Chapter 7

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"Why did I do that, I'm such an idiot." I ramble pacing up and down Evie's room. She is looking for an outfit for me to wear for the dinner tonight.

"Hey relax, everything will be okay." Evie says, handing me a casual purple dress.

"But what if they bring up dad or if I have an outburst and reveal how I am treated oh my gosh what if I exclaim in front of Maleficent she is gonna kill me and I'm already sleeping in the shed and-"

"Woah okay relax nothing is going to be that bad, I'm sure Ben told his parents about this morning, so they won't bring it up, but if they do just relax okay they don't mean any harm. They are after all the same people from before the attack." Evie says, calmly.

"But what if I say something wrong around Ben and reveal that I like him, Audrey would kill me and the only thing scarier than her mom when she is angry is Audrey when she is angry." I ramble again.

"Okay enough 'what ifs' you will be fine I promise."

"Okay. Yeah you're right, what's the worst that could happen."

"Mal your step mother is-" Mrs Queen starts, walking into the room only to be cut off by my step mother screaming from downstairs.

"Mal! Get your butt down here! You wanted to go to this thing and now you are wasting my time!" She exclaims.

"Coming!" I shout, grabbing the dress and rushing down the stairs.


"Mal step on it I don't need to have a bad first impression with my boyfriend's parents." Audrey complains touching up her make up.

"You have met them already at the wedding and the funeral I hardly see how this is a first impression." I say, irritated. They asked me to drive I'm not going to go over the speed limit.

"It is the first time I will be introduced as his girlfriend." Audrey gushes.

"No one cares about that, I've waited all afternoon to taste Mrs Potts food again, I think I will actually taste the grey stuff this time." Chad says, I can see his mouth watering through the rear view mirror.

I roll my eyes as I turn onto the driveway of the castle. I park the car by the door as Lumiere comes to open the door for me with two other butlers following to open the other doors.

"Good evening, the royal family is waiting in the dinning room Cogsworth  will direct you there," Lumiere says formally.

"Thank you sir." Audrey says walking into the castle with her mother and brother.

I just stood there, too scared to enter, knowing it will break the wall keeping my emotions in check.

"Mal?" A voice calls from the door. I look to see Belle, the second closest person I had to a mother, after Mrs Queen, since mine died during birth. "Aren't you going to come in sweetie?"

"Oh ummm yeah..."I reply following her into the castle.

"I cannot believe how much you've grown since the last time I saw you." Belle says, amazed. "How old are you now, 15?"

"16 actually." I correct nervously, forcing myself not to break down sobbing.

"Mal! I was wondering where you were, I thought you wouldn't come after this morning and all." Ben says, excited that I was there. He was standing with my step family, Adam was probably in the dining area already.

Audrey being her jealous self, clings on to his arm while fake smiling at me," Yeah, she wasn't planning to come, but me being a good sister I convinced her it would help her move on and all." She lies.

Cinderella story: Descendants AUWhere stories live. Discover now