Chapter 11

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Monday morning

"MOOOOM!" Audrey's high pitched scream echoes through the house. Her heels click on the stairs as she stomps down them.

"Great." I mutter, going back to making breakfast.

"What is it now?" Chad groans annoyed, taking off his headphones that he was listening to music with on full blast. Yes, her scream is that loud. Maleficent looked up from her phone as Audrey dramatically flops onto a chair at the breakfast nook, where her mother and brother were sitting.

"Mom! I need an art piece to enter the art competition and get Ben back after Mal ruined everything." Audrey says, exasperated.

"I didn't do anything and about the compe-"

"Honey I honestly don't think that is the best idea." Maleficent says, completely ignoring me.

"But Ms Rapunzel says I have gotten so much better." Audrey whines.

"That's not what I heard from her." I mutter under my breathe, rolling my eyes. "As I was saying-"

"I even have the entry piece ready." Audrey interrupts again.

"Okay let's see it." Maleficent agrees apprehensively.

"Here!" Audrey eagerly places her drawing on the table. I sneak a glance as I place plates of food on the table in front of them.

"Did you steal that from one of the five-year old students in the art class." I laugh.

"No this is a great drawing! Mom tell her." Audrey exclaim, offended by my comment.

"Audrey honey it is beautiful, but its not good enough to get you into the competition." Maleficent says.

"Yea unless you had Mal draw your entry piece for the competition." Chad jokes, My eyes widen at his comment, as I start backing out of the kitchen, knowing I'm about to be dragged into this.

A light sparks behind Audrey and Maleficent's eyes. They turn to me smiling from ear to ear, which is unnerving to say the least.

"No no no, I'm not going to...I wanted to enter as myself not-" I start, but I'm interrupted again.

"You will be doing the competition, just for your sister's benefit." Maleficent says. I shake my head still trying to leave the room. She starts getting annoyed and yells, "Freeze!"

I immediately stop in my tracks staring fearfully at her. She gets up from her seat walking around the breakfast nook towards me.

"You are doing this, unless you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" She threatens.

"No." I whimper, shaking my head.

"Then you will be doing this." She demands, "Now clean those dishes and the three of you should head to school." I nod, nervously walking to the sink to do the dishes.

Monday, during lunch

I'm sitting in stepmother's office, during lunch period, putting finishing touches on the drawing for Audrey. They decided to go digital because they felt it would be more unique and stand out compared to all the drawings and paintings. It is actually a genius plan except for one problem... Digital art isn't my strong suit.

"I finished it." I says, anxiously standing with Audrey's tablet. We decided to do a digital drawing of a sunset.

"Finally." Audrey says, grabbing the tablet from my hands. "Ugh! It's disgusting! Mom you don't seriously expect me to win the competition with this!" Audrey cries. Although I expected the reaction, her words still stung.

Cinderella story: Descendants AUWhere stories live. Discover now