me. I'm fine!" Virgil said, getting a little annoyed. "Something is wrong with you!" Roman said. "Nothing is wrong with me, I just like you, you idiot!" Virgil yelled. Virgil and Roman realized what was said and they both blush. "Virgil..I.." Roman started. Virgil got up and ran upstairs. "Virgil! Wait!" Roman yelled, running after him. Virgil ran into his room and locked the door. Roman ran to his room and stood at the door. "Virgil..I just wanna the door." Roman said. Virgil started having a panic attack and was sobbing. "G-Go away, P-Princey" Virgil says, while crying. Virgil didn't want anyone to see him sobbing, let alone Roman, especially after yelling that he liked him. "Virgil..please.." Roman said, leaning against the door. "J-Just go away, R-Roman...Please.." Virgil said, still crying. Roman decided that he would give Virgil space and check back in a little bit. "O-Ok Virgil, but if you need anything..anything at all..I'm right here.." Roman said, slowly walking away.

~After a few minutes~

Roman went back to Virgil's room to check on him. " ok?" Roman asked, knocking on the door. At this point, Virgil's panic attack had subsided but he still was upset about the whole 'I like you' thing. He was worried about what Roman would say and if he felt the same. "Virge..?" Roman asked again. "C-Come in, R-Ro.." Virgil said, unlocking his door. When Virgil opened the door, Roman hugged him and cried. "Virgil! I was so worried!" Roman says in between sobs. "Y-You were worried about me..?" Virgil asked. Nobody had worried about him before besides Patton. "Of course I was worried! I wanted to tell you I like you too!" Roman said, still sobbing into Virgil's shoulder. Virgil froze. "He likes me too?!" Virgil thought. Virgil blushed. "Uh..R-Roman..Your squeezing me and I kinda can't breathe.." Virgil said, struggling to breathe. "Oh, um, sorry!" Roman said, letting go and wiping his tears away. "Virgil, this is probably a stupid thing to say..but..did anyone tell you that your a good person?" Roman said, looking at him. "W-What?" Virgil stuttered, blushing. The only person to have told him that was Patton. Yet, Patton always treated him nice..but a compliment from Roman felt comforting. Like whenever Roman complimented Virgil, He felt like the most special person in the world...Virgil hugged Roman. "Whoa, Ok, I was not expecting that but glad it happened" Roman said, hugging Virgil back tightly. "Roman, can I tell you something?" Virgil asked. "Sure, go for it." Roman replied. "I-I-Um..." Virgil knew what he wanted to stay but struggled to say it. "You...?" Roman said. "Uh..I-I-.." Virgil still couldn't say it. Logan came out of the room with Patton close behind. "Will you just tell him you love him, already?! I've known for months!" Logan says. "What? But, I only told Patton...." Virgil trailed off. "Pat, you told him. Didn't you?" Virgil asked Patton. "Yeah..He knew I was hiding something and asked me to tell him.." Patton said, peeking out from behind Logan. " me...?" Roman asked Virgil. Virgil and Roman blushed. "Y-Yeah" Virgil said looking away. "This is a sentence I never thought I'd say but..I'm in love with a prince.." Virgil said, looking at Roman. "And this is something I thought I'd never do" Virgil said. "What do you m--" Roman was cut off by Virgil kissing him on the cheek. Virgil and Roman blushed. "MY SHIP!!" Patton said, looking at them. "Told you it would happen soon or later." Logan said, looking at Patton. "uh oh, I think Virgil broke Roman.." Patton said, pointing to Roman's red face. "And Virgil broke himself" Logan said, pointing to Virgil's red face. "Wanna watch TV, Logan?" Patton asked. "Sure." Logan said, following behind Patton.

~The End~

I tried my best, this is my first fanfic..ever..and I hope you all like it..

(Logicality is next :3)

1,673 Words


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