Chapter 9

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Saturday morning, at the beach

Evie and I are setting up a gazebo for the party Audrey and Chad are hosting. Evie's mother is in charge of the food and drinks bar with Dizzy, who thinks its just a job her mother got to make a bit of extra money, not knowing about the deal made with my step mother.

"So, you still haven't told me about the dinner." Evie says, cutting through my thoughts.

"Well that's because there is nothing to tell." I say.

"Come on you have been tip toeing around Audrey ever since that night, something must have happened." Evie reasons.

"Fine, you wanna know so bad... Belle offered me a chance to get a scholarship to Auradon school of art-"

"What? That is amazing!" Evie exclaims.

"Not exactly. Its an art competition, and Audrey took the flyer with all the details for herself." I explain.

"What!? But she is terrible at art... You know what we are entering that competition even if you have to do it in disguise. We will go to Ben and ask for another-"

"No! No talking to Ben, that is a death wish." I interrupt panicked.


"Because...umm...we just can't okay." I say, dispondently.

"If you don't tell me I will walk over there right now." Evie says, pointing to Ben who just arrived on the beach with Audrey, Chad, Uma and her boyfriend,Harry.

I don't say anything, so Evie begins walking towards them.

"Wait! Okay, okay!" I exclaim, "come on." I say, dragging her to the bathrooms.

"Okay, so remember when I told you how Audrey comforted me the day of the funeral when you were with your mom," Evie nods, "Turns out she had ulterior motives for comforting me. She recorded my outburst wishing Adam was the one killed and is threatening to show it to Ben if I speak to him." I explain.

"That little-"

"Please don't do anything, I'm begging you."


After a few minutes we went outside to finish setting up for the party.


Afternoon : Beach party.

"Do my face." Audrey demands. Evie and I just finished putting sunscreen on her arms as she layed on a beach chair with her eyes closed.

Just as I am about to put sunscreen on her face, I hear seagulls flying above. Evie and I look up as one of the birds pooped on Audrey's face. Evie panicked wanting to tell her, but I stopped her, holding my finger to my lips while trying to stop myself from laughing.

"Am I getting it all?" Audrey asks, unkowningly rubbing the bird poo into her face.

"Yeah, you're getting it." I say, holding my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter.

"Just right, there, yeah right there." Evie joins, beginning to giggle a bit.

"Here?" Audrey asks rubbing in more.

"Yeah, wouldn't want you to get sunburnt." I say, silently laughing.

"Okay, you two can go now." Audrey says, dismissively waving us away as she goes back to suntanning.

(A/N Who knows where this is from😂)

We get up silently giggling , as we walk away.


Almost 7pm

"Hey, Mal do you mind taking over here for a second, I need to go to the ladies room?" Mrs Queen asks. I was sitting in the back drawing while Evie was off talking to Doug and Dizzy was distracted talking with Celia.

"Umm...sure." I reply, getting up with my sketch book in hand. I continue drawing on the counter when I notice no one was there yet.

I was so into the drawing I didn't notice when Chad, Harry and Uma walking up to me. Well, I didn't realize until Chad dumped his lemonade all over my sketch book.

"Oops." He fake gasps, before laughing.

"No no no no no." I panic trying to save most of the drawing because they are all of my father and me through our last years together and him watching what he missed in the shadows. "Chad, these are the only memories I have of my dad." I cry.

"Oh, sorry let me help clean that up." Uma says, ripping all the pages in half.

"No!" I exclaim, catching everyone's attention.

"Uma!" Celia screams.

"Shut up Celia, this is none of your business." Harry says, glaring at the 12 year old.

"Hey don't talk to her like that!" Dizzy screams.

Harry steps towards Dizzy but Evie steps between them.

"Try it see what happens."

"I'm not scared of you blueberry."

I blocked out everything that is happening around me now, trying to find at least one salvageable drawing.

At some point, I couldn't tell you when, Audrey walked up, poored pink lemonade all over the already destroyed drawings then walked off. After that I ran off towards the bathroom. I was sobbing there for so long, I didn't even notice when Audrey ended the party because Ben broke up with her in front of everyone.

"Mal! We are leaving. Start packing everything up if you aren't done by 8:30 we are leaving you here." Chad says from outside the girls bathroom.

"I'll be there in a minute." I say, drying my face.

"No now!" Audrey screams, walking in and pulling me out of the bathroom. I could tell she was upset because her grip was tighter than usual and she had an emotionless expression trying to fake being fine.

I see Mrs Queen consoling a shaking Dizzy and Celia while Evie cleans up a huge mess. When I get closer I realize that Evie has a split lip and a bruise forming on her left eye, so I'm assuming she got into a fight with Harry or Uma.

"Hey, what happened here?" I ask, before anyone could ask about me.

"Harry tried getting to Dizzy after you ran off and when I pushed him away, Uma punched me and we got into a fight." Evie explains. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, what do you need help with and is Celia not going home?" I ask, quickly brushing over her question.

"She is going to stay over at our house tonight and please can you pack away the food and drinks, Evie'll take care of the rest of the mess, then you both can take down the gazebo." Mrs Queen answers.

"Okay." I nod.

When I was done packing away the food and drinks I tried helping Evie but her mother told me not to as it was her punishment for getting into a fight. I also learned that Evie was grounded.

When we finish everything it was 8:15 so I decided to get to the car but as I walked to the car Evie gave me a picture of my dad and I.

"Ben gave it to me. Guard this with your life okay."

"Of course, thank you." I saw hugging the picture.

I hid the picture when I got to the car, climbing into the back. As Chad drove home I sat there  thinking about the events of the day and trying to stop myself from laughing every time I heard Audrey sniffle.

Hey guys, sorry it has been a while since I have updated. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊.

P. S. Thank you for 1k reads. 🥳🥳🥳

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