Chapter 1

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"Mal!" Maleficent yelled from downstairs. She screamed so loud I could hear her from the attic, aka, my bedroom.

Oh let me introduce myself, I am Mal Bertha Blaze, I am 15 and I go to Auradon prep high school. Maleficent, is the wicked witch herself, my stepmother. My living nightmare ...

"Mal! Get your butt down here now!" She screams again breaking me from my thoughts.

"Coming!" I yell back, rushing down the stairs. Just as I reach the bottom I crash into something or someone.

"Watch it!" Chad ,my stepbrother, says pushing me into the wall.

"S-sorry Chad. "I apologize, wincing silently. I quickly walk to the living room to see what Maleficent wants.


"You screamed for me. "I say, annoyed as I enter the room.

"Drop the attitude you brat. "She growls,"Now go start with breakfast and get the twins uniforms ready. "

"Yes stepmother. "I mumble, walking to the kitchen.

I put the bacon in the pan to fry and quickly get the twins uniform from the laundry room. As I pick the clothes up I realize I forgot to iron them last night. I grab an iron and ironing board and go to the kitchen with it finishing off the bacon then fry the eggs and toast the bread.

I place all the food on the plates but still have to wait for the bread to pop up. I quickly iron the clothes while waiting. I jump up hearing the bread pop up and accidentally burnt my hand.

"Aaah." I whisper shout putting the iron down and running my hand under water.

I then put the bread on the plates and carry them to the table placing each plate down. I then call everyone one downstairs to eat while I polish the twins shoes and place them in the room with their uniform. I quickly put away the ironing board and iron and go to my room to get dressed.

The uniform is a white golf shirt with a pullover and skirt for girls and pants for boys. I put my hair in a messy bun then head downstairs to clean the dishes.

"Mom says you have to clean the art classrooms today before classes start. "Audrey, my stepsister, tells me walk into the kitchen with her hair in a high ponytail.

Oh did I forget to mention that my dad had art classes at the house that he ran in the basement of this mansion. There are atleast 4 classes there with the art gallery and the stationary shop. My stepmother now runs the business and makes me teach the youngest class and run the shop so she can spend all that money on herself and her children.

"But school ends at 14:30 and classes start at three there is no way I will be able to get-" I start only to be interrupted.

"I don't care!" Maleficent's shout makes me jump out my skin because I didn't notice her walk in," Get it down or you will regret it!" She threatens. I nod my head terrified as I run out of the kitchen and out the front door grabbing my bag in the process.

I walk across the street to my best friend's house. Evie, has been my best friend since we were in diapers our dads were friends so we grew up together.They were both guards for the royal family and died protecting the king from an attack. Her family is the only ones who know about how my step family treats me. And have offered me a place to stay but I always turn them down. I promised my dad I would look after them and I intend to keep that promise.

I knock on the door, waiting for someone to answer. Her younger sister, Dizzy, answers the door.

"Mal! What is up with your hair!?" She exclaims, "Come on this will not stand. "She says dragging me into the house and closing the door.

"Oh hi Mal. "Mrs Queen greets. "Evie! Mal is here!" She calls to her eldest daughter.

"Morning Mrs Queen. "I greet, as I am pushed into a chair by Dizzy, who immediately starts brushing through my hair," Morning to you too Dizzy. "I say trying to hide my wince because my back is still sore from when Chad pushed me.

"Hi Mal,"Evie greets walk downstairs, in her uniform and hair down in a side path, "Dizzy what did I say about doing Mal's hair without asking?"


"Dizzy!" Mrs Queen warns.

"Sorry." Dizzy mumbles leaving me to tie my hair up again.

"Oh my god what happened to your hand!" Evie panic grabbing my hand that I totally forgot I burnt.

"Oh I just burnt it this morning its no big deal. "I tell her pulling my hand away. "Can we just go to school please. "

"Fine. Let's go Dizzy. "Evie says as we head to her car.


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