Chapter 6

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A month later

I walked into the school early in the morning to avoid bumping into anyone I know. I was going to the art class like I usually do before school starts because stepmother refuses to let me take art as a subject or do it at home, unless it is for the art classes, so I do it in secret.

I was walking around the corner right before the class when I bumped into someone falling onto the floor. This results in my sketchbook flying out of my hands loose papers flying everywhere.

"Oh my gosh Mal!" I hear the person exclaim as they start picking up the pages. I look up to see the cutest boy on the planet is the boy I bumped into. Ben...

I've got to stop meeting him while I'm on the floor.

"Here let me help you." Ben says helping me up and handing my book back to me.

"Ummm... Thanks." I mumble before walking past him towards the class which is at the end of the hall.

"Hey why don't you come over to the castle later I'm sure my parents would love to see you." He suggests running after me.

"No thanks I'd rather not." I reply irritably.

"Why not? I mean you loved coming over to the castle but you suddenly stopped after the funeral and you could even come with your family. You know my mother has been nagging me about bringing them over since I started dating your sister."

"First they are my stepfamily and step sister. Secondly just have them go without me I don't mind." I grumble.


"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY. I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR PARENTS OR THE CASTLE OR EVEN YOU." I exclaim, running into the art room and slamming the door. I stood there for a few seconds silently crying before wiping my face and heading over to the cupboard to get my canvas piece I have been working on for the past month.

Its a painting of a blue and purple flame surrounding a silhouette of a young girl looking down at a tombstone. Well it will be blue and purple once I add the colors to it.

I sat in the room painting for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes before the art teacher walked in.

"Morning Mal." He greets.

"Morning sir."

"I think you should pack up soon I saw your mother pulling into the parking lot not too long ago and I have a meeting with her about a student in my class." He says as he sits down at his desk placing his laptop onto the desk.

"Oh okay." I reply sadly," and she is my stepmother." I add as I pack up the paint. I then place the canvas back into the cupboard. Not realizing I left my phone on the table.

"Oh my apologies." He says. I only nod while heading out the door.

"Hey Mal." Evie greets walking up next to me.

"Hey." I reply as we walk to our lockers.

"So guess who I saw lingering around the art room this morning?" Evie says wiggling her eyebrows, giving me a knowing look. I just rolled my eyes and open my locker.

"Ugh he seriously stood there waiting for me." Evie looks confused.

"Wait what am I missing?"

"Nothing just that I ran into Ben earlier while heading to the art class and he invited me to the castle. I said no obviously but he tried pushing for a reason why and I snapped." I explained. Evie opened her mouth to say something but I stopped her. "Before you lecture me about it, I know I need to stop blaming them." I say slamming my locker and walking over to the twins who just walked in taking their bags and walking to their lockers.

Cinderella story: Descendants AUWhere stories live. Discover now