Random Oneshots
*art work is NOT mine*
Karl Jacobs
Wilbur Soot
———————————————————————————————— Y/n never knew George's friends, she knows he's friends with Dream and Sapnap, you just never met them before. She only heard their voices when George would talk to them but she's never met them personally.
Y/n was on George's bed on her phone watching a Tommyinnit video. He was lowkey funny and Y/n enjoyed his videos, but she liked George's the most.
She looked up seeing George's discord being called, she placed her phone on the bed and noticed it was Sapnap calling from a private server with him and Dream, George was out getting groceries and she was the only one home.
She sat in his chair putting his headset on and answering his call.
"YO GEORGE!" Sapnap yelled as Y/n turned down the volume.
"H-hi?" She stuttered as the call was quiet.
"...Hello?" She said as Sapnap than talked.
"Hey~ is George there?" Sapnap asked.
"No? Sorry he's out getting groceries, I'm the only one home-"
"Are you George's sister?"
"What?! No."
"Nick, it's Y/n his girlfriend," Dream said as Nick huffed and Y/n giggled.
"Why were you guys calling?"
"We wanted to see if George wanted to play some Minecraft."
"Well...I can," it was silent till Dream spoke.
"Ok, I'll send you the address for it."
"We also need to stop making it awkward," Dream said as Y/n giggled.
Y/n already had a Minecraft account setup so she's not always on George's, she signed in and Dream sent her the address, Dream and Sap were just doing a regular Minecraft survival, no speedrun, no coding, just some regular Minecraft.
"So, Y/n, George never said but...how long have you guys been together?" Nick asked.
"Umm...it's been a while...maybe 2 1/2 years?"
"WhAt!!?" Dream yelled.
"Yeah," she giggled.
Badboyhalo joined the game
"Who's Badboyhalo?" Y/n asked.
"He's another friend," Nick said as Bad was added to the call.
"Hello," Bad said as they all told him hello too.
"Oh!" He stopped hearing Y/n's voice.
"Bad this is Y/n," Dream said.
"Oh hello," he said.
"Hi-oh I think I know who you are...you're the one who doesn't like cursing that much."
"Right," he said as they continued to play the game.
~Time Skip~ George walked in taking off his shoes and placing the bags on the table.
"BABY!! I'M HOME!" He yelled but he made a face expecting his girlfriend to come running like she usually does. He took off his jacket and hung it up and walked to the bedroom hearing Y/n talking and laughing. He opened the door seeing her in his chair.
He leaned on the doorframe looking at her in his hoodie and black joggers on, he kissed her cheek catching her off guard. He leaned forward seeing her in front her house.
"Did you build that?"
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"IS THAT GEORGE!!" Sapnap yelled making Y/m take off the headset and giving it to him.
"Dude Y/n knows how to FUCKING BUILD!"
"Yeah she's really good, I know," he smiled peaking her lips. She stood up and George sat down and he pulled her back to his lap.
"What else have you guys built?" He asked as he was grabbing another headset for Y/n and placing it back on her head and they both started to go around and showing George what they built while he was gone. ———————————————————————————————— Word Count 595 Ray