Chapter 10

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Sunday morning

"So you have the day to yourself today?" Evie asks over the phone as I walk into the art store at the mall. She couldn't come because she is grounded. Maleficent and Audrey are having 'a spa day' for Audrey's break up and Chad is glued to the couch playing videogames. Maleficent gave me my phone for the day so she could get ahold of me.

"Pretty much," I say, "Audrey says looking at me reminds her of the break up so i was instructed to leave the house all day." I continue.

"Wow, that is so cool." Evie says, "I wish I wasn't grounded so I could be there with you." She grumbles.

"Yeah, maybe next time don't get in a fight." I joke.

"Not funny."

"Evie who are you talking to?" Mrs Queen asks, I'm assuming she walked into the room.

"Uhh no one. I'm talking to myself." Evie lies. I tried but failed at holding in my laugh at that terrible lie.

"No one huh?" Mrs Queen asks. I hear Evie complaining in the background so I think her mom took her phone. "Bye Mal." Is the last thing I hear before the call ends.

I sigh, shaking my head as I continue looking around the shop. I got distracted with a drawing set that I really wanted. It had pencils, coloured pencils, crayons, pastels, erasers and more. I checked the price but it was $55, I didn't even have $5 let alone $55.

"Well I guess I'm have to dream for now," I sigh. I continue admiring the set, not noticing when Ben walked into the shop.

"Hey Mal." He greets, walking up behind me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Ben, hey, what are you doing here?" I ask, nervously. If Audrey knew about this...

"I saw you in here I decided to greet." He explains, "What are you looking at?" He questions.

"Oh it's just a drawing set that I really want, but I cannot afford to buy it." I explain, showing him the set. 

"I'll pay for it." He says picking up the set and walking to the tills.

"You really don't have to." I say, try to stop him.

"No I want to." He says,"So I'm guessing you decided to join the competition after all?" Ben asks.


"You changed your mind about art being a waste of time and decided to join the competition," He explains, "Isn't that why you want the set?"

"Oh that, yea, I decided it would help me feel closer to him." I lie, "Just don't tell Audrey, you know how she gets when she has to share something even hobbies." I continue, making sure he knows not to mention it, without really knowing why.

"Don't worry that is over." Ben says, as he finished paying and we walk out the shop. "Hey do you want to go to the lake or something, like old times? "He asks.

I hesitate in answering, so he adds, "I really haven't seen you much since your father even when I was dating Audrey, I really miss hanging out with you."

"Okay, sure," I agree.

"Great come on. "

Later that day: at the lake

"Hey what are you drawing?" Ben asks, swimming to the cement ruins next to the lake that I was sitting on. I looked up from the drawing and smiled.

"Your dive off the cliff into the water." I reply. He nods looking at the drawing.

"It's really good." He compliments.

"Thanks." I say, closing the book and setting it aside and leaning back to watch Ben swim.

"Do you want to come in or are you just going to admire me?" He jokes, causing my cheeks to flush.

"There isn't really much to admire." I reply jokingly, but still don't move from my spot. "I  would prefer staying dry though." I finish.

I looked up at the sky to admire the blue sky when I suddenly feel water splash on me. I look back at him in surprise. He just stood there laughing.

"Okay, fine you want to play like that." I say, kneeling at the edge of the ruins cupping water in my hands and throwing in his face. He paused in shock as I begin giggling. It didn't take long before we were in a water fight laughing our heads off.

"Okay okay, enough." Ben says, beginning to get out of the lake.

"Victory!" I cheer, dancing around the ruins.

"You're cute, you know that?" Ben chuckles, drying himself with a towel. I freeze, looking at him. I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

He looks up at me with his perfect smile. We stare at each other for awhile, I don't know how it happened but we began leaning in to each other. Just as our lips are inches apart the sound of my phone ringing jolts us apart.

"I'm sorry, I really have to take this." I say, picking up my phone from the art set.

"Hello..." I answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Where are you!? I need you home now to make dinner!" My stepmother screams over the phone. Confused I check the time on my phone realizing it was almost six o'clock.

"I'm so sorry I lost track of time I will be there soon." I reply, as I already begin grabbing my things.

"You better be." She says, ending the call.

I sigh sliding my phone in my pocket and rushing to grab everything. "I'm sorry Ben I really have to get home, it's really late." I explain.

"Okay, let me drive you." He offers.

"No no its okay I'll walk." I reply, "I really had fun though."

"Yeah me too." Ben says, "I'll text you later okay."

I nod waving goodbye as I rush home.
At the house

I snuck into the back to drop off the drawing set before going back to the front door and entering the house.

"Where have you been?" Maleficent questions standing at the door.

"I told you, I was at the mall and lost track of time."  I reply walking past her.

"Okay, well you need to make dinner." She says, walking up the stairs to her room.

"Well...I guess it is back to reality" I sigh, walking to the kitchen.

Hey guys. I now its been awhile but hopefully the next chapter will be out sooner than this one. I hope you enjoyed this one 😊. 

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