Cat Onesie And All~Logicality

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(So, in this one Virgil and Roman will already be together and be all cute & stuff because...why not :3)

Patton was making bacon and eggs for breakfast. Logan, Virgil, and Roman, walked downstairs. "Good Morning, Kiddos!" Patton said, while putting bacon on a plate. "Morning, Pat." Virgil said, holding Roman's hand. "Good Morning, Padre" Roman said,  giving Virgil a kiss on the cheek. "You guys are so cute!!" Patton said, putting the plate of bacon on the table. Logan sat down at the table. "Salutations, Patton." Logan said, adjusting his glasses. "Good Morning, Lo!" Patton said, smiling at him. Roman and Virgil sat down and all of them started eating.

~After Breakfast~

Patton was writing in his diary while Logan was reading and Roman and Virgil were cuddling on the couch. "Do you guys wanna do something today?" Patton asked. "Like what?" Virgil asked, running his fingers through Roman's hair. "I don't know, like go to a park or something." Patton said, closing his diary. "I would rather stay home and read a book." Logan said. "Come on Logan, I think we could all use a bit of fresh air!" Patton said. "And why would I rather go outside instead of--" Logan was cut off by Patton. "I'll buy you Crofter's" Patton said. "Deal." Logan said, closing his book. Patton got up and walked towards the door. "Since it's not that far, we could walk there." Patton said. "Ok" Roman said, putting on the hoodie he stole from Virgil. "Is that my hoodie, Ro?" Virgil asked, holding Roman's hand. "Maybe it is, either way, I look fabulous." Roman says. "You always look fabulous." Virgil says. "Darn right I do! I got so lucky with you!" Roman says. "Ok guys, stop being so cute!" Patton says, opening the door. Patton, Virgil, Roman, and Logan all leave and walk to the park.

~When They Get To The Park~

"Ooooh, Virge! Let's go to the slide!!!" Roman said. "Am I dating a prince or a child?" Virgil asked, looking at him. "A prince with the mind of a child" Roman said, pulling Virgil to the slide. "Help me.." Virgil said, while Roman was still pulling him. "So Logan, what do you wanna--" Patton started, but when he looked beside him, Logan was sitting at a bench and reading. Patton walked to the bench and sat across from Logan. "What are you reading, Lo?" Patton asked. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Logan said, not looking up from his book. "Sounds..Interesting, Lo" Patton said.

~When They Went Back Home~

"Virgeeeeeee" Roman yelled from his room. "What Ro?" Virgil called from his room. "I want cuddlessssssssss" Roman yelled back. "Then get over here, Ro! Your legs aren't broken!" Virgil yelled back. Patton yelled from his room. "Could you please keep it down, Kiddos?" Patton asked. "Sorry, Pat" Virgil yelled. Patton continued watching TV in his room. But after a while, he got bored. He decided to see what Logan was doing. "Lo, you busy?" Patton asked, knocking on Logan's door. "Yes, Patton. But, You can come in." Logan said. Patton opened the door and saw Logan sitting at his desk. He was writing something in a notebook. "Sorry, if I interrupted something, Logan" Patton said, heading for the door. "Wait" Logan said. Patton turned around. "You weren't interrupting anything, Patton" Logan said, closing his notebook. "You can have a seat, if you'd like." Logan said, pointing to a chair next to him. Patton sat next to him. "What were you writing anyways?" Patton asked, pointing at the closed notebook. "Just..research." Logan said, moving the notebook next to his other books. "Are you sure, Logan? The notebook has the word 'diary' crossed out.." Patton says, pointing to the crossed out word. "It's just for research, Patton!" Logan said, covering the notebook with a textbook. "Ok, Lo, Sorry." Patton said, looking away from him. "I-It's ok, Patton." Logan said, putting his hand on top of Patton's and blushing. Patton looked at Logan's hand on top of his. Patton blushed. "I enjoy your company" Logan said, looking away. "I-I enjoy your company too, Logan.." Patton said, looking at him. "It's getting late, Patton. Don't you have to return to your room?" Logan asked. "Well, I don't have to.." Patton said, looking back at Logan's hand over his. Logan followed his gaze and retracted his hand, blushing. "P-Patton, please go.." Logan said, looking away. "Why? D-Did I do something?" Patton asked, multiple thoughts running through his mind. "N-No, just go..p-please.." Logan said, holding his head in his hands. "O-Ok, Lo" Patton said, getting up. Patton left the room. Patton started crying when he closed the door. He wondered if he'd done something wrong, and if so what? Thousands and thousands of thoughts ran through Patton's mind. He got dizzy. Patton sat down on the floor. Roman walked out of Virgil's room and saw Patton on the floor. "Patton, are you alright?!" Roman said, running towards him. Patton didn't respond. "Virgil! Come here! Something's wrong with Patton!" Roman yelled, kneeling down next to Patton. Virgil ran out of his room and towards the both of them. Patton was shaking and crying, but stayed silent. "He's having a panic attack.." Virgil said, recognizing the signs. "What do we do?" Roman asked, looking at Virgil. "I have a method." Virgil said, sitting down next to Patton. "Ok Pat, I need you to do these things me for me. Alright?" Virgil said. Patton slowly nodded. "Name 5 things you can see" Virgil said. Patton was silent for a minute. "Y-You, Roman, The wall, The floor, a-and the door t-to your room" Patton said. "Ok, now 4 things you can hear" Virgil said. "Y-Your voice, Roman's heavy breathing, M-My heart beating, and the TV in my room" Patton said. "Three things you can feel" Virgil continued. "My cat o-onesie, Your hoodie, and T-The carpet." Patton said. "Two things you can smell" Virgil said. "Roman's c-cologne and the cookies I-I made earlier.." Patton said. Virgil snickered. "My cologne isn't that strong, is it?" Roman said. "It is, anyways, 1 thing you can taste." Virgil said. "C-Cookies" Patton said. Patton wiped his tears and stopped shaking. Patton took a deep breath. "Do you feel better, Pat?" Virgil asked. "Yeah, Virgil. T-Thank you, both of you." Patton said, looking at both of them. Roman and Virgil helped Patton up and walked with him to his room. Patton sat on his bed. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask us. We're only one room away." Virgil said, smiling at Patton. "O-Ok Virgil" Patton said, smiling back at him. Virgil and Roman left the room. Turns out, Logan had heard the whole thing happen from inside his room and was crying. Logan didn't know he had hurt Patton's feelings. Logan had waited about a minute or so and left his room to see Patton. "Patton, can we talk?" Logan asked, wiping away his tears and knocking on Patton's door. "S-Sure, Lo" Patton said. Logan opened the door. "I-I'm sorry, Patton. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I was just..trying to figure out why I felt weird around you..." Logan said, not making eye contact. 'W-Weird? Like how..?" Patton asked, getting up. "Well, I feel like I'm going to explode around you..and I know that sounds crazy but it's the only way I can explain it." Logan said. Logan was blushing. "Logan? Do you think that you could have a crush on me..?" Patton said, blushing. Logan looked at Patton. Patton got closer to Logan. "U-Um...I-I.." Logan stuttered, while blushing. Patton was in front of Logan. Logan moved away from Patton. "I'm n-not sure, Patton..." Logan said, attempting to regain his composure. "Well, Logan, when you figure it out. Come see me." Patton said, walking back to his bed. "Very well, Patton. I will do that." Logan said, heading towards the door. Before Logan opened the door, He felt like he had to do something. He knew what he had to do. "Patton...?" Logan said, turning back around. "Yes, Logan?" Patton said, looking at him. "I think--I have a crush on you..." Logan said, blushing and looking at the ground. Patton blushed and smiled. "Awww...Logan.." Patton said, getting up. "It was very bold of you to admit that." Patton said, walking in front of Logan. "And I love you for that." Patton said, kissing him on the cheek. Logan's face was immediately red. He was having trouble processing what just happened. "Goodnight Logan." Patton said, smiling at him. Then walking to his bed. "Wait, Patton!" Logan said, looking at him. "Hm?" Patton said, looking at him. "I l-love you onesie and all" Logan said, smiling at him.

~The End~

This took too long to make..

1,461 words


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