Chapter 2

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"Bye Evie, bye Mal. "Dizzy said heading to the middle school side of Auradon prep. She was only in the sixth grade while Evie and I were in their sophomore year of high school.

"Bye Diz. Don't forget to meet me here after school I don't want a repeat of last time. "Evie calls out.

"That was one time, I will be here I promise." Dizzy says running off.

"Okay now that she is gone let's fix your hair. "Evie says dragging me to the girls bathroom.

"I'm fine besides we have class soon. "I say trying to convince her that its not necessary.   "And didn't you just tell your sister to leave my hair alone?"

"I did, but you hair looks like you got into a fight with a hairbrush and lost. "Evie defends. "And school doesn't start for another 20 minutes we have time. "

I chuckle silently as well enter the bathroom. Evie quickly brushes through my hair putting it in a half up half down hairstyle.

"Perfect! Now let's head to class. "Evie says as well leave the bathroom.

Entering the class I notice the twins sitting in the back of the class with their entourage surrounding them including Prince Ben Audrey's super cute boyfriend and my childhood friend who I refuse to talk to because his father is the reason my dad is dead. He started school here at the beginning of this semester.

I didn't realize I was staring until Evie pulled me to our seats. Did I forget to mention that he is super cute because he is suuuper cute.

"When are you going to just talk to him. You've had a crush on him for like forever. "

"Firstly Audrey would kill me and secondly his father is the reason my dad died they took away my best friend no one who does that deserves my acknowledgement. "I reply stubbornly.

I know its weird that I have a crush on him and hate his family at the same time but you look into those hazel eyes and tell me you don't get lost in them.

"My father died too you cannot use that as a crutch forever I got over it why can't you." Evie say defensively.

"I am over it. "I defend.

"No you aren't you cannot just keep blaming other people to deal with uncle Hades death it's not healthy. "Evie says.

"Just let me deal with this the way I want to deal with it. "


"Please. "

"Okay. "

The teacher entered before we could say anything else and started the lesson. The rest of the morning went by slowly and I was glad that it was lunch time. I hadn't eaten this morning and I was starving.

"Finally lunch time! Food glorious food!" I exclaim as Evie and I walk into the cafeteria. Evie laughs at me as we make our way to the line.

"Hey is it cool if I join you guys?" Doug, Evie's boyfriend, asks kissing her on the cheek.

"Yeah sure. "Evie replies, smiling like cheshire cat.

We grab over food and head towards our table. I was so focused on my food I didn't even notice Chad stick his foot out in front of me causing me to trip and fall spilling my food everywhere on myself.

Everyone starts laughing at me as sit up embarrassed.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" A familiar voice asks concerned," Here let me help you up. "

I look up at the hand reaching towards me and notice it is none other than Ben standing in front of me trying to help me. 
Out of the corner of my eye I notice Evie hitting Doug over the head for laughing then stomping over to me.

I look back towards Ben,"I'm fine." I mumble, trying to get up but slipped on the food and almost fell again but Ben caught me helping me stand properly. I blush slightly moving away from him.

"Oh my gosh! Mal are you okay!?" Evie interrupts before either of us can say anything.

"I'm fine, E. "

"Mal?" Ben asks confused before getting a closer look at me recognizing me. "Oh I didn't even recognize you with the purple hair. Its been so long. How have you been? "

Evie and I dyed our hair last summer her's is blue and mine is purple.

"I've been better. Thanks for helping me. I should probably go get cleaned up now bye. "I say more sounding more irritated than I intended to sound as i walked away.

"Sorry, about her...she...well its complicated." I hear Evie try to explain before she runs after me.

"That was rude. "She comments as we walk into the bathroom.

"I know. I just...never mind... Do you still have a spare uniform in your bag?" I ask.

Evie always carries an extra uniform in case food is spilt all over me which happens a lot.

"Yea,here, go change."

"Thanks. " I say grabbing the clothes changing in one of the stalls.

"Hey E how much trouble would I be in with my step mom if I left school earlier?" I question.

"Like a gazillion times ten why?" She answers.

"Because I need to clean the art classrooms before classes start today."

"What that's impossible. "She exclaims.

"I know that's why I want to leave early. "I explain. Walking out of the stall pulling food out of my hair.

"No you know what I will help you. I'll come over to help you clean the classes before everyone arrives. "She declares.

"I don't know remember last time. "I say nervously.

Last year Evie came over to help me sell in the shop because I had the junior class at the same time and Maleficent didn't like the idea very much. After kicking Evie out she threatened to put her mother out of a job as she is the principal of the school and Evie's mom is one of the teachers in the kindergarten part of the school.

I haven't told Evie about the threat but I don't want to worry her. If her mother lost her job they would lose everything considering they're a one income family.

"I'll be careful I promise. "Evie says.

"Fine. "I sigh as we leave the bathroom after getting most of the food out of my hair. We headed back to the cafeteria to finish eating.

Wish I had noticed Uma one of Audrey's friends walking out of a stall right after we left.

Hey guys. Thank you for reading sorry that it took so long to update. I will try to update the next chapter sooner. Please like and comment ❤❤


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