Chapter 12

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"Chad! Bring all the scrapbooks and drawings from Mal's room!" Stepmother shouts, as we arrived at the top of the stairs walking into the living room.

Evie and her mother look up at us confused, not sure what was about to happen. When Chad comes back, he was accompanied by Audrey who was interested in seeing what was about to happen.

"I could not find that much, I think she hid them but here you go," Chad says dropping at least five scrapbooks and drawings on the ground in front of his mother. I am so glad I left the rest of my books at Evie's. After the beach party I knew they would not be safe here, so I left them there.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I ask anxiously, watching as Stepmother picks up one of the books. Instead of answering she chucks the book into the fire blazing in the fireplace. "No!" I scream, going to grab the book from the fire only to be stopped by Mrs. Queen who didn't want me to burn myself.

Maleficent continues throwing my drawings and sketchbooks into the fire, ignoring me fighting to get past Chad and Audrey who were blocking my way to her. She eventually finishes, at which point the twins move out of the way when they realize I wasn't going to do anything.

"Hey mom, I also found this cheesy thing," Chad says holding up the keyring that had a charm that connects to my necklace.

"No," I mutter, my hand subconsciously moving to grip the necklace around my neck.

"Oh, how perfect," Maleficent says grabbing the keyring, "I was just going to destroy the drawings, but destroying this seems so much better."

"No!" I shout, lunging to grab the keyring. I stumble tripping over my feet and landing face first on the floor when she moves the keyring out of my reach.

"Maleficent don't!" Mrs. Queen shouts, stepping ahead of me as Evie helps me up.

"Don't what? Do this?" Stepmother says mockingly, as she throws the keyring into the fire.

"No!" Mrs. Queen screams, trying to stop the keyring from reaching the fire, but it was too late.

"NO!" I scream, lunging towards the fire, only for Evie to pull me back. My stepfamily just stand there laughing at me. "No," I sob, turning to cry in Evie arms.

"What's wrong Mal it was just a stupid keyring." Audrey teases.

"It's not just a keyring! And you know that! I hate you! I HATE ALL THREE OF YOU!" I scream pushing past them, running out of the house.

"Mal!" Evie shouts running after me.

"I hope you are happy," Mrs. Queen says.

"Evidently, I am."

"One day you are going to pay for this." Mrs. Queen says, storming out after us.


"Mal, I'm so sorry," Evie says, trying to comfort me. We are sitting behind the shed where I usually go if I want to be left alone.

"It's not your fault E,"

"I know, I just wish I could do something to help you."

"There is nothing you can do," I sigh, "I just wish I had control of my own life."

"Well maybe you could," we hear Mrs Queen say as she walks up behind the shed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Evie told me about the art competition and it got me thinking, if you entered using Evie's laptop your stepfamily would never know," she explains, sitting down beside me, "that way when you qualify for the exhibition, where the winner is chosen, and possibly win the competition, you can leave this family for good with a full ride scholarship."

"That's a great idea mom." Evie says, "you could finally be out of here."

"Yeah, but there is no guarantee I will actually win. I mean my art is good but not that good." I sigh.

"Hey, don't sell yourself short, you're an amazing artist, everyone knows it," Mrs Queen encourages, "it's time you believe it again."

"You really think I can do this?"

"I do," She replies.

"Me too," Evie adds, grinning.

"Okay, let's do it." I say, "it's time I take my life into my own hands."

"Great!" Evie cheers, "let's go now," she says, getting up. Her mother following.

"Actually, is it okay if I just sit here a little longer... Alone?" I ask, fidgeting with the necklace around my neck. The one that connected to the keyring my stepmother just destroyed.

Mrs. Queen sighs, noticing the necklace, "Yeah, of course, take all the time you need," she says, guiding Evie away.

I sit there for a few minutes fiddling with my necklace, trying to understand what I did to deserve all of this.

"Why did you marry her dad?" I ask, looking down at the necklace. "We were happy just the two of us. Was I not good enough?" I cry.

"Of course, you weren't," I hear someone say behind me. I jump in fright at the sudden voice.

"Chad? What are you talking about?" I ask, quickly wiping my face.

"You were never good enough. You were an annoying little brat who never left her daddy's side and expected everything you wanted to be handed to you, " he says, "why do you think he never told you about us until after the wedding. He knew you would just ruin everything like you always do."

"That is not true," I say, fighting back tears.

"Of course, it is," he says kneeling beside me, "and you know it," he whispers in my ear.

"Go away," I cry, but he doesn't listen. "GO AWAY!" I scream, pushing him away.

Chad laughs, getting up and walking away.

"MAL!" I hear coming from the house, not even a minute after Chad left. I roll my eyes getting up.

I'm sorry dad, I really am, but I can't do this anymore. I know you loved them, but I can't do it, I need to leave. I need to win that competition.

Hey guys. I come back. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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