Hickeys Under The Hoodie ~ Analogical (and a bit of Royality) Part 1

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(So, I know that this is a book about Prinxiety, Logicality, and Demus BUT I wanna write about some different ships and see what you guys think! Hope you all like it!) Logan sighed and sat down. Virgil had been out of town for a few days. Logan decided to call Virgil and see if he was ok. Virgil answered the phone almost immediately. "Hey Lo!" Virgil said, smiling and waiting for a reply. "Greetings Virgil. How is your trip so far?" Logan asked, gently tapping his fingers on the cover of his book. "Good! I should be home tomorrow! I'm excited to see you and the others soon!" Virgil said, sitting on his hotel bed. "That sounds satisfactory." Logan replied. "So, what have you guys been up to while I've been gone?" Virgil asked. "Patton has been baking pastries for when you come home, Roman has been making decorations, and I have been awaiting for your arrival." Logan said, smiling and hugging Virgil's hoodie. "Awh, That's so sweet of you guys!" Virgil said, blushing lightly. Logan smiled and hugged Virgil's hoodie again. "Do you still have my hoodie, Lo?" Virgil asked. "Of course" Logan replied. All of a sudden, Logan heard another man's voice on the phone. "Oh! I gotta go, Logan! Love you!" Virgil said, before hanging up. Logan was confused. Who was this man talking to his boyfriend? Logan was sure that there was a logical explanation and that he'd ask Virgil when he gets home tomorrow.

~The next morning~

Logan woke up and sighed. But then, he remembered that Virgil was coming home today! When Logan got downstairs, Patton and Roman were sitting on the couch and holding hands. Roman looked over and saw Logan. "Wearing the Emo's hoodie?" Roman asked. "Of course, he is my boyfriend. Why wouldn't I?" Logan asked, before sitting down next to them.

~A hour or so later~

Logan took out his phone and decided to text Virgil.

Logan 💭👓- Hello Virgil, will you be arriving at the airport soon?

Virgil 💜🌪- Yeah, Lo! I should be there in a few minutes actually! I'll see you soon! ❤️

Logan 💭👓- ❤️

Logan turned to Patton and Roman. "Virgil will be arriving at the airport soon, we should get there before he lands." Logan said, getting up. Patton and Roman nodded in agreement, got up, and headed out the door.

~At the airport~

Logan, Patton and Roman were waiting at the airport. Virgil was supposed to text Logan when he landed. Logan checked his phone every 5-10 minutes. He was getting a bit impatient. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Virgil texted Logan saying that the plane had landed and that he was at Gate A. Logan pulled Roman and Patton to Gate A and patiently waited for Virgil. After a few minutes, Virgil walked out of Gate A and hugged Logan almost immediately. Logan smiled and hugged Virgil back. Virgil still had his arms wrapped around Logan's waist when they pulled away. "I missed you, Lo!" Virgil smiled and kissed Logan's cheek. Logan blushed. "I-I missed you too, Virgil" Logan smiled. "Ok, you two, can we go home now? You can make-out later" Roman said, looking impatiently. "Patton is tired" Roman looked at Patton lovingly. "Fineee" Virgil gently let go of Logan and held his hand as they walked out of the airport.

~At home~

Virgil saw all the decorations set up and the cupcakes that Patton had baked all laid out on the table. He smiled and they had a little party to celebrate Virgil coming home.

~After the party~

"Thanks for this you guys, I really appreciate it!" Virgil said, smiling. "It was no problem, Kiddo!" Patton smiled. "Yes, Emo, I agree with Patton." Roman looked at Patton and smiled. Logan had his head on Virgil's shoulder when he noticed something...it was a red spot on Virgil's neck. He unzipped Virgil's hoodie to look at the mark. Virgil noticed and looked at Logan "Lo...? What are you doing?" Virgil asked. Logan kept trying to look at the mark on Virgil's neck. He finally got Virgil's hoodie unzipped and could see the mark clearly. Virgil looked even more confused "Lo...?". Logan's eyes widen and he looked hurt. Virgil turns to face him "Logan...? Whats wrong..?" Logan backed away from Virgil and ran to his room. "Logan! Wait!" Virgil tried to catch up with him but he was too slow. Virgil went to his room, crying a little. Remus appeared in Virgil's room "Hey V, what's-" Virgil looked up at Remus "Woah..why are you crying-?" Virgil wiped his eyes "I-Its Logan..he just..rushed to his room, looking really..hurt.." Virgil sighed, looking away from Remus. Remus notices the red mark on Virgil's neck "Virge, has that hickey always been there..?" Remus pointed to the hickey on his neck. "What hickey-?" Virgil touched his neck. Roman took a picture and showed it to Virgil "That hickey". Virgil smiled a little "Yeah...Logan left it on me before I went on my trip...". "Does he know that...?" Remus looked at the picture then back at Virgil. "Oh s--t, I don't think he does-" Virgil stood up. "Thanks for the help, Rem" Virgil rushed out of the room. Remus smiled and sunk down. Virgil walked up to Logan's door and knocked on it. "What Virgil..?" Virgil could hear sadness in Logan's voice. "I need to explain something, Babe..." Virgil stands outside the door. "No! I don't want to hear it! And..don't call me babe..W-We're through..!". Virgil, heartbroken, just walks away without saying another word. Roman and Patton could hear them from the living room. Roman sighs. "Pat, you deal with Logan, I'll deal with Virge...". "Ok, Ro" Patton walked to Logan's door and Roman walked to Virgil's. Roman knocked on the door. "I'm busy." He knocked again. Virgil opened the door and he was wearing his old hoodie. "Virge, what are you doing-?" Roman noticed that he was also wearing his old eye shadow. "I'm going back to Janus and Remus." He was blunt when saying that, showing that he was serious. "Virgil, think this through before you make any stupid decisions". "Call me anxiety." And with that, He sunk down.

~In the darksides' side of the mind palace~

Virgil rose up, and he was back in his old room. "Man..this room hasn't changed since I left.." He sat down on his old bed and looked around. "Not a single thing out of place..I'm surprised they didn't touch my stuff.." Suddenly, Remus came into the room with his morning star then he lowered it when he saw Virgil. "Virgil...?" He looked confused. "What are you doing here, V?". Virgil looked at the ground "I came back...". Remus looked at Virgil then Janus came into the room. "Remus, whats goin-" His eyes widened when he saw Virgil. "Virge..?" "Jan..He came back.." Remus stared at Janus. Virgil awkwardly stood there, watching them. "Surprise...?" Virgil said. "Why *arent* you here?" Janus asked. "Its a long story..." Virgil said.

~End of part 1~

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