Chapter 5

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The next morning came faster than I would have hoped. I was cleaning the living room by the time they arrived.

Maleficent directed them into the room while I was dusting the shelves.

"Oh morning Mal. "Mrs Queen greeted.

"Good morning Mrs Queen, good morning E." I greeted.

"Morning," Evie mumbled grumpily. Clearly still upset about what is about to happen.

"Mal!" Maleficent says loudly. "Fetch us some drinks then get back to work." She demands.

"Yes stepmother." I reply walking into the kitchen pouring orange juice for everyone placing the glasses on a tray then heading back to the living room. I handed everyone their glasses then went back to dusting the shelves.

"So why exactly did you call us here?" Mrs Queen questions.

"Let's get straight to the point. You don't work at the school anymore. "Stepmother says nonchalantly.

"Wait what? Why?" Mrs Queen asks, panic clear in her tone.

"The reasons aren't very important." Maleficent replies brushing her off like its nothing.

"B-but I need this job it's the only way I am able to keep a roof over my children's heads."Mrs Queen says trying to reason with her. 

"That is why you will be working here during the day and you,"Maleficent says, pausing to turn towards Evie, who is sitting there trying to control her anger,"Since you like it here so much you will be working here after school.Weekends Mal with be doing the work so you don't have to be here. By doing this I will continue paying you your normal salary." She explains.

"You-you can't force us to do that." Evie says shocked at what she is expecting them to do to be able to stay with a house.

"It's either that or be homeless in a few weeks." Stepmother says manically.

I watched as Mrs Queen thought over her options while Evie sat there waiting to hear what she thought.

"I'll do it but leave my daughter out of this." Mrs Queen finally says in defeat. She knew there was no getting out of this.

"What but mom..." Evie starts.

"Evie don't argue with me on this. "

"It is either both of you or none of you that is the deal. "Maleficent butts in before Evie could reply to her mother.

"No!" Evie shouts, standing up. "We will not do it! And you will not take away my mom's job! If you do I will call the police!" Evie threatens.

Maleficent is now glaring at Evie with her most withering glare. I know that look, it means she is about to hit you. I quickly rush forward as she raises her arm. Push Evie out of the way just in time to feel her fist collide with my face instead of Evie's. I fall to the floor holding my hand over my left eye. Evie and her mother gasp at what just happened.

"You little brat!" Maleficent shouts angry that I got in her way. I slowly stand up to face her.

"You can hurt me all you want but you do not hurt them." I  say firmly. Stepmother stares at me in shock before beginning to smirk.

"Fine," she says raising her hand again. I flinch back squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for impact but nothing comes. I open my eyes to see what happened, only to find Evie holding onto her wrist.

"Wait! I'll do it... We'll do it... I won't tell anyone... I promise." Evie says, fear clear in her voice.

"Good I will see the two of you tomorrow Mal will show you how everything works." Maleficent says, beginning to push them out of the house.

Once they are gone she turns to me in anger. She storms up to me grabs me by the hair and forces me to look into her soulless eyes.

"If you ever try that again I will not let you off the hook so easily. You will spend the rest of your life here. All that money your father left you for college will disappear are we clear?" She says her voice dangerously low.

"Crystal." I reply in fear.

"Good." She says, pushing me to the floor and walking out of the room.

I curl up on the floor silently sobbing for a few minutes. After awhile I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and scramble to get up quickly going back to cleaning.


Around 10 that night.

I quietly snuck out of the house to go over to Evie's just to make sure she was okay.

I knocked on the door and it opened in a matter of seconds as if someone had been waiting at the door for a knock.

"Mal!" Evie exclaims pouncing on me giving me a bone crushing hug. We both stayed hugging as we walked inside the house. She finally let go when she had to close the door.

"I am so sorry Evie I didn't mean for this to happen." I apologize,"Are you okay? Is your mother okay?"

"It's okay, we're okay." She replies, "And I'm sorry about how I reacted yesterday I was horrible to you and you still defended me. You are the best friend I could possibly ask for." She says. I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"It's okay, I'm okay... I'm just glad you aren't mad at me anymore." I say giving her a hug. "You are my best friend, nothing you say or do will change that." I whisper in her ear.

We release from our hug again just as her mother starts descending the stairs.

"Evie who was at the door?" She asks half asleep not noticing me standing there.

"Hi Mrs Queen sorry to barge in so late again. I just wanted to make sure you two were okay after everything that happened today." I say before Evie could reply.

"Oh Mal. Honey we should be asking you that you have a Black eye. Come on let's get some ice on the eye of yours." She says quickly pulling me to the kitchen. She takes an ice pack out of the freezer and hands it to me. I place on my eye wincing a bit in pain for a second before getting use to the feeling.

I sat there talking with them for a few minutes before taking my leave knowing that if I don't get home Maleficent would walk into my room and find it empty then she will know I snuck out. I quietly snuck back into the house and up to my room. I quickly changed into pajamas and climbed in bed just in time because stepmother walked in to check that I was still there. Before shutting the door and locking it like she usually does. She then unlocks the door early in the morning just before I wake up.

I sigh rolling over to face the window looking up at the sky. I really wish my father was here right now.

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