Chapter 3

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"Where is she I told her to be here straight after school. "Evie grumbled impatiently.

"Relax E, it's only been 2 minutes her classes are further than ours. "I say to get her to chill out.

Before Evie could reply Dizzy appeared in the backseat slamming the door shut making both Evie and i jump in surprise.

"Hey guys!" She greets.

"Jeez don't do that. "I exclaim, holding my hand on my heart.

"Sorry, can we go now though? Celia is meeting me there to start with our science project. "Dizzy asks.

Celia is her best friend. She is also Uma's younger sister.

"Sure we have to hurry anyway. "Evie says starting the car and pulling out of the parking.

"Why?" Dizzy asks.

"Because Mal needs to be done cleaning the art classes before class starts. Evie explains,"And I am going over to help her. "



"Go inside and tell mom I will be back at three. "Evie tells Dizzy who nods and heads into her house while Evie and I head across the street.

We head inside and I point Evie to the basement while I get the cleaning supplies before heading down as well.

"Well well look who decided to show up. "I hear Audrey say laughing evilly. I look up in panic dropping the things I was carrying.

"A-Audrey... This isn't... How did you... Please don't tell your mother." I stutter in panic trying to make sense of everything.

Both her and Uma are standing there. Uma is holding Evie and has her hand over her mouth probably to stop her from running upstairs and trying to warn me.

"Well Uma her was nice enough to make me aware of the fact that you were planning on bringing your friend over. I thought we should surprise you. Lucky for us Celia had to be over at Evie's anyway. "Audrey says," You are going to be in so much trouble when mom gets home. "

"No please don't tell her I will do anything clean out your closet, do your homework whatever you want just please don't tell her." I beg, Evie is shaking her head trying to say something.

"Anything? Well since you put it like that you will be doing mine, Uma's and Chad's homework for the rest of the year and the two of you will be our personal chaperones for the next year as well. "


"You heard me or would you rather be the reason Evie's mother be out of a job?" Audrey questions with a smirk on her face.

My eyes widen as I look at Evie who's face changed from shock to anger to disappointment in a matter of seconds.

"No I'll do it. There is no need for that. "I say to Audrey before turning to Evie who was released from Uma's grip.

"Evie I ..."

She runs out of the room and out the house before I even have a chance to explain.


"Well looks like our work here is done you have 10 minutes left to clean up here. Get to it chop chop. "Uma says laughing with Audrey as they walk upstairs.

I clench my fists then release them and start rushing to clean up just as Ms Rapunzel walks in. She is the teacher for the rest of the classes. Today we just have the middle schoolers and kindergarten kids. I am not opening the shop till late because I will be busy in the class but the parents don't mind waiting.

"Mal honey class is going to start in a few minutes you don't have to... Have you been crying?" She asks concerned, I didn't even notice that I was.

"No I'm fine. "I say wiping my face,"I have to clean or stepmother will be angry with me. " I explained as I continue sweeping.

"No I will handle her you go change and get ready for class okay. "Ms Rapunzel says, taking the broom out of my hands. I nod head upstairs to quickly change. I put on a black jeans with a purple tank to and a blue and purple hoodie that Evie made for me.

I grab my phone and walk downstairs.

I tried phoning Evie twice but it went straight to voicemail so I decided to let her cool off before trying again.

I stop at the mirror, just before the stairs heading to the basement, make sure my face has no sign that I was crying before walking down the stairs putting a smile on my face.


"Ms Mal look I made this for you, "Maddie, one of the five years olds in my class says handing me a drawing,"That's you, because you are my favorite teacher. "She says.

"Aww this is so sweet Maddie I love it. "I say hugging her. "Now run along your mother is waiting. "

She nods grabbing her things and leaving with her mother. It was the end of class and she was the last to leave since her mother is Ms Rapunzel.

"Bye Ms Mal," She screams waving goodbye and I wave back. I grab my phone and message Evie saying I was sorry for not telling her.

"MAL! GET YOUR BUTT UP HERE!" Maleficent screams scaring me to the core as I rush up the stairs into the living room.

Walking in I find my stepmother glaring with the twins behind smiling like they just won the lottery. 

Oh no. 

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