Chapter 8

151 4 8

6 years earlier

"Come on daddy, you have to see my latest master piece, you're gonna love it." I say,  excitedly dragging him to my room.

"Mal, honey, why don't you bring it to my room, you can help me pack while you explain every detail." He says, stopping me when we get to my room.

"You're  leaving again? You just got home on Monday. I only got to see for a week." I ask, disappointed.

"I know Mally, I'm sorry the king needs to travel to this unvailing of the art museum, in Corona or Tangletown by next week anyway, and needs protection, but I'll make it up to you I promise."

"I know how you can make it up to me." I say, smiling mischievously.


"Take me to the art museum when you get home. Please." I say, giving him puppy eyes.

"I will think about it, now go get your master piece and come to my room, I want to give you something." He says.

"Okay!" I exclaim, running to my room.

"You seriously can't be leaving again Hades! I am your wife not your child's babysitter!" I hear my stepmother shout as I walk into the room.

"Daddy?" I say, barely above a whisper.

"Maleficent, could you go see what Chad and Audrey are up to. We will talk about this tonight." Daddy says.

"Fine." She grumbled stomping out the room to her children's shared room. There are only 4 rooms in the house, but one is my play/art room so Audrey and Chad share a room.

"Why doesn't she love me? I try to be nice but she doesn't want me here." I say, sadly.

"Honey, she loves you, I promise, she just doesn't know how to show it." He says.

"Are you going to leave me with her, I don't want to stay here she thinks I am a baby." I ask, sad.

"No, no honey, if you want you can go to Evie's her father will be coming with me tomorrow so you can count down the days with her and Dizzy."

"Okay. And look daddy, you can take this. Evie helped with your suit while I did my dress, but its the two of us at the next ball aunty Belle hosts." I say, excitedly explaining every detail of the drawing.

"Its beautiful, here let me put it in my suitcase." He says, but instead of taking the picture, he picks me up and puts me in his bag. "Now I can have my favorite person in the world with me all the time." He says, making me giggle.

I turned on my side and see a small box on the bed next to me. "What's that?" I ask as I sit up.

"Oh how could I forget the necklace." He says picking up the box and handing it to me. "Here, open it."

I open up the box. Inside was a keyring and a necklace with connecting charms. The charm on the necklace says daddy's girl and on keyring it says there is this girl, she stole my heart she calls me daddy.

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Cinderella story: Descendants AUWhere stories live. Discover now