Random Oneshots
*art work is NOT mine*
Karl Jacobs
Wilbur Soot
———————————————————————————————— Y/n was smaller than Karl, Karl found it adorable that his girlfriend was smaller than him. He would of course tease her about it. He likes to see her in his hoodies, shirts or even wear his clean boxers as shorts.
Karl sat at his desk on his phone while also talking to Sapnap on discord. He was barely paying attention half of the time because of his girlfriend texting him back and forth. Sapnap knew he was talking to Y/n and would barely talk so he could have his time with Y/n before she came over to his house.
Y/n wasn't texting and driving (don't do that btw) her friend is dropping her off. Her friend had a family emergency and was dropping off Y/n at Karl's house, her friend pulled up into the driveway, Y/n got out of her car and told her friend bye and to keep her updated on the situation.
She opened the door and walked to Karl's bedroom, she opened his door and set her stuff down. Y/n placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek, he giggled and looked over his shoulder seeing her with a small smile on her face.
"Hi," he mouthed since he was still on the call with Sapnap.
"Hi," she whispered to him. She sat on his bed and Karl was barely paying attention to what Sapnap was saying but he shook his head when Sapnap called Karl's name for the 5th time.
"Yeah, sorry Sap," he said going back to the conversation.
~Time Skip~ Karl was wrapping up his conversation with Sapnap, but Y/n started to get bored, she stood up and went to his closet and grabbed some of his hoodies and shirts, she stuffed two t-shirts in her bag and 4 hoodies also. Y/n grabbed his frog hoodie and placed the hood on her head, she walked in front of Karl the sleeves covered her hands giving her sweater-paws. Karl was in "awe" he put his arms out wanting her to sit on his lap, she did.
Her head on his chest and her arms around his neck. Karl had his left hand around her waist and he used his right to control his mouse and tried to be careful and not accidentally knock Y/n to the floor.
Y/n kissed his chin making him look down at her and made a funny face as they also rubbed their noses on each other's. Karl placed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips.
"Alright Karl, I'm gonna let you go," Sapnap said.
"Thanks Sap, see ya," they both hung up and Karl picked up Y/n bridal style laying her down on his bed, he hovered over her and kissed her lips, she kissed back.
"You look absolutely beautiful in my hoodie," he said kissing her cheek.
"But you're cuter," she said placing her arms around his neck, Karl just chuckled and put his face on her chest. Karl was also making small humming sounds and Y/n giggled because it tickled and Karl knew it did.
"Stop it, you're annoying," she joked Karl raised his head up and kissed her chin.
"I love you," he said bluntly as Y/n ran her fingers through his hair.
"I love you too," they both kissed one more time and kept cuddling the whole night. ———————————————————————————————— Word Count 580
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