Chapter 4

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That little snitch she said she wouldn't tell if I agreed to do their homework and be their chaperon. Well I guess this is what I should have expected after all this is Audrey we are talking about.

"WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT YOUR FRIEND COMING OVER!" Maleficent screams breaking me out of my thoughts and causing me to flinch back.

"I-I..." Before I could even get a full word out she slaps me causing me to stumble a bit but keep me balance.

"You are grounded and you can consider her mother jobless cause that's what she will be by tomorrow. "Maleficent growls.

"No! Please! That's their only source of income! You can't do that to them. "I beg, desperately. Evie would hate me even more if that happens.

"Hey mom why don't you make Evie work here after school for the money. She loves being here so much why not make it permanent. "Chad suggests. I glare at him for making it worse.

"And her mother can work here during the day. It's only fair considering she will be unemployed by tomorrow. "Audrey adds on. I glare at the twins so angrily that if looks could kill they'd be 6 feet underground by now.

"That sounds wonderful!" Maleficent says cheerfully. "When did you get so smart. "She beams. The twins practically glow at the praise they get from their mother.

"Wait but... That isn't fair on them and... You can't do this to them you can't force her into this. "I say trying to reason with them even if I know there's no changing their minds.

"Look on the bright side of this now you have more time to do our schoolwork. That reminds me our bags are already in your room. "Audrey says smirking like the witch she is.

I sigh beginning to walk to the stairs but stepmother stops me.

"Before you go why don't you go over and request a meeting with Grimhilde tomorrow at 8 in the morning to discuss the arrangements. "She says directing me to the front door.Tomorrow is Saturday. I nod grimly walking out the door, across the street then knocking on the door.

"I'll get it!" I hear Evie shout. A few seconds later the door opens. "Mal?" She whispers staring at me for a second before slamming the door shut.

"Wait! Evie I really need to talk to you and your mother!" I shout through the door. The door opens again only this time it's Mrs Queen who opens it.

"Mal hi come in, come in. "She says opening the door wider so that I can enter.

"Hi Mrs Queen, sorry to come by so late I just really need to talk to you. "I say, walking in trying to hide the distress in my voice. By the look she gave me it clearly hadn't worked.

"What's wrong child?" She asks moving my hair that was drapping over the side of my face out of the way. She gasps when she sees the handprint that is forming on my cheek.

"I really need to talk to you and Evie I don't have a lot of time please. "I say, quickly covering my cheek with my hair again. I start walking into the living room and I can hear her footsteps following after me.

"Mal honey what happened? Was it your stepmother again I swear if it wasn't for this job I would..."

"Mom!" Evie shouts from her place at the entrance of the kitchen. "Please not now. "

"Fine. " Mrs Queen sighs, she then turns her attention back to me as we sit down, Evie following in suit. "So Mal what is so urgent that you need to tell us?" She asks, after a few seconds of awkward silence.

" need to come over tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock my stepmother needs to speak with you and Evie. "I say nervously, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Why?" Mrs Queen questions.

"It's a business matter I-I cannot tell you, actually I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you. "I try to explain. The look on Evie's face tells me she knows what I am talking about.

"They didn't please tell me they didn't. "Evie asked desperately.

"They didn't what? Who are you talking about?" Her mother asks confused as to why Evie is panicking.

"I'm so sorry I'm really sorry E. "I say softly not answering Mrs Queen.

"This is my fault, I'm such an idiot, I should have listened to you. "Evie says breaking down into tears. Her mother is quick to embrace her.

"No honey this isn't your fault. Granted I don't know what you are talking about but if I did I am sure you aren't responsible for it." Her mother reassures.

"Yeah E if it's anyones fault it's mine I knew what she was going to do and I still allowed you to come over. "I say regretfully.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence. I watched as Evie went from a sobbing mess to redder then a tomato. She was glaring at me in fury.

"Leave," She said through gritted teeth.

"What?" I ask trying to make sure I heard her.


"Evie!" Her mother shouts.

"Evie please-"I try, tears forming in my eyes.

"Get out. "She says, glaring at me. I just stand there tears streaming down my face. "Go!" She shouts.

"Okay, I'm really sorry.  "I say again before walking to the front door. Mrs Queen follows after me. I stop and face her."Please come tomorrow I need you to please. "I say softly before walking out.

I walk into my house only to be pushed into the kitchen to make dinner for them. I quickly made dinner for them and myself. I set their plates on the table, told them it was ready then headed upstairs to eat and started with homework. Just looking at the amount of work I had to do I already knew it would take me all weekend to finish considering the fact that I still have to clean the house tomorrow.

I sigh grabbing a pencil and starting with Chad's homework first.

Hey guys thank you so much for reading. The next chapter will be out soon. Please like and comment. 😊🥰

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